Monday, November 2, 2009


Mel Watt, a Democrat from North Carolina, laid down the battle lines by eliminating measures meant to encourage transparency from the Federal Reserve. In a move that critics called dubious and dishonest, Watt destroyed a bill intended to bring more financial disclosure from the Federal Reserve.
The legislation had been intended to bring greater accountability to the Fed, by calling for an audit of its books in order to determine taxpayer dollars were being spent wisely. The move by Watt to destroy the bill surprised many congressional onlookers, who were left scratching their heads as to why any elected official would participate in an apparent coverup of the Fed’s financial status, with some calling it deceitful and corrupt.
U.S. Representative Ron Paul, the creator and sponsor of the legislation, said Watt had ‘gutted’ the bill and decried the partisan motivations behind it. Many saw the move as a gift to the international finance industry, who allegedly had questionable transactions with the Fed and do not wish to make such matters public.
Others speculated that Watt relinquished to pressure of a more local nature. His district is home to the national headquarters of the Bank of America, one of the largest banks in the United States and big financial backers of current U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama.


  1. Did anyone really ever expect the criminals in charge of our government to allow an audit of the Fed? Yes, it is really discouraging but completely expected.

    When you are the bankster elite and have nearly every congressman in your hip pocket you do as you please.

    America's problems will never be solved with this fake political system.

    I feel for Ron Paul. He really tried and has tried for many years. One man (there have been other congressional patriots like Cynthia Mckinney - in an Israeli jail cell no less) can only do so much.

    This is why voting is futile. Arguing over libs and right wingers is just nauseating. It is the facade that is placed before you to get you to believe you have freedom and options. You don't.

  2. 2:06 anon I couldn't agree more.

    Voting is a waste.

    Arguing with republicrats is a waste.

    The key is to "downsize" yourself and make yourself as invisible as possible. I know this is tough, but "fly below the radar" as much as can be done.

    I have quit the whole politics thing long ago. Why bother? 99.9999999999998% of them are the same...clones, paid for by lobbyists, banksters, and corporations.

    What this clown did is not surprising. The Fed is broke. Hell, baseball cards, Beanie Babies, and Tupperware used as collateral don't make for a pretty balance sheet and the Fed wants no one to know the crap they have on it.

  3. Surprise..Surprise Mel Watt! How much money/gold did it take?

    Don't worry, no one I know EVER thought this legislation would go through.

    NO SHEEPLE will care. After all, its College football-Who will be the "BCS" number 1?, Throw in the NFL, World Series, basketball, soccer & NHL- THEY GOT YA BY THE BALLS!

    Can the Cowboys beat the Eagles at home?

  4. I'm so disappointed.

  5. Another w bush Flunky, why am I not Surprised, Bush and Murderer Cheney should be Imprisoned for life

  6. Rest assured their game will finally come to an end in time. They are covering their asses and making manuevers to cash in on this flunky system, but guess what: greed doesn't win long term. Life has a funny way of having justice play out sometimes. Just maybe they will end up in a bunker with their own bullet through their heads wondering where it all went wrong.

  7. here-here, 2:06. second praise for mckinney.


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