Tuesday, December 29, 2009

If YRC Trucking Stops Everything Stops

There is a tremendous amount of reasons why you should be paying attention to the trucking industry at the current moment. Arrow Trucking just went down the drain on Thursday, December 24, 2009--- halting all operations, canceling fuel cards, and telling drivers (by direction of Daimler Financial who funded the entire fleet of trucks) to return their rigs to the nearest Freightliner dealer and get a bus ticket home. I have recently seen this article concerning YRCTrucking (YRC Worldwide) and that GOLDMAN SACHS IS TRYING TO BANKRUPT YRC through bad derivatives and credit default swaps. Keep in mind that YRC(W) is the largest, most comprehensive network in North America and one of the largest in the world for that matter. IT IS OF GREAT CONCERN to pay attention to such a matter.

Trucking Bankruptcies threaten 3 major necessities:
Goods/Materials (commodities necessary for everyday life [-life essentials/non-life essentials])
Fuel Delivery
Why the concern that I insist?..........


  1. Pathetic, there is no other word to describe it. One trucking company is shutting down and you automatically assume it is Goldman Sachs! Please!

    It's a little bit like saying that individuals running out on their mortgages and retail businesses shutting down because spending is low are all doing so because the government is forcing them to. Not the case! The problems with the economy are MYRIAD and not all due to some elites with bad intentions who want to dress you up in leather and make you their slave.

  2. This article came from Bloomberg and they are not assuming, because IT IS Goldman Sachs.


  3. Since my trucks are now trash, I'm growing food on my truck roofs and installing artificial lights and water sprinklers inside my trucks to grow more food.

  4. 11:09pm- ur dumer tan a bocs a rocs.

  5. Goldman Sachs didn't bankrupt this company. The trucking business was in trouble 2-3 years ago while you were too oblvious to notice anything about it and only now you are picking up on the story acting like its another proof of the New World Order. While they are greedy scoundrels like most good capitalists taking advantage of a situation, it isn't a case of them trying to take down the trucking industry in order to implement martial law.


  6. 12:29 you only help prove the point that many of the readers here are 1st rate morons who like to pretend they are smarter than everyone else by preaching to the choir and repeating cliche after cliche of dumbed down conspiracy-style news.

  7. Those that say there is no conspiracy are part of the conspiracy.

  8. "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists"

  9. "Teamsters General President James P. Hoffa accused investment bank Goldman Sachs of profiting from YRC Worldwide's woes by creating a market for derivatives that would profit from the trucking giant's bankrupty."
    (Source: http://www.joc.com/node/415354)

    In the fight for global dominance, my money is on the Chinese and their SIX THOUSAND YEAR history of rule. The Chinese WILL get the trucks running again - afterall, they have legal claim to all American infrastructure, including roads and the trucks that run on them.
    As for the "Catechism" thing, f*ck anything that comes out of the middle east, including whatever "scriptures" these Judeo-Christians can produce, or their stupid derivative wars and claims on lands and "correct" doctrine.

    The coming millenium belongs to the Dragon! Learn Mandarin.

  10. Once again, my message to all of you who think, or are paid to think, everything is ok, Goldman Sachs is a good Christian company and there are no conspiracies:

    Be sure and buy lots of stocks on the NYSE, and keep all your cash in the bank, and all your valuables in your banks safety deposit box,
    (1) Buy storable food
    (2) Buy gold and silver
    (3) Have any type of survival equipment, tools, fuel and water filters on hand.

    For those of us living in reality, i.e. are NOT dumbed down idiotic TV addicted sheeple, we know to monitor the shipping industries, be it Trucking or Ocean shipping, as this will be one of the first indicators of the collapse.

    Meanwhile, you sheeple, govt agents, spooks, etc., enjoy your servitude!

    Time is VERY short, PREPARE NOW!

    Go here to learn: http://www.survivalblog.com/

  11. Jesus said 'He who is not with me is against me'

    and the punishment for not being WITH Jesus

    is going face first into the LAKE OF FIRE!!#*(!


  12. Its difficult for readers to grasp some of these articles. The truth hurts. Anything that rocks your world is not in the realm of your peaceful reality, then you resort to name calling. If the government does something illegal that rocks your world it AOK. Brainwashing at its best. Now line up and get molested.

  13. Very true. Watch trucking and shipping. The first real indicators of an economic death will be their failure on a mass scale.

  14. A buddy of mine bought three Freightliner dealerships. Not great timing.

  15. ot

    The sheeple will soon be lining up for xray nude scans through airport security. Then malls, etc.

    All because al-cia-duh sends a stooge onto a plane that couldn't count to ten.

  16. Max Kaiser said it best

    Goldman Sachs is scum.

  17. And how many people in Obama's cabinet are from Goldman Sachs?

    Hmmm... Secretary of Treasury Tim Geithner is connected to Goldman Sachs.

    Max Kaiser is right.

  18. Time to buy YRCW stock. Going higher.

  19. What are "good christian companies" anyway? Is there really a difference? No, you religious sheeple peon. Go worship the bible, the flag, and alex jones. Oh, an buy gold and ammo because thats a new piece of advice never before mentioned on this blog.

  20. When you are see a fish symbol (Pisces btw lol) on a businessperson's card run the opposite direction. I was told that in my youth by a preacher.

  21. what's with people and zeitgeist? Is this your proof of the great "religion" conspiracy? It's all in your horoscope man!

    Life possesses order, structure, and organization. The probability that it is based on random processes is astronomically negligible: FACT

  22. This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Get a grip. Roadway bought up USF, which included New Penn, USF Holland, USF Bestway and USF Reddaway. They made money, and things seemed fine. Now Yellows CEO Zollars sees the golden opportunity to merge Yellow and Roadway.A huge complicated merger at best! Zollars has a bad track record within trucking and leaves a bad taste in everyones mouth when mentioned. Zollars bled several fine trucking companies in the 80's and 90's when he purchased them through Yellow Freight. When he twisted Roadways arm into a merger they screwed up by 1: having several terminals in the same town 2: had no employees either let go or merged into the new one. They waited too long, and then the ecocomy tanked. They also waited too long to dump some real estate.Boo hoo! He's getting what he deserves.I feel bad for the employees. Why didn't he sell off either New Penn or Holland, both of which were established regional carriers with an outstanding reputation? Bad timing!

  24. Unfortunately your last post will be ignored. People here are not looking for common sense or reason. The will look past such information in hopes of finding whatever supports their view that someone is destroying the economy from behind a hidden corner regardless.

  25. The trucking industry was destroyed years ago by deregulation. A large number of smaller companies as well as independents disappeared. The truckers I know work under very difficult circumstances, so this was a long time coming, especially with this depression. All forms of shipping are down 25-30%. However, in the U.S. we've been screwed ever since the car and oil industries outlobbied and outspent the railroads. So we have a zillion crumbling highways instead of rail lines that could be carrying people and products for a lot less.


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