This chart from Calculated Risk shows the decline in jobs as a percentage of the work force at the peak.
To date in this recession, we've lost more than 8 million jobs. The decline as a percentage of the workforce is the worst since the Great Depression, matching the sharp but short drop in 1948, as the war machine wound down.
Equally important, the duration of these job losses, as well as the lack of a sharp recovery (at least so far), suggests that the problem will be with us for a long while. We're now 24 months into this decline, and we're still at the bottom. By this point in most previous recessions, we had already recovered all of the lost jobs.
Everything ok !
ReplyDeleteThe Cowboys won!
We're not at the bottom by any means.
ReplyDeleteThere's a gigantic supertanker full of economic woe still headed our way.
LOL @ 6:03. It's sad, isn't it.
ReplyDeleteI was driving around town a day ago when me and the passenger in the car saw this truck fly by with giant Chargers flags waving on them.
I was like, "What the HELL was that???"
I don't get it.
Really, I do not.
You know, instead of arguing with the Sheeple, maybe we should just agree with them that the economy is doing swell. You know, just play their game and agree and nod your head.
ReplyDeleteMaybe then they will wake up.
Then again, maybe not.
I wonder how Ellen will work out on Idol.
ReplyDeleteHOLY CRAP, that chart is scary!
ReplyDeleteI remember there was a recession back in 2002 during the Clinton years. I was out of work for a few months but as soon as 2003 rolled in I found a decent job. Pay wasn't high, but it was my first job out of college that paid more than the minimum wage jobs I've always held.
Now, mind you, I ain't no kiddie. I've been around the block. Didn't get my degree until my early thirties, so let me tell you now, now that I am almost forty, that I have never ever seen ANYTHING of the likes that is happening now. I lost my job that I had for many years and there is NO WORK out there.
The only people who used to have job security worked for the government, but even now, Schwarzenegger wants to cut state employee, and do lay offs/caps.
Everyone I know personally has lost a job or working less hours or is laid off. And this is going on for years. Not just a few months or even a year, but YEARS.
People who even made triple digits have moved to different states for work.
The "Sheeple" as you call them, are probably just the remaining few who still hold a job, even if they are making less, they cannot deal with thinking about their job instability.
If I were employed right now I'd be pretty damn worried about my job security.
I'm starting to think it's not just denial and American Idol that is causing all of this, but sheer FEAR.
6:15 here again, forgot to mention that, well, most of you probably know, but for those who do not, taxes are going to skyrocket for employers due to all the unemployed.
ReplyDeleteI've read that some of the repercussions for this will include
A. Employers not hiring any new people
B. Employers cutting down their staff to the minimum
This means the unemployed as of now will have even more difficulty finding jobs, and secondly, more lay offs will come.
What is frightening today is that you don't just see "regular" people getting laid off. There are lawyers and doctors out there too. Okay, okay, a lot of them got into it for the money, we know that, but think of all the student loan money some of them owe. The average student loan payment for a doctor can average in the triple digits! That's like a $1000.00 payment per month. Sure, the government is letting people default on student loans, for a while, but only for 15 months, then I'm not sure what happens afer that.
Anyhow, also wanted to add that I don't like the term "finding" or "getting" a job, so I shouldn't have used that term.
The truth is, when you go to a job interview, you're just another paper in the stack. I think the person interviewing already knows who he or she wants to hire. Sometimes they just put out the ad to make it seem fair, but in my last workplace we often saw people promoted even without interviewing anybody else, and most places just hire friends and family.
If you don't know someone important who gives a damn about you, you're screwed.
And the next thing I wanted to comment about is that we need to put a stop to illegal and legal immigration. Some guy in another article said that the government at this time is pushing green cards on foreigners and he doesn't understand why. At a time when jobs are this scarce. Perhpas they are trying to drive down the minimum wage eventually.
Your rights are dissolving as we speak. Not sure what else to say. Maybe we need to reach out to more people and hand them these articles printed from the internet.
6:25 making a correction. Meant to say work visas in my last comment, not green card.
ReplyDeleteKara is just an unlikely person. She should not have been brought back on the show.
ReplyDeleteWhy the hell should we stop immigration now ? Do we think that anybody born and raised the the United Sins Of Amerika is actually going to work for 10 bucks an hour ?
ReplyDeleteThat's a joke buddy
A really big joke
" I can't make it on less than 25/hr w/ full benefits man"
What tune are they singin' now ??
|I'll tell you what all you smart assed people - tomorrow; I want you to stop the first 10 male gender people you encounter; tell them to extend a hand palms up - you take a good hard look at that hand.
Game over = point made = go back to shufflin' paper ' cause that be all we good for at this point --- shufflin' ( well ok; maybe with a good stiff dose of viagra we can do the willy -- maybe
but next year it will take viagra, cialis and a good porn flick)
Oops I meant Kara is an unlikeable person. Sorry.
ReplyDeleteIts who you know not what you know. I see people get hired at the hospital I work all the time who are friends or family of somebody. It was just a fluke that I managed to get hired. I see people get promoted who have less education than me. The buddy system is alive and well. So my advice is to either become really friedly or suck up to someone if you want to get somewhere in job. Or create your own business where you you be the only employee and don't have to answer to anybody. Only problem with that is health care will be expensive for an individual, especially if you have a family. Take care of your health and learn alternative medicine. Life is really going to get tough in the near future. It may be cheaper for me to quit my job and try to live off the land. Food, gas, utlilities has become so expensive my mininum wage job can barely meet the demand.
ReplyDelete@ 6:15
ReplyDeleteWho really gives a rat's ass about how Ellen Degenerate will work out on Idol?
IMHO, she's an appropriate replacement for Paula Afool...neither one amounts to a pisshole in the snowbank.
Hey 6:44, I know plenty of people here in CA who would take a job for 8.00 an hour. Don't overgeneralise or oversimplify or assume. And your paragraph structuring and writing style makes you seem simplistic and uneducated.
ReplyDeleteThe only people I know who shuffle papers work for the government and are basically leeches/parasites who were raised by well-to-do families. THOSE are the people you are talking about, not the average lower or middle class person. The average person doesn't expect to make lots of money in life, only those who had rich or well-off parents do, and often get the better jobs because of their connections.
Most people I know would be willing to work for minimum wage right now.
Rose, I will agree with you there. Most people get the good jobs, even the not so good ones now, by who they know.
ReplyDeleteIt's no wonder this country has turned into a land of people who only know how to self-promote, like they're all making videos on YouTube -- that's what our society is like, the world of YouTubers promoting themselves on and off camera every where they go.
Are we freaking robots with feelings and souls or heartless, idiot automatons who will do ANYTHING to get where we want to go?
Ask yourselves this people and wake up!!!
7:52 making a correction to last comment, I meant to say:
ReplyDeleteAre we freaking robots WITHOUT feelings and souls or heartless, idiot automatons who will do ANYTHING to get where we want to go?
holy depression batman run for cover.
ReplyDeleteInteresting tidbit...
ReplyDeleteHawaii can’t afford Congressional election
Sat., Jan. 9, 2010
HONOLULU – Cash-strapped Hawaii can’t afford to pay for an election to replace a congressman who is planning to step down next month to run for governor, potentially leaving 600,000 urban Honolulu residents without representation in Washington.
Budget cuts have left the state Office of Elections with about $5,000 to last until July, with a special election costing nearly $1 million, interim Chief Elections Officer Scott Nago said.
Fact- Go on Craigslist, there are jobs.
ReplyDeleteFact- Most of you who are not working can qualify for unemployment and food stamps. If underemployed, unemployment benefits will supplement your income.
Fact-Go on Monster, there are jobs.
Fact- There are still jobs in trucking. Don't believe me? Go to crengland.com or knighttrans.com The will train you, get you all the licensing, etc.
Fact-Its easy to complain as some faceless entity in cyberspace, but much harder to take real action. You got a problem with the way they run things? Take one day in an elected officials shoes and try to run the show....good luck! Everyone needs to recognize how easy they actually have it in our country compared to most everywhere else.
If the sheeple ever figure out that they have a lot more in common with the people that are victims of our invasions and occupations then the banksters that start it all there may be some hope.
ReplyDelete12:18 what makes a deluded person so aggressive? You really can't see it all crumbling before your eyes or is it just too much for you to accept?
ReplyDeleteIf you believe things are rosy, but 99% of the people here know that is not the case, who are you trying to convert? Your four statements above would be true if there were 35% unemployment. BFD.
Perhaps there is a Ignorance Is Bliss blog awaiting your expertise?
Actually, my four statements above would probably NOT be true if unemployment was as high as 35%. As it is, however; unemployment is staying fixed at around 10% with moderate to strong signs of recovery. I just wanted to politely correct the error of the poster above. In regards to the gentleman above that disagrees with American military doctrine and feels that Americas enemies are now victims, in this War on Terror Americas enemies abroad should consider the ramifications of their actions more carefully and that by attacking America and her allies, they risk extensive damage to their physical infrastructure, form of government, territorial sovereignty, financial stability and of course extensive physical causalities.
ReplyDeleteThe economy is going great and the recession is over people. I am working fulltime- oh but I need to mention we are not allowed any overtime and none available. We have a hiring freeze we just had our benefits cut and premiums go up double, we lost our pension plan and went to a 401k plan, we are unable to purchase any new capitol for the company. My wife is laid off, we cant afford our bills. I dont even remeber what a good pizza delivered taste like it has been so long i forgot. I have not eaten out at a reataraunt or went shopping in almost a year. Just basic groceries. Cant afford tires or gas for the vehichles. Bot oh yea that is right the depression is over. Wait I just got a call from a bill collector Hang on...........Yep he just said I should pay them back because the banks and credit card companies paid back the goverment. He was not joking. He said the recession is over and start paying what I no longer can afford. YEA RIGHT GO F*#* YOURSLEF AHOLE.
ReplyDeleteAlright, I'll tackle the gentleman who asked me what Ir*q did to America. Interestingly, it's actually what Ir*q didn't do for America that precipitated and launched Operation Ir*qi Freedom in March 2003. Ir*q had been violating a number of UNSCOM resolutions since the last Gulf Wa..r of 1991, specifically UN Res. 687. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNSCOM
Also, Sad* am Hu s*ein had an atrocious human rights record of which I will not go into detail here, suffice to say his removal was a necessary tact* ical measure at the time because of his propensity to inflict severe har$m on those that disagreed with him, using heinous methods such as sa i* ga s on the citizenry in his own country.Now to address the second gentleman who is having some financial difficulties at the moment, and I honestly do hope things get better for you soon; but you seem like a smart person to be reading this blog and posting on it as well; so I know that this economic slump you're in at the moment will be a temporary one....all I am saying is that we need to look at the facts in a logical way and realize that the government is doing it's best to try to address the various challenges it faces in this ever changing world landscape of ter*ori*t threats and rising powers such as Ch* na and Rus*i a. If I came on a bit hard in my very first posting on this site, I apologize but such an admission comes with the recognition that we are all fortunate that we can even post and talk openly in this forum which proves that our country remains the freest in the world.
Jeb you are one deluded guy. Poor soul. You probably have a flag in your car window.
ReplyDeleteAn example of just how blind Americans are indeed. Believes our Empire is out Fighting for our Freedoms. Mind controlled minion.
ReplyDeleteNo Dipshit Iraq did nothing period A and B who has the attrocious human rights record? Iraq or America who bombed the fuck out Vietnam for no reason?
ReplyDeleteYou,Sir, are an IMBECILE of the highest MAGNITUDE.
The actual death count of iraqis since the invasion is over 1 million! thats 4 times the amount of people saddam hussein killed! whos the one with the bad human rights record u dummy jeb?
ReplyDeleteI will just add a few more thoughts to the mix and I truly want to say Thank You to everybody that's responded to me by name, it has been very encouraging and I look forward to exercising my free speech rights again on this site as everybody seems to be very passionate about their positions. There is an old Chinese tale of a ship that was far out to sea carrying many people when someone yelled out that the ship had a leak in the bottom and was about to sink. However no one checked to see how bad the leak was but everyone simply panicked and ran over to one side of the ship to get a position on a lifeboat and when they did this, the weight of everyone made the ship unstable on one side and the ship capsized and started to sink. What had really happened is that there had never been any leak whatsoever but someone looking to cause trouble had sounded a false alarm just to scare everyone and the peoples fear caused then to create a problem where there had never been one. Lets all stop being so fearful and start embracing reason in our decisions and not be destroyed by a self-fulfilling prophecy. You can NOT fight the Government and win. To do so would be to fight your fellow man as this is a government for the people, by the people. Lets all be true patriots and help, not hinder what our government is trying to do. It is all our collective responsibility to insure our democracy runs smoothly and is free of any kind of irregular dissident. Let reason rule the day.
ReplyDeleteAHHH LEAVE Jeb out of the name calling. I am sure his intentions are good. I was once at a point that yes I did beleive in the goverment of the united states and I still do to a point. The point being we need to have a whole new party in office. Not Republican nor Demoncrat. An entirely new party that represents the people. The working class! I dont know if it will change and after starting my journey of investigating. I have learned of the Fed Reserve the rothchilds rockfellers and how we are having our freedoms taken through manipulation of the Monetary sysytem. Making us basic slaves with some benefits. So being a newby and learning alot more everyday. All I can say is investigate patriots. Read more than the local paper. I am still learning since opening my eyes. The enemy never stops changing the scheme to enslave us.
ReplyDelete4:45 third party on it's way
ReplyDeletequestion is
are we ready
No one is reading your comments JEB. I'm just scrolling right through them.
ReplyDeleteThat was a clear chart. It shows how recession has caused a life risk of loosing more jobs and this has resulted in the cause of depression disorder.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
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