
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

50 Years and NOBODY Has Seen US Government Gold Reserves

In discussing the "gold reserves" of the U.S. government, the first point to make is that the onlyway in which this topic can be discussed is from a retrospective viewpoint. The reason for this is that while the U.S. government claims to have the largest reserves of gold in the world (supposedly over 8,000 tons) it has not allowed anyone to see this 'gold' in over 50 years.
Would anyone believe the balance-sheet claims of a Wall Street bank, if it had not been audited in over 50 years? If not, how could we put any credence in the gold reserve numbers of a government which is totally subservient to its Wall Street puppet-masters?
The next, most-important point to make is that the U.S. government defaulted on its gold obligations in 1971, roughly a decade after the last time any U.S. gold was actually seen. At this point, I think it would be helpful to view Wikipedia's definition of "default":
failure to satisfy the terms of a loan obligation or to pay back a loan.
The U.S. owed the world ten's of thousands of tons of gold - obligations it racked-up during the Vietnam Decade, and it failed to satisfy those obligations.
Here's a question to test readers. How often does the party defaulting on a loan end up with more money than its creditors? Answer: never. Thus, an obvious observation (yet one which is never made) is that the claims of the U.S. government to still have any gold at all after its gold-default are absurd on their surface - and the onlyway to rebut that absurdity would be to prove that it still held the gold, by showing it to someone.
Keep in mind that since the world's gold-standard was officially ended at the same time the U.S. defaulted on its gold that there was no reason to leave any gold in the possession of the U.S. except as a "prop" for what had become a "fiat dollar". In the immortal words of former Treasury Secretary, John Connally, "it's our dollar, but it's your problem."


  1. Most of it was looted away many years ago. Machine guns and steel walls are protecting empty rooms.

    Everything I needed to know about Fort Knox I learned in 1996 when I watched the video Money Masters. If you can put up with the geek tapping his pencil constantly and pointing it at the camera, it is still the standard on the subject.

    The US is an empty shell. The Oligarchs couldn't even let us keep a measly 300 billion.

  2. What are the oligarchs gonna do?

    Foreclose on America?

    Put the banks on Craigslist and be done with it!

  3. The Council of Seven probably is behind this.

  4. 50 Years and NOBODY Has Seen US Government Gold Reserves. Ha-ha. Guys, you gotta start thinking at some point. You have a private bank that lends your government money to conduct endless wars. As any other bank it would want a guarantee on its investments (if you can call this type of activity investments). For as long as you HAD gold in the vaults your treasury issued bonds and the major shareholders of the Fed kept buying them. Once, you guys, ran out of gold to pay for your debts they took you off the gold standard and started selling your treasury bonds to foreigners, promoting it as a secure investment, knowing full well that the country will not be able to pay its obligations. So, if you still think that as a nation you have any gold left, you should have your heads examined right away on a national scale.

  5. The gold is still there.

    Some gold dust that is.

  6. Well, do not feel to bad. You are not alone in this scam. They also robbed Canada of its gold and I would imagine all Western European countries.

  7. Like when the moved out 3 billion in gold bars from the vault storage under the trade towers on the evening of 9/10/01. Anyone that thinks 19 Arabs attacked the USA on 9/11/01 please find a pacifier and suck on it in the corner with your back to the room.

    Americans pretty much deserve what is coming for being to apathetic and naive.

  8. The size of America's outstanding national debt to the international bankers should be sufficient for an answer, but just in case: it's all gone.

  9. Reportedly the United States government holds 8135 metric tonnes of gold bullion. It has not been confirmed if this is fact or fiction. At this time the dollar is no longer redeemed for a like quantity of silver or gold. The dollar is backed by the promise of the United States government to have value when traded for tangible assets or rendered services.

    The question is, how long will the citizens of this nation and the citizens of other nations, believe the promise that the dollar has value. It appears people are losing faith quickly.

    Food, water, tools, silver coins, and other life essentials have value presently. Perhaps it is wise to obtain these necessities while they are affordable and available.

    Be not distracted by those critical of your love of family, honor, and charity. They are a powerless distraction from all truth.

    Best wishes.

  10. Most of the gold is gone. No audit means we got bent over big time.

    By who? The same Oligarch elite families that own the Fed.

    Just more reason to own physical gold.

  11. When I pulled out a wad of $20s to buy things nowadays in the back of my mind I think wow this person is giving me something of value for these printed slips of paper backed by nothing.


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