
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

RED ALERT: Next Debt Crisis Near!

Pattern #1
The stampede to risk is a herd phenomenon.
When the Fed pushes interest rates down to practically zero and when Uncle Sam virtually guarantees a failure-free environment, the Garden-of-Eden illusion captures nearly everyone; nearly all players are enticed by the forbidden fruits of risk.
This is why every major equity mutual fund, commercial bank, brokerage firm, and U.S. household got scorched in the Tech Wreck of 2000-2002 … and were burned even more severely in the Housing Bust of 2006-2009.
This is why state retirement funds like CALPERS, supposedly conservative banks like the Union Bank of Switzerland, and even government-sponsored agencies like Fannie Mae alsogot killed.
Pattern #2
Greed breeds corruption. To keep the party 
going, companies and governments dress up
the numbers, hide the facts, or simply lie 
through their teeth.
In the years leading up to the Tech Boom, dot-bomb companies padded sales reports, created phantom capital, disguised costs, and then, to add insult to injury, convinced the world that profits were a non-issue to begin with. An estimated 31 percent of companies listed on the NYSE were suspected of manipulating their earnings reports. Nearly all “buy” recommendations by Wall Street research analysts were bought and paid for by the companies being recommended.
In the Housing Boom-Bust, the lying was even more widespread. All major Wall Street firms conspired to create fictional market prices for “structured securities” based on shaky mortgages. And all three established Wall Street ratings agencies joined the conspiracy by assigning triple-A ratings to the grossly overvalued, high-risk securities.
Meanwhile, chief executives of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, financiers for much of the mortgage industry, repeatedly swore before Congress on a stack of Bibles that their books were both clean and strong. They were neither.


  1. Financial institutions must lie to insure public hope and optimism does not die. If the public is frightened, markets move correspondingly. The financial markets are moved entirely by emotional sentiment.

    At this time, most financial assets are toxic and pose a liability to whoever holds them. Precious metals are one of the few insurances that do not pose a liability. They of course fluctuate in price but have never depreciated to zero valuation. That is more than can be said of recent developments to other paper assets available to the average investor.

    Do not be distracted. Gather your loved ones about you, help your neighbor if possible and prepare for the coming storm that will soon break upon us my friends.

  2. Yuri will have his revenge this time..

  3. I love this site but those T-shirt designs really stink. Please my fellow depression freaks - get creative, and help EA with some ideas or designs that you'd feel comfortable wearing out of the house.

    The blog square brown logo on the front - barf. You might be able to read it face to face.

    Something more like just last Depression 2009 t-shirts. At least they looked decent/simple.

    I'd like to see a shirt that says:

    Your stocks:
    Your money:

    (then with a picture of a flame burning stock and money) on the back of the t-shirt. Or just exactly like the above with just a big flame or nuke blast cloud next to it.

    Then "Coming Depression Blogspot" "Fireproof"

    OK maybe dumb, but I will try to come up with something.

    Even COMING DEPRESSION BLOGSPOT in large letters at a 45 degree angle across the front.

    Then people would act least understand what the t-shirt means. When I wore my Depression 2009 people thought is was an ad for Effexor or something.

    I will think about this more. PLEASE, there are people here who are very creative - think of stuff.

    Not trying to be an ingrate but I really don't want to look like a dork in white t-shirt that says Depression 2010-?

  4. 11:03 ok that last line is getting really tired. I picture a guy in a robe carrying a candle. Please give the "gather your loved ones" repetitive nonsense a rest. Is this Jonestown you are talking about?

    I think I speak for the majority of people here when I say that when you share the truth about the depression with your loved ones, 90% of the time they scorn you.

    "Hi Peg I am going out to buy another 50 lbs of freeze dried food honey!! Ok sweetie, have a nice day Al! --- Not gonna happen.

    Very few are 'gathering around' waiting for the economic storm. So please give it a frickin' rest and ditch the robe and candle. A forum like this exists because MAYBE 1-2% of the people are able to see what it coming.

    You can only get dozens of people thinking the same way about the economy by reaching hundreds. Odds of others in a person's family also being in that <2% are very low. Unless you have a 100 people in your family or 'loved ones' nest.

  5. So, It is politically impossible for the strong economies of Europe to pass a bailout, it is politically impossible for Greece policy makers to pass sufficient budget cuts, if budget cuts are implemented then it will just push Greece further into debt deflation, a default by Greece will cause a run on the European banking system, the ECB has no legal authority to purchase Greece’s bonds, if Greece gets bailed out the EU will need to confront similar problems with Spain, Italy, Ireland, and Portugal which have a combined GDP larger than Germany, and if they all get bailed out Germany itself will be bankrupt. Did we say the markets hate uncertainty?

    Euro Crisis

  6. Dear 1:41 am, I'm sorry for you that you don't have any loved ones. To be alone is one of the worst fates of a human being. I am a big fan of 11:03pm. It is because of his advice that I have anything financialy safe at all. I recognize his identity by his words tempered by many years of wisdom.

    I'm a little surprised he posts here, but I'm sure glad he does.


    How about 'The Illuminati financially destroyed my country and all I got was this T-shirt'

  7. Ok, here are my suggestions for shirts for EA, and I bought a Great Depression 2009 shirt last year, and I intend on buying one of the new ones:
    Coming Depression 2010
    Got Gold?

    Coming Depression 2010
    Got Silver?

    Coming Depression 2010
    Got Stock?

  8. Noodles123-

    My God you people are as creative and wild as beige capri pants on a fat soccer mom...Here's my whack at it:

    A pic of the world on fire

    With "Econonmic Crisis 2010 will you be ready?" in bold red letters...Link in brackets

  9. What about a shirt that says simply:

    thecomingdepression(dot) blogspot(dot)com

  10. I want a t-shirt that promotes this site specifically if nothing else.

  11. How about the front showing the blog name and the back showing a mock up of comments? Like a rock t-shirt that shows where a group has been?

  12. Damn 11:06 beats my idea. :(

  13. cheryl in CaliforniaFebruary 16, 2010 at 5:17 PM

    I agree with 7:45
    A pic of the world on fire

    With "Econonmic Crisis 2010 will you be ready?" in bold red letters...Link in brackets

  14. Hey 1:41am, that was VERY funny. Candle and robe. Yeah, that line is getting a little worn out. You had me stifling my laugh so I wouldn't wake up a sleeping wife. lol

  15. No problem, glad you like it! If you have something to say, say it. But don't say it dozens of times like some mindless drone. No one else here does that crap.

    I should end each one of my posts: "Trust no one. Hide guns everywhere. Plan on blasting your neighbor's brains out as well as that one crazy uncle with the mental disorder. Safe journey and thank you my brothers." LOL!! Pretentious drivel sucks.


Everyone is encouraged to participate with civilized comments.