
Monday, February 15, 2010

Unemployed? Your Banking May Have Just Become More Expensive

When you lose your job, the last thing you need is for your expenses to increase. Yet, at some banks, that's exactly what can happen with your checking account. A friend of mine recently learned this lesson the hard way with Bank of America. I thought her experience might be worth sharing.
Several years ago, my friend signed up for a free checking account at Bank of America. But this month, she realized the bank had begun charging her an $8.95 maintenance fee. When she talked the bank representative about the new fee, he informed her that the bank began charging her because she no longer had at least one direct deposit payment coming into her checking account each month. She has been unemployed for several months, and she hadn't noticed that she was being charged the fee until her most recent statement.
Don't get me wrong: it was her responsibility to know the terms of her account, and she didn't dispute that she should be paying the fees. But the bank representative also informed her that, since she had more than $750 in her account, she could switch it to a "Regular" checking account (instead of her "MyAccess" checking account) and escape the monthly service fee as long as she maintained that minimum balance. The "Regular" account also had exactly the same features as the "MyAccess" account.
So the obvious solution was that she would change the account type. But I have to wonder: why should she need to pay a maintenance fee when her account would have qualified for free checking if it went by a different name? Bank of America squeezed a few months of maintenance fees out of her because she was unemployed and hadn't realized her account was only free due to direct deposit.


  1. One good reason for everyone to say bye to

    Bank of America

    ther are many other reasons and I told my
    brother he moved all of his money to another bank.

  2. boa and other banks are thiefs
    they got tarp
    and make millions by stealing every penny from everyone they can
    what to they care if you leave
    theyll get bailed out by obama and congres
    heads they win tails you lose
    you see you lose
    pay off alll debt omly buy it if you need it
    buy gold and screw the banks
    heads you win tails they lose

  3. Ya' know, 20+ years ago I was disgusted by B of A. I used to spin their slogan, "Banking on America", to "Raping America", and it's even more true, today.

  4. Why support the big banks and their awful behavior? They all got TARP money and now are nickel and diming us to death on top of that.

    Close your accounts with BOA, Citi, Chase, Wells Fargo and open an account with a local bank or credit union. That's what I did, my new bank pays more interest than the big banks and charges no fees!

  5. Bankers time running out

  6. Everybody Photocopy MoneyFebruary 16, 2010 at 12:11 AM

    Now we have millions of people photocopying money!

    Everybody photocopy money!

    Everybody photocopy money!

    Everybody photocopy money!

    Everybody photocopy money!

    Everybody photocopy money!

    Everybody photocopy money!

    Everybody photocopy money!

  7. It would be naive to expect a large bank like BOA to inform you that you should switch accounts to save money because your direct deposit is no longer there. They love charging fees, but not surprisingly they leave the account decisions up to the customer. So the article strikes me as a little amusing.

    When people lose their jobs they probably have more things to worry about than paying 8 dollars a month for a checking account. I imagine many will be closing their accounts, further hurting the banks. I can't wait for the day if and when they shut their doors.

  8. To bad we can't go back to 1884 and hang them high.

  9. 12:56....if things get bad enough it might very well happen, after all we need a sacrificial lamb or two to usher in digital currency, not?

  10. Nice picture. Thanks for share. I am follow your blog.

  11. @7:29 - agreed


  12. I cannot imagine a worse bank than Bank of America. I was with them for over 15 years. They were constantly screwing me with fees. I switched to a local credit and love it. Stay away from BoA


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