Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cities Desperate For Money: $300 Fee For Calling 911

TRACY, Calif. (CBS13) ―
Tracy residents will now have to pay every time they call 9-1-1 for a medical emergency.

But there are a couple of options. Residents can pay a $48 voluntary fee for the year which allows them to call 9-1-1 as many times as necessary.

Or, there's the option of not signing up for the annual fee. Instead, they will be charged $300 if they make a call for help.

"A $300 fee and you don't even want to be thinking about that when somebody is in need of assistance," said Tracy resident Greg Bidlack.

Residents will soon receive the form in the mail where they'll be able to make their selection. No date has been set for when the charges will go into effect.
More Here..


  1. How will they bill someone one traveling through and comes upon an accident? This discourages anyone from calling for say a robbery or accidents.

  2. Did you see anything?

  3. I suppose you could just as easy look in the phone book and call the ambulance service yourself instead of asking a 911 operator to do it. The ambulance service charges your insurance anyway and if you don't have insurance service they bill you for it. So why not save 300.00 and just dial em up on your own.

    Where I live, you can dial them right up. Screw 911. If you call the cops because there is an intruder he is likely dead anyway. Just get in your car and drive down to the police station and tell them theres a dead guy in the living room. Chill people.

  4. 8:05 Hold on my wife is having a heart attack, let me look that number up in the phone book. Wait ..Life Insurance is paid...

  5. I hope the charges will go into effect on April first.
    Please tell me this is a joke.

  6. Personally, I do not EVER call 911 for police action. My research and experience shows many 911 callers end up getting arrested, for whatever reason.

    Calling the Cops is asking for trouble. Its another scam perpetuated on the American people.

    And now Firemen are trained to look for certain things that might make you a criminal or Al CIAda terrorist.

    Let someone else call 911 when in an accident or you see an accident. And protect yourself in your home. In TX, homeowners have the right to protect themselves if there is a threat. In other words, Do Not come into my home uninvited.

    And stay off the radar and out of the system. You might end up in jail or your children taken by CPS otherwise.

  7. Since it costs $300 to call 911 if someone is breaking into my house, how much is it for a coroner to pick up the dead body? I'd kill to save $300 in this economy. I'm NOT joking!

  8. I hear fire departments are doing just about the same thing for putting out fires. I guess revenue from taxes, etc. must be wayyyyyyyy down, huh?

    Nothing like paying for a "public service". What's next? You gotta show a cop a box of donuts before he "protects and serves"?

    Oh, and by the way...to put the boots to your local/state gov't:

    Only have one registered vehicle (or at least as few as possible).

    Never get vanity plates - their fees are all "gravy" for most states dicretionary spending.

    Own older vehicles - they are cheaper to register.

    Try to travel as little as possible by car - fuel tax benefits state/federal gov't.

    Get your house re-assessed, try to get your property tax bill lowered - as property values are down anyways.

    If your community has pay-as-you-throw or "per bag" fees on trash disposal, burn it (if you can get away with it) or throw out non-traceable trash away at various public places (gas stations, etc.)

    By as little stuff as you can - only what you need. Reduce how much sales tax you pay.

    Any other ideas? Let's keep this list growing!

  9. 8:21 - Agreed, this unfortunately is good advice: think very carefully before calling 9-1-1. If you can handle the situation privately and quietly, then do so. Otherwise any number of things can happen that will either make you a defendant, or cost you serious money. For example, the cops will actually give your identity to a stalker if that stalker makes a counterclaim against you. I HAS happened! Also covering a burgler in your own home with your own gun can get YOU shot, imprisoned, fined, etc. Calling to report crimes/accidents invites liability and damages against your estate for "not calling in time", etc - whatever they can drum up to get some money from you.
    We need to learn to care for our brothers and sisters without resorting to the evil, corrupt authority of "The System" which seeks to impoverish and imprison us all for personal gain.

  10. @ 9:25 "The System" is right, States are a Corporate Entity that are registered on Standard and Poor. They use their Courts, taxes, etc. to grow their Empire for profit.

  11. Best advise, DO NOT CALL 911. 8:21 is correct. I know someone who had a minor fire in their kitchen and called 911. The firemen smelled alcohol on his breath, and put it in his report, even though he had drunk less than 1/2 can of beer. He ended up having his insurance canceled, and could have had his kids stolen by CPS. All because he did not have a $10 fire extinguisher and called 911. Note, always have at least 4 fire extinguishers in your house or dwelling, they may save your life and keep you out of prison.

    As far as burglars or home invasions, be warned, my insurance policy is with Smith & Wesson.

  12. 8:48 list, buy furniture and clothing at yard sales or thrift shops, DO NOT BUY DESIGNER Label clothes at Macys or wherever, you are literally throwing away money. Most of my furniture is from yard sales, all very nice.

    There are either FREE medical and dental clinics or low pay clinics in most cities and states, if you do not have health insurance, or even if you do, check out your options, you can save an enormous amount of money. I use the local low cost clinic, All xrays are $30, office visit and blood test are $20 and all prescriptions are $5.00. Check them out, the Dr's are usually very good, as they actually care about their patients as opposed to most Dr's care all about $$

    Last tip, buy USED books, CD's and DVD's! Thats all I buy and never had an issue, cost are 1/5 or more of the retail price of a new one.

    Keep it going, I am always looking for ideas to save money.

  13. Now everyone will understand why Americans are arming themselves like crazy. It's gonna be every man for himself.

  14. Is it just me or are they not already getting fees from everyone's phone bill, I just looked and there are 911 fees right on home and cell bills

  15. Great "Stick it to the Man list"

    On the subject though reason they want to charge is too many idiots calling for non-emergency reasons...Costing the county/city tons of bucks.

    Fat people getting stuck on the toilet?...Cat up in a tree?...Cable's out?...(Seriously) 450 lb fat ass american woman shits on herself and calls 911 to wipe her ass...Who made the call?...Her 500lb fat ass husband.

    I have seen the enemy and it is we.

  16. This is what happens when government looks at taxpayers as "customers." Bend over and take; more fees to come.

    America, land of the Fee and home of the Slave.

  17. Oh Boy !

    How on earth did the human race race EVER survive
    without 911 !! ??

    Wait ! Oh, you mean we we we did ?

    No ! say it ain't so - we didn't have 911 in 1976?

    Wait a minute - did we have Idol back then ??/


  18. Come on!

    Is this for real?!!!

  19. call 911 from a payphone, free 911 calls for alll

  20. It's getting so hard to find payphones.


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