Monday, February 8, 2010

The Coming World Famine: Will 2010 Be The Year The World Runs Out Of Food?

A "perfect storm" of circumstances is coming together that is leading many agriculture experts to predict that we will soon be experiencing a worldwide food crisis of unprecedented magnitude. Will 2010 be the year that the world runs out of food? Record setting droughts, exploding populations and crippling crop failures all over the world are combining to set the stage for a potentially devastating food crisis in the coming year.

Even in such technologically advanced times, the reality is that the food supply is not immune to droughts and plagues. Even the United States has been dramatically affected. Just consider the following examples.....

*All time record breaking heat and drought continues to plague the state of Texas. In fact, extreme drought conditions can be found in many agricultural areas throughout the United States this summer.

*If the drought conditions were not bad enough, a disease known as "late blight" is absolutely devastating tomato and potato plants in the eastern half of the United States. The prices for those two staple foods could shoot through the roof, hitting already hurting American consumers really hard.

*In addition, farmers all over the United States are reporting very disappointing harvests. For example, the very weak wheat harvest this year is seriously disappointing farmers across the state of Illinois.
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An Astonishing Review of the Mortgage FRAUD!
5 Min. Video Here


  1. Innovate.
    Form forest farms.
    Grow vertically if lack land.

  2. This article just supports the need for the american to get back to the ways of gardening for food on their own. Some of that Hybrid sodded McMansion lawn will have to be plowed up and planted. You better hope the McMansion builder did not bury all the left over bricks in the yard. Watering will be expensive in some areas. A good garden tiller can pay for itself in the next two years. For years we always had a nice garden, just for the fresh vegetables that are not hauled all over the US before you get them in the stores. Right now, I still have a half freezer full of last year's produce. Those frozen veg's sure make good soups and my stuffed bell peppers are tasty as they were when picked last year.
    Of course, it could be that parents did not teach their kids to garden. Maybe they can learn it off their fancy "Apple IPOD" in a class taught by the CEO Steve Jobs. I am going on record saying I doubt that an IPOD can till soil, but who am I to know anything?

  3. 8:45 You know plenty, friend. When the food shortage comes in the coming months the US will sell food to China because we owe them so much money we will have no choice. Then we will see our land of plentiful food resources deplete. Our food prices will go way up regardless of Hyperinflation or not. It is the poor in this country that will suffer most. The folks on fixed incomes will spend all of their money on food and will have little else. I believe that multiple families will live in single family dwellings much like you see in the middle east.

  4. I am going to buy my seed spuds right away when my seller has them because I believe he will sell them out in 24 hrs.

  5. how to grow food if i dont have land? i live in apartment?

  6. 9:19 I would put plants on tables in front of every window in pots. Like tomatoes etc. You can go to your local farmers market and negotiate good deals. Also I would go to and watch all of her videos. You can buy a dehydrator and a food vacuum sealer and then go to your grocer and buy frozen veggies and dehydrate them and store them in vacuum sealed packages under your bed in plastic bins. Buy the frozen in bulk when it is on sale. You can do this. You could consider a CSA, but if we have a collapse CSA's will be short lived because they will be able to make insane money by selling it to you rather than having you work off your share.

  7. Thanks for sharing the video. Elite deviance is rampant from our political system through to some of the very wealthy unscrupulous sociopathic CEO types. The citizens of America have only a vote to survive and this is gone to the point of no return. We need to start thinking about how we will rebuild when it collapses. I suggest you get one of those digital tv receivers so you can get reception when the cable goes into the off position so you will know how far the rioters are from your house. I guess if they get that close it is too late... Oh well.

  8. I own and operate a small 36 unit apartment complex for age 62 and older. We have designated a nice piece of land in the back of our property for a garden. There are several residents that work and plant the garden and all of its produce is available to all residents. Those not able to work the garden contribute a little bit for the seeds and all reap the benefits of the produce. Each spring, I till the garden with my Garden Tractor with a pull behind tiller. I have also bought a smaller tiller for use by the residents. Last year we were trying our best to give away produce as we had more than the 36 residents could use, or wanted. This year I have invested in a large freezer to store more of it, and have it for the winter. I would say that the garden area is 75'X 200'. This will be our 4th year for it, and it has worked out very well.

  9. Don't till the garden. Start practicing permaculture. Square foot gardening. Lasagna layering with compost... far more efficient and will maintain your soil long term.

  10. Since there won't be social security much longer, the garden was a fantastic idea. Even the MSM is reporting on the failure of SS today.

  11. support your local grocer folks!February 8, 2010 at 2:53 PM

    I just go to the local grocer for fresh produce, no need to worry about a garden. What is all this scary noise about? What a bunch of wimps and losers,LMFAO bigtime. That is what the store is for idiots, they are called groceries and sometimes they even bring them to your car!

  12. Support your local grocer folks! You are funny! I burn wood to save money on my gas bill... I suppose I am an idiot for not supporting my local gas company. What am I thinking. This economic downturn is all my fault. You are hilarious.

  13. 11:53 That is what they said in New Orleans when Katrina hit. We'll just go down to the local grocer. And they did. They stole everything there.

  14. Um, this article is from last summer. Has anyone noticed how much rain we have gotten since the drought? El nino to the rescue, although there is likely to be more flooding. The volcanoes in the pacific are warming up the oceans.

  15. I once had rabbits as pets. Yes, rabbits f**k like rabbits! The pregnancy is 30 days and the litter is 5-10 bunnies at a time and mama can get pregnant within days of the birth.

    As pets, they were family and I would rather starve, than kill a family member.

    If things get really bad, I'll do it again and this time they won't have names, just expiration dates. They are not picky eaters and their droppings can go directly into a garden.

  16. There ya go. Rabbit stew is good, I hear. Then there is rabbit tacos, rabbit cakes, rabbit shakes, and so on.

  17. I've eaten rabbit and goat meat. I'm going to live mainly on spinach, sprouts, turnip greens and collards when shtf. Got to have cake and ice cream once in awhile, and fruit smoothies. As for my cat and other cat owners, they will hunt or starve or eat table scraps.

  18. I live in the Midwest where jobs are plentiful here in the breadbasket where there is always plenty of jobs to be had. Move here, we are some fine folk!

    We have tons of beef and pork, dairy and chickens so come out here for jobs a plenty!

  19. 5:52 I live in the midwest also. Unless you live in Wichita, KS where the aircraft workers make more money than Doctors or you live in a small town where the Dairy Queen is hiring I don't know what you are talking about. Businesses are closing like mad and the commercial realestate owners are filing bankruptcy non stop. Take a look around... open your eyes... pay attention. Talk to the teachers and ask them if they have noticed any hardships among the students or their parents.

  20. Roger, Rabbits!!! I breed cats to eat.

  21. And then you have a report like this come out which says the opposite. Who the hell can believe anyone when you have disparate data like this coming out from a to z. So which is it? Famine or Glut?

  22. hi,
    thought I would add this in....but first I want it known right here that until bout 3 days ago I was one of the blind in my bubble. I am not a church go er nore do I like the constant precher types.
    that in mind plz read this:


    afer reading these I now look at revalations in a whole new light but thats be the judge of not here to peach jus to share.


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