
Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Depression Is Alive And Well

The mainstream economics profession is guilty of dereliction of duty. They should be telling people that this ‘recovery’ is a scam. They should be warning investors that the markets could fall apart any day. They should be buying gold and selling US Treasuries…and explaining to the politicians that you can’t buy your way out of a depression with phony dollars squandered on wasteful projects!
Instead, the dopes are patting each other on the back…praising themselves for saving the planet from destruction.
But what really has gone on? And what’s going on now?
Glad you asked.
First, there is a real economic phenomenon going on – the depression. It’s alive and well…and doing just fine. Households are de-leveraging. Businesses are building up cash. People are losing their jobs. Savings rates are edging up.
Almost everything is happening as it should.
Depressions are times of falling prices. Markets are always discovering what things are worth. In a depression, they find that assets – stocks and real estate primarily – are not worth nearly as much as people thought.
That’s why we have our ‘crash alert’ flag still flying. Prices are vulnerable to sharp, unannounced drops until they finally get down to real depression levels. Since that hasn’t quite happened yet…we figure it’s still to come.
On the employment front, this depression has put more than 6 million people out of work. And every month, more people join the unemployment ranks. So far, so good. The US economy didn’t need so many marble countertop installers and so many mortgage refinancers. (If only something could be done to get rid of lobbyists!)
But the worst thing about a depression is that it holds jobless people prisoner for so long. Many of them will become lifers…they’ll never work again.
More Here..


  1. I believe the solution is personal. We of course must vote when we can. Other than that we have to plan for the future of our children and grandchildren. What the means is we teach and prepare... 1. How to plant a garden and process your own seeds for next year 2. How to can and dehydrate your own food for the season 3. How to hunt and process animals for the table (and smoke and store meat without refrigeration) and how to tan hides for clothing etc. 4. How to sew and mend clothes 5. How to read books made of paper... and collect a solid library of how to books 6. How to repair a bicycle or cycle and keep it running with minimal effort 7. How to sharpen a knife by hand without electricity 8. How to make soap from wood ash and animal fat 9. How to reload your own ammo 10. What herbs will relieve pain, stimulate the immune system, and make food more palatable 11. How to build a home from sticks, dirt and rocks that would sell for 300,000.00 even in todays market. etc. etc. 12. How to heat a house and cook with a minimal amount of wood. 13. How to handle a gun 14. How to treat your fellow man and not loose your soul in the face of a massive extended crisis

    People who are older will be teaching folks in our respective communities how to do basic things. The person who has massive skills like mentioned above will be of extreme value. The unprepared will pay us in gold and trade goods of extreme value to take a class with us on the basics. You will be paid very well to sew, make soap, and teach the neighborhood children basic survival skills. And so it goes...

  2. 11:54 are you for real? Only suckers and morons vote now days (they're all crooks, on the take). I'm a retiree and gave up on the bastards in the 70's, and scandals still proliferate on local, state and federal level! I agree with you on preps, teaching others basic skills. It's too late to inform the dumb masses about the elite; they act like you're from Mars. All hope is gone for America, and the young will spit on the graves of their elders. Yes, even the younger retirees now blame the mess on their parents generation, as things went downhill after WW2, and into the UN and no win wars ever since. If we're not killed or hauled off to FEMA camps when shtf, we'll be hiding out, isolated from mainline society, always on the run.

  3. 1:16 If they put you in a FEMA camp I will come bust you out. Seriously, I will pick up a gun for a few reasons, but primarily to head south to keep our borders from being overrun by drug cartels and criminals when the SHTF.

  4. I try to tell people at work we are going to have a crash and get prepared. All I get is laughed at. I wonder how they can be so oblivious to how the middle class is losing ground. Then again they come back with "well CNBC OR CNN said this and that" and then call me a nutcase and doom and gloomer. Why 20 years ago my goal was to make 30 bucks an hour in my trades. The top pay now is 28 an hour. What the frick I have worked over 20 years and make 28 an hour. Seems like alot but with 2 kids a mortgage gas at 2.79 a gallon groceries at 300-400 a month and health insurance at 400 a month taxes on the home at 450 a month child care on my baby 1200 a month. I could keep going on and on, but being a middle class guy just trying to get by and my wife working a minimum wage job. I am ready to say frick all this crap and go on welfare. Less stress and free everything. I think it is time to go postal in america and take back our country. I sometimes wonder if this was not done purpoosely to screw the babyboomers out of all there retirement. Maybe I am wrong I dont know, just an average joe working to keep a roof over the family and food on the table which is getting very hard to do. Oh well another sleepness night and worries continue......

  5. 3:05 your co-workers are the "mainstream sheep" going to slaughter. Just step out of the way when the slaughterer their sheepy eyes widen like deer in headlights.

  6. 3:05, Hang in there, not up there. Alot of us
    in the same boat, me included. Things are
    starting to unravel to the extent that MSM
    is reporting the "bad possibilities" These
    times are going to force a consolidation of
    values and households. One of my backup plans
    is going partners on some cheap rural land for
    recreation (with retreat cabins) if your in the
    NE and interested, let me know, I am putting
    this together now.

  7. 1:29 - lol. You have that backwards. It will be so bad here that we were be going over THEIR border.

  8. 3:05 I remember when gas went up last year and the SUVs stayed in the driveways around here. As soon as gas went down they got back out on the road. To most people this is just a glitch and we will be right back to prosperity. I think of it like this. If you put a frog in pot of water on the stove and light it he will cook without much attempt to escape. When I measure my grandson I am always surprised at how much he has grown because he lives with us I hardly notice. That is how it will be for most people if this happens gradually. They will hardly notice the hardship for the first few years. They will just think it is a glitch that will right itself soon.

    If it happens fast and the states can't continue to right unemployment checks, welfare checks, food stamps and salaries have to be cut with massive layoffs, well then... All hell will breakloose in the innercities across America. The minorities will tear up the grocery stores in their neighborhood and begin to loot. Bands of Teens will start looting homes in mass. When you don't have food and you have not planned your church will only be able to feed their members about two to four days from their pantries. THEN ALL THE Oprah Winfrey watchers and the folks with their heads in the sand will be weeping and wringing their hands. Because when the inner city starts getting tore down for food all the suburbanites will go to the grocery store to buy food. The shelves will be empty within hours.


  9. Listen to this dickbag @ 3:05

    Oh woe is you Mr. Entitlement ! Only 28 bucks an hour - Boo friggin' Hoo - maybe we should raise your no dick job description to -- Hmm -- shall we say -- 300 bucks an hour??

    Will that make you happy Mr. 70 grand a year and can't make it?

    Give us a break ! We can do math ignorant shit -
    what you have listed does NOT compute.

    If your "tellin' all the people around you" you ain't in the trades numbnuts - you be one O them there grossly overpaid mind numbed fucing robots.

    Don't peddle your shit here - I come callin'

    Been there -- Done that

  10. The sheeple live for their TV. They have complete trust in the MSM to report only the truth. That's why you get bashed and classed along side the conspiracy theory crowd and anyone who has a different perspective about anything from JFK to 9/11.

    I buy all my basic groceries at Sam's Club. My store has about 15 check out lanes. One year ago, I would see all lanes open and 4-5 people in each lane. These days, 3-4 lanes are open with 1-2 people in each. The store is QUIET! Today I again walked into a WalMart. Generally speaking I hate that store, because it's so crowed with shoppers, it's hard to get around. Today and like other days in the recent past, the store is very quiet. Most of the check out lanes are closed and the wait time to check out is short. You don't need to be an economist to see this is a really bad sign.

    The garden centers at Lowes, Home Depot, WalMart, have huge displays of seeds and mini green houses for seedlings. I have been gardening for 3 years now and I have never seen as many choices as I have seen now.

    I'm a prepper. My family could survive about 3 months if we lost everything. I have solar on the roof, a wind generator, I can convert water into fuel. I have a weed wacker I can attach to a generator as long as I have gas.

    99% of the sheeple are not prepared and will come knocking if they find out you are prepared. Will you have the strength to say no? Will you be able to take a life to protect your water supply?

  11. Everybody Photocopy MoneyFebruary 25, 2010 at 9:24 PM

    Jobless? No worry
    Everybody Photocopy Money

    Jobless? No worry
    Everybody Photocopy Money

  12. hahahha 624 when they come knocking i tell 'em see i got aint no food i got money man 'cause i photocopy money come come take my money i got truckloads of money

  13. My neighbors thought I was crazy when I began plowing my yards to grow food 2 years ago. Now whey are like wow nice garden you've got, could I try some tomatoes? (Fuck off you sheep!)

  14. Useless Facts that may win you money on Cash CabFebruary 25, 2010 at 10:04 PM

    A long time ago, the hoofed ancestors of sheep had huge jaws lined with teeth like Wolves and where very fast predators that could run down and stomp and bite to death a large variety of prey.

    These animals where called Thylacines and are considered as dangerous as Wolves of today, or Orcas if you work at Sea World.

    This 'value added' content production brought to you by the letter D.

    The letter D. Bring you Dirt, Death, and Destruction since the beginning of time.

  15. An exposed, open garden will get stripped and raided. I guess not if you are willing to shoot someone for doing a grab and run on a tomato.

    Personally, I couldn't do that.

  16. I am going to have a hard time feeling sorry for someone who bought a home at the wrong time, drives a car beyond their means, didn't invest in themselves first (charity begins at home), and incapable for self-security... Don't come around my home and expect me to take from my kid's mouth to feed you for lack of planning. The hell with the dog, beware of owner...

  17. Nice job baby we take your retirements and watch the pain you so mindlessly thought you could inflict on us.

  18. My grandma shot people for getting into her garden. And my great grandma dropped a minority on her front porch, he stepped up on the porch and she flung the door open and shot him. She told her sons to swing by the sherrifs office on the way to school and tell him there was a dead man in the front yard. She didn't get into any trouble at all. Hard times make people do hard things and sometimes bad.

  19. 5:26 Our Walmart about 2 miles from my house catches all the inner city minorities. When the better dressed, educated and fearful enter the go in the Caucasion entrance. That is in garden. When that entrance is closed they don't go in. The educated and fearful black, white, latino and asians all use the Caucasion entrance. You feel like if someone pulled a gun in the store there would be a thousand pistols yanked at the same time. So I DON'T GO IN THERE VERY OFTEN. It will be one of the first stores to go down when the SHTF.

  20. 8:04 I know you don't any help defending yourself, but I would stand next to you and fight anytime.

  21. 5:31 rule #1 don't shop at walmart. If you are red-blooded American, they are your enemy.

  22. 11:36am : Many of us would love to shop elsewhere than Wal mart, and I do shop elsewhere all I can; I go to W.M.and spend less than before,(fixed income retirees) as some things are cheaper. There are plenty of grocery stores, incl Target, and I watch the sales. High income folks I know bash W.M, and I tell them I just "use W.M." to my advantage only to save money. Lower income folks don't have much choice and don't have time to run from store to store like retirees.


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