
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spain Determines If Euro Collapses

Greece set off the crisis rattling the euro zone. Spain could determine whether the 16-nation currency stands or falls.

The euro zone's No. 4 economy, Spain has an unemployment rate of 19%, a deflating housing bubble, big debts and a gaping budget deficit. Its gross domestic product contracted 3.6% in 2009 and is expected to shrink again this year, leaving Spain in its deepest and longest recession in a half-century.

At the center of the crisis are millions of Spaniards like Olga Espejo. The 41-year-old lost her administrative job at a laboratory in Madrid, then found a temporary post replacing someone on sick leave -- until that job was abolished. Her husband and her sister have also been laid off -- all among the one in nine working Spaniards who have lost jobs in the past two years.

Each gets an unemployment check of at least €1,000 a month, or about $1,350, part of a generous social safety net that Madrid says it won't cut. But Ms. Espejo's benefit runs out in July and her husband's in May.

"What prospects do any of us have now?" Ms. Espejo asks.
More Here..


  1. Well it's pretty clear that a one world currency would not work, too many countries would end up leaving as time passed, the elites must be watching the euro closely wondering what the next move will be.

  2. last one out, turn out the lites...

  3. this is like obama at the white house today
    healthcare 2 yrs waisted
    because he cant make any jobs
    so lets screw up somthing i can
    uenployment as of feb 28 1 .2 million fall off
    theyll call that postive
    i have faith congress will not make any jobs and drive america into the toilet being flushed down the tubes with the whole world
    and will come a dictator like napoleon
    oh well

  4. also why not just quit the eu
    have some chops and say i quit
    grow your own food and stop importing as much
    the answer is so easy and support your own new currencey
    and to hell with the eu
    i would tell you i know 20 percent of the spanish
    that would die for this
    someone said to me today are the illuminati real
    i just laughed
    as he told me he and other 2nd generation buieness owners are going under in ny usa
    i said reality is what you live
    and you are living it
    as you live it more you be the judge
    many see and dont beleive here and dont hear
    touch and are fooled
    but reality is what men live
    you be the judge

  5. Can anyone write well on this blog? Folks, please put a little effort into proper sentence structure, grammar, and spelling. It makes it a lot easier for the thousands of readers of this blog.

  6. 658
    sorry the great depression
    english proper grammer blog
    hasnt been started yet

  7. choppy thought constructs
    TV Generation

  8. 7:40

    thinkig it prolly be internt
    not so tv
    internet uses good but doesnt seem for it

    took pill when I was there though,

    lol cya

  9. There are jobs in Kansas City, Wichita and Springfield. Large companies have had big layoffs, but that is to be expected. This is a bad time to change careers around here because there are so many folks with experience that could do the job you are training for. It is dangerous to consider radical changes unless you have no other options.

  10. We need more medical specialists. How about training to do Lemming and trollectomies.

  11. Cool Blue rays of the moonFebruary 25, 2010 at 11:27 PM

    What sweet light
    from yonder window doth break!

  12. With what's being planned against America, the slaves thereof will surely resort to violence once enough of them lose everything and have nothing to lose or win. The result will be outright civil war, leading to break up of the country as we known it.

    Then the interesting part, why oh why are so many FEMA camps encircled with electrified fences, complete with razor barb wire and guard tower? For protection of inmates?

    Let's face it, if there's civil war and someone you know is in a FEMA camp, it's a safe bet that "they" will dispose the person at some point. Wouldn't you say?

    600+ FEMA camps, as described, do not exist to ultimately "help" the American people.

    Patterns and trends.

  13. Well actually, 8:58pm, see it's the fact that things take time, it's called the 'frog in boiling water' syndrome. The whole game here is to do it in plain site, let you know what is going on, but let you mentally 'acclimate' to the new paradigm. Slowly over time you yourself will begin to formulate rationlizations for that which must be, however distatefull. In 5 years from now you will saying how those that have gone into the FEMA camps to dissapear deserved it somehow.

    This is how you are brought into the fold and homogonized out of any semblance of self you had though you where until you are a fully willing and fully conscious servant of the Sith Lords.

  14. 8:30 the phony War on Terror is ultimately a war against Americans who want to be free. By the time the lemmings figure that out they will be inside that barb wire.

    We don't care about the innocent people being slaughtered by our military, so there will be no one interested in saving us when that wrath is turned inward. All you have is yourself.

    With the Murray Bldg, Waco, 9/11, the bonus army, and countless other examples they have shown they have no problem killing innocent Americans.

  15. new jobs booming working for congress
    they need peasents to rub there tootsies
    so go to washington because they otherwise have rooms in fema camps

  16. if you listen to the Fed and all the other thieves in Washington, they tell you what they're going to do in advance. Obama talking about a governemnt annuity that people can put their 401k's into. it will start voluntary, and then be mandatory. SEC announces that in case of banking emergency, they will suspend trading on market. That prevents you from getting your money. Before they do that, they'll increase waiting times to get your money. It's your money, but only after it's in youir hands. They aren't trying to hide what they plan to do. They want your money, and they won't stop till they get it.

    What's happening in Spain, is a taste of what's going to happen here. Same problems. Watch what happens there, and you'll know what's going to happen here.


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