
Friday, February 26, 2010

Detroit: 50% Of Population Gone

Detroit --Mayor Dave Bing said Wednesday he "absolutely" intends to relocate residents from desolate neighborhoods and is bracing for inevitable legal challenges when he unveils his downsizing plan.
In his strongest statements about shrinking the city since taking office, Bing told WJR-760 AM the city is using internal and external data to decide "winners and losers." The city plans to save some neighborhoods and encourage residents to move from others, he said.
"If we don't do it, you know this whole city is going to go down. I'm hopeful people will understand that," Bing said. "If we can incentivize some of those folks that are in those desolate areas, they can get a better situation."

"If they stay where they are I absolutely cannot give them all the services they require."
He said there's no timeline, price tag or estimate on the number of people who would have to be moved, but said federal funding would be needed. Bing said he plans to focus on the neighborhoods in which Detroit Public Schools plans to build schools with $500.5 million in bonds voters approved last year.
"You can't support every neighborhood," Bing told WJR's Frank Beckmann. "You can't support every community across this city. Those communities that are stable, we can't allow them to go down the tubes. That's not a good business decision from my vantage point."
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  1. As I have previously stated, This decade (2010-2020 will be be decade from hell. I want everyone to STOP and take a look around them. Drive if you can around your city and see the number of business that are no longer there. Imagine the number of jobs that were lost as a result of those business. Take approximately 30 seconds to count your family members, close friends and associates that no longer have a job. Well, I took the same 30 seconds and came up with 7 family members, not counting others that have lose their jobs. Reflect for another 30 seconds to see how many have moved in with family or friends. WOW!!!! I came up with three. How many have lost their cars. Well you understand what I am saying. This Decade from Hell is Real. It touches so many peoples lives. We can't be immune from it. Real soon, it will touch your lives. Since I am a retired military man, now is the time to go on the defense. Count your loses and move on. Gather your troops (dollars and remaining resources) and get ready for the fight of your life. The Democrats and Republicans are doing a good job of conquering and dividing us. People, we are in the fight of our life. Let me share this little story with you.

    Once there was a General who took his men to a far away land. Upon arrival, they all went ashore. The General ordered some of his men to go burn the ship. The men seem puzzle and reluctant to do so, but followed the General orders. Upon their return, the General and his men had to fight this mighty army. They had no choice but to win, because the ship was burning in the harbor. They had no way to escape. They have to fight for their very lives. Guess what. They won the battle against this mighty army.

    Now open eyes and look around. Your ship is burning. If you don't fight now, the battle is over. Final word to everybody "GET BUSY LIVING OR GET BUSY DYING

  2. So Detroit's leadership decides after allowing 50% to be screwed over to start playing "concerned" to save the other 50%

    Here's a suggestion Mr Mayor
    Why don't you take the hike.

  3. Let's translate the statement: "If they stay where they are I absolutely cannot give them all the services they require."

    In actually means : "If they stay where they are I absolutely cannot TAX them to enrich my bureaucrates."

    Detroit is a good lesson for us all.
    DO NOT RELOCATE!! Let the existing governments starve and fail from their own diseases. The true remedy lies with real PRODUCERS of beneficial products and services who are given the FREEDOM to participate in FREE MARKETS and to enjoy the FRUITS OF THEIR LABOR. America was founded on these good principles, and will return to prosperity when these principles are allowed to return.

    Let these weak "socialist" governments at every level die a natural death. The sooner the better.

  4. In Detroit, whole blocks in these neighborhoods are empty except one or two houses. Why should the city pay for the sewer, water, lights, cleaning and plowing? They will pay these people to move into better neighborhoods and everyone wins.
    Look around at abandoned buildings in your town and long have they been abandoned? Think some one is going to come in the next 5 years and fix them up? We are going to see more of this as time goes by. We'll be lucky if any of us remain in our homes or without family moving in with us. Get prepared!

  5. Detroit lol. Black basketcase. Can't wait til this happens in L.A.

  6. I think Greenpeace should get involved in this.
    What's going to happen to the billions of displaced rats!

    The Mayor should pass a bylaw mandating the 50% remaining citizens adopt 2 rats each.
    Better yet make it mandatory to license those cuddly little pets and watch the City's coffers swell.

  7. Anyone still in Detroit?

  8. Which cities are 100% black? and what difference does it make? The only union person I know at present is white and retired.

  9. 11:59 Kansas City, MO Schools are ruined, no longer accredited and closing many down. The gay population and youth moved into some neighborhoods there because they have no kids. My son (strait)has been robbed three times this year and I know of a group of young guys who were sharing a house down there got robbed at gun point it is crazy. They successfully hide the amount of crime down there and it is getting bad fast. I have noticed in the suburb I live in that crimes are being played down to keep them out of the media. When the media gets after it the property values go down. It is all basically a scam. Most folks keep their heads in the sand around here and act like everything is great. I have had my cars vandalized and stuff stolen out of my yard like crazy.

  10. 11:59 NOT TRYING TO BE RACIST but why is the United States as a country is garbage. Why is the Gov of Calif, Fla, Az, Mi, are having so many problems. Name me ONE State where economic problems isn's horrendous and it's falling apart?

    You see, it is so easy to point a finger, but that is exactly what is going on in this country. Everybody is trying to conquer and divide. We are destroying each others. I am black and I care about all of my fellow citizens. I spent 20 years and 29 day in the service to my country and I will not let anybody with a conquer and divide attitude come between that. Our days are numbered.

  11. last one out Please turn out the lites.. That is if they are still on...

  12. Any vintage architecture should be salvaged by donating it to Habitat for Humanity.

  13. detroit has been majority black for some time. any number of significant changes in industry is the primary reason that value and talent have dried up in the city, leaving excessive pensions and low tax receipts in their wake. most cities do not offer entry-level opportunities like they once did. nowadays entry-level jobs in construction, for instance, are had at less than living wages. pointing out blackness when pigmentation is not itself illegal is at best lazy.

  14. I'm 11:59 and:

    1. It's true no city is 100% black but that's a red herring rebuttal...Making an issue out of one that no one really is arguing...But how about "predominantly?" True whenever imigrants move into a new part of town they change it rearainge it and it becomes "Lil Mexico" "Lil Saigon" "ChinaTown" etc etc...So what's up with Americans who have been here for hundreds of years even if they were dragged here by slavery or not?

    Why must they pound for pound be the most demanding but yet less sensible of the bunch?

    I'm not saying other races don't mess up or ruin things also BUT just speaking as someone who has LIVED in the worst places I find the black community no matter how little the give and how much more they get seem to ruin everything.

    That opinion is made on the basis of living and experiencing living in both the barrio and the ghetto...It's true Native Americans seem to be on the road to perdition also and meth is crushing the white community...But if you pick say the WORST 10 CITIES you'll find probably 7-8 what's considered black cities...FACT...Even though they only make up 12.8% of the population from the last census.

  15. the census purposely underestimates ethnic groups. Whites usually fill out census forms or talk to census workers. Census workers are not going to go into dangerous neighborhoods to collect information. And the people that live in these areas don't fill out census forms. If blacks or other so called minorities were truly being counted then they would have to do away with HUD and other programs that are based on a group of people being a minority. the census is a scam.

  16. These cities ( and States ) that have 'cash flow problems" which then turn into a mind numbing array of human misfortunes; ALL have one major theme.

    They all have deep rooted entitlement programs and a very large "Ethnic Minority" (legal/illegal it doesn't really matter ).

    Cities and States are run not unlike you run a standard large business/corporation. Any CFO worth his salt will tell you that when the company loses focus and the "workers" fragment
    the business model; you start to have real problems.

    When times are good and business is brisk; most of these problems can be handled either by HR Dept. or thru accounting practices.

    As Detroit is finding out though - under duress; all these underlying problems are magnified. Too
    many drones and not enough worker bees - it's really that simple.

    The first people to go out the door are always the skilled workers; they have the resources to relocate.
    The ones left behind don't know anything but Uncle Sugar.

  17. So what does everyone think of Atlanta? I have lived here for many years and I am for the first time scared. The crime has gone up and the jobs are scarce. It is a predominately black city too. Many of the whites who lived in the suburbs have relocated to rengentrified communities. and they have seen an uptick of vandalism. Even in my neighborhood robberies are up too. I am an AA woman in Atlanta and I a seriously thinking of relocating to a less diverse city. I never thought I would agree with some whites about the demise of black communities until the last two years. I have seen some very disturbing things in Atlanta.

  18. IN the fifties and early sixties blacks were at a crossroad. They were fighting for equality while still retaining their families, pride, and sense of diginity. Then liberalism happened to them. Look at their sad plight now!


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