
Friday, February 26, 2010

Private Corporation Federal Reserve is Bailing Out: U.S Is Finished, No More Money

With uncharacteristic bluntness, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke warned Congress on Wednesday that the United States could soon face a debt crisis like the one in Greece, and declared that the central bank will not help legislators by printing money to pay for the ballooning federal debt.

Recent events in Europe, where Greece and other nations with large, unsustainable deficits like the United States are having increasing trouble selling their debt to investors, show that the U.S. is vulnerable to a sudden reversal of fortunes that would force taxpayers to pay higher interest rates on the debt, Mr. Bernanke said.

"It's not something that is 10 years away. It affects the markets currently," he told the House Financial Services Committee. "It is possible that bond markets will become worried about the sustainability [of yearly deficits over $1 trillion], and we may find ourselves facing higher interest rates even today."

It was some of the toughest rhetoric to date about the nation's fiscal and budgetary woes from the Fed chief, who faces a second round of questioning Thursday before a Senate panel.
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  1. First this NWO pimp drags America into debt enslavement to Wall St. then says you're on your own America.
    A politician doing what he does best, sounding the alarm after he's gorged himself on every chicken in the hen house.

  2. In the next round of questioning today,
    Bernanke should be asked if he's ever seen the illegal alien Barry Soetoro's aka Barrack Obama's green card or birth certificate.

  3. Question #2

    Ben how do you sleep at night?

  4. Question #3,4,5

    Are you getting enough to eat Ben?
    Are you warm enough Ben?
    Who do we make the check out to???

  5. Everything is going to be okay.

    umm umm umm Barack Husein Obama will save us. Repeat over and over again.

  6. Where has this guru Bernake been the last 2 years?? What a coward - now running for the hills after wrecking the US economy. But don't worry, in the end he will be forced to turn the printing presses on full speed as there is no other option. Can you say HYPERINFLATION?

  7. Bernanke's loyalty is not to the American people or it's government, but
    to these owners of the private European banking cartel disguised under
    the clever name "The US Federal Reserve"

    Who are the owners in the Federal Reserve? The answer is a closely held
    secret. Do your own research. Google" "who owns the federal reserve"
    Good Luck!

    By the time most Americans figure out this 90 year swindle, the American
    military will have already been subverted to turn their rifles on the
    "domestic terrorists" citizens and to pull the trigger when the bankers
    tell them to do such.

    The only hope for the Americans is for someone in the military to
    rise up and "cut the head off the snake". As US Marine Corp Major
    General Smedley Darlington Butler once stated:

    I wouldn't go to war again as I have done
    to protect some lousy investment of the bankers.
    There are only two things we should fight for.
    One is the defense of our homes and the other
    is the Bill of Rights.
    War for any other reason is simply a racket.

    Soon we will learn the true meaning of "Semper Fi".
    Are the Marines faithful to the American people and their fallen
    commrades laying in Arlington who GAVE their lives defending the US Constitution?

    Or are they faithful to the racketeers funding their pay and retirements?

    We shall see.

  8. A bunch of idiotic banker and finance men came up with financial products that have proven to be riddled with flaws. The men are responsible and they're going face the consequences (or admittedly try to hang bystanders as well).

    Focus on tangential items like bread and a pair of shoes. Let the idiots take their lumps.

  9. Excuse me but if I am not mistaken but the Govt can get rid of the Fed and print it's own money directly. That's right, we can go back to US Govt Reserve Notes.

    This is a perfect time to get rid of the Federal Reserve Corporation and actually be within the laws of Constitution.

    The money could be backed by silver and other precious metals. We can add palladium, platinum, & even uranium to back those notes...

    We don't need the Federal Reserve Corporation of Foreign Investors for anything...

    Congress should also Let the FED Corporation keep those debts they already purchased and leave the FED toxic.

    The only ramification to that is that those with FED notes now would be left holding the bag.. But come on... The ones holding the most of those holding FED notes are Big Banks!

    I can live with that! :)

  10. People this weekend we need to drop all these debates and realize that our government just put over a million American families on the streets! We need to make noise! We need to spread the word! We need to do something! I know a lot of these people.Please help:

  11. 7:54,

    Patterns and trends.

    America has allowed two-timing Jews to...

    - take over America's money supply;
    - take over news gathering;
    - take over entertainment (Hollywood);
    - take over America's foreign policy;
    - take over Wall Street;
    - take over the Oval Office through Wall Street;
    - take over Congress through Wall Street;
    - take over the Senate through Wall Street;
    - take over most large corporations through Wall Street;
    - take over mega corporations;
    - etc...

    It was the Jews who forced Communism (a Jewish invention) on Russia. Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin were Jews. London and Wall Street Jews where behind it. Rothschild's payback for to a Czar who refuse to go only with their NWO scheme many decades previously.

    Patterns and trends.

    Christianity and Judaism are not compatible. The latter are at war with the first group, always have, always will, only most Christians refuse to face this reality.

    Edgar Steele's assertion is 100% correct, namely...


    Expel the Jews from Amerrica, cancel the fraudulent debt system and take back your manufacturing and watch America recover almost overnight.

    Anti-Semitism is nothing more than a BS mechanism to get you to ignore the above facts. There's no basis in it. Besides., ALL Arabs are Semitic, including the Turks (Esau), Germanic peoples, including Anglo-Saxons, Dutch, Belgians, Franks, Germans, Austrians and Danes.

    It is impossible for a German to be anti-Semitic. Semitic means you're a descendant of Noah's eldest son, Shem (pronounced "Sem"). A silent "S" in not only a Jewish characteristic, it's also an Anglo-Saxon and Frankish (French) one as well.

    Time to wake up and smell the coffee, simple-minded, non-Jewish Americans.

  12. 1:04 - But don't you see, by letting the benefits run out these people fall off the list, then the government and MSM will be happy to inform us that over a million new jobs were created in Feb. Unemployment rates drops, the recession is over.

    1:34 - So... maybe Hitlers "ultimate solution" was right after all?

  13. Please stop the bigotry against Jews. The problems in America are not the result of one or two races of people. It is from mismanagement and trying to protect the spend, spend, spend mentality of this country and families. It is this kind of bigotry that makes you dangerous to the millions who will soon stand up and say enough. You will end up in the "FEMA" camps you dream of if you don't get on board with a clear head and prepared hands. Bigotry will get you hurt early by all sides when the SHTF. Because you bring nothing to the table to any side of any group. In other words the few thousand of you bigots will be squashed fast. Grow up and clear your mind you old farts if you want to be part of the rebuilding of America after the collapse cause if you don't you will be arrested for crimes against humanity when the SHTF. Also, what makes you idiots think that the FEDS aren't monitoring this blog. If you think just because you click Anonymous they won't know how to find you you are a goof.

  14. Excuse my english, but this is the main problem of USA, the population is immature, the problem is within both polotics and population. Yeah i believe that there are some very powerfull forces running the USa, but that diesnt explain a single thing of whats going on today, its basicly a thing that started with Ronald Reagen that wanted to crush USSR, wich he did for a period, but that 1 cost both Unions alot of monies, and it continued with 2 x bush and clinton. The fact is taht now USA have to pay for all those wars that purely has been about Enregy(not democracy wich always has been the false flag). As of for today my opinion is that USA the worste thing we have on the planet today, ask yourself why, Money, thats it!!!!!
    A short answer to all of those that ask for the birth certificate of Obhama, think all of you are crazy, or mentally ill, and blame everything on NWO, grow up, im glad i dont live in there

  15. 134,

    If the MSM attempts that little trick of tombstone accounting, the people are going to rise up and call them on it...

    Even the most brain dead American understands not getting any more UI checks and the unemployment roll all of a sudden dropping... DUH!!

    What I think is really happening is they are trying to keep that Unemployment number from going into panic digits which would scare the sheep too much.

    For example. It is now at 10% but in reality it is at 22%-25%. Since millions are being unemployed now every month they are trying to keep it from going to 18% which in reality would be 40%... 18% will scare the sheep and make MSM's lying job too hard.

    That's almost half the nation out of work... So the solution is to drop off millions a month from the UI rolls and report a much lower number.

    These people now dropped from the UI benefits will discover, many for the first time in their life, what food stamps and welfare is really like.

    The great wonders of subsistence and socialistic dependency must be taught to all..


  16. FBI, CIA, Homeland Security monitor this site closely. And if you don't think they do, you are and idiot and should just get back to your kiddie porn and wait for your arrest because you are totally devoid of any intellect and incapable of clear moral or sound thinking at any level. Criminal minds are not just single in effort, they explore many venues... so all bigots should go back to their kiddie porn and shut up.

  17. You all notice how the fear peddlers work... right ?

    ZZZZZZ!! It's getting really old!

  18. PS. I was the poster @ 2:51 addressing the fearmonger at 2:45 who throws around alphabet agencies to scare people into Communism.

  19. Who has taught our children to be homosexual?

  20. There are so many people on here that are nuts that it takes away from any intelligent thoughts about the article. Some of you folks need to get back on your meds.

  21. Feb 26, 5:11 pm, You are correct. I used to post serious commentary and advice on this blog.

    At this point, the blog is primarily read by complete imbeciles. Most of the commentary posted is the absurd, ill informed rants of the conspiracy fueled fringe element.

    The comments posted at this site should give you insight to what will occur shortly when they do not receive their monthly welfare checks.

  22. @7:54 AM
    I think he sleeps really well knowing that he and his gang robbed all the European and North American countries of their gold, leaving us enough toilet paper to wipe our stupid asses for the rest of our life.

  23. The bond markets have been anticipating a fall for quite some time, it has all been dependent on "timing". Participants in the US bond market are largely not of US origin.

    "The fall" has been on the table for a while, but one of the major investing countries was so dependent on the market that the US offered that there was some difficulty weaning themselves from their "habit". Things have started to change recently...

    ...I suspect that the USA will soon be entering more challenging economic times, and although the conflict will manifest itself in middle eastern countries, the true sources of the conflict will come from other areas of the globe, and will be exacerbated by individuals who feed their minds and souls through accumulation of power via wealth and greed.

    Luckily, a majority of people are truly "social", and will put the good of the many (hence community) above the good of the few/their own need for power. There are numerous accounts throughout history of greedy, power hungry individuals and their constituants taking and taking and taking, until there is really nothing left to take, but still they want to take because their conception of the endgame is to obliterate the enemy. The only problem is that "the enemy" is in reality an often willing host to these parasites, but when the host is threatened perhaps it will "select" for an adaptation that will not lend itself to the continuation of the "parasite". Since these changes are socio-cultural rather than genetic, this adaptation could take place in less than a generation.

    There is always hope.

    I would suggest that the a portion of the current parasite has, like certain viruses, hidden itself fairly well, so that we may not detect it and produce antibodies. That social virus is the MSM, which has obtained markers (or attitudes) that appeal to a certain individual, that virus is then able to attack us more thoroughly, because we are tricked into thinking that it is part of us, all the while unaware that it has it's very own agenda that has nothing to do with our well-being.


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