
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Economic Anarchy: Be Prepared For a Massive Meltdown

An economic calamity is brewing, and as Brian at Survive Right points out, “ the articles are becoming more urgent, more prevalent and from more mainstream sources.” The collective consciousness senses that something is not as it’s supposed to be.
Paul Farrell at the Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch describes the coming global-debt-bomb explosion:
The Big One is coming soon, bigger than the 2000 dot-com crash and the 2008 subprime credit meltdown combined. A huge market blowout. And as Bloomberg-BusinessWeek predicts: “The results won’t be pretty for investors or elected officials.”
After the global-debt bomb explodes don’t expect a typical bear correction followed by a new bull. Wall Street’s toxic pseudo-capitalism is imploding. Be prepared for a massive meltdown. Yes, already the third major bubble-bust of the 21st century, triggered once again by Wall Street’s out-of-control Fat Cat Bankers. And it’s dead ahead.
We’re glad that more mainstream media outlets are warning investors of the destruction to come. While most will continue to believe the fairy tales spouted on CNN, CNBC and ABC News, at least some will survive the financial destruction to come with their retirements intact - or at least not completely wiped out.
Mr. Farrell asks if your family will survive the anarchy that follows:


  1. Anarchy is what we want. An-archy=without rulers=liberty.

  2. Only about 2% of the populace is prepping in any real way.

  3. 10:12 Yeah, the rest are doing yoga, drinking Starbucks, and shopping at the mall, followed by a night of "Dancing With The Stars" on tv.

    They are in for a big surprise.

  4. I'm seriously okay with whatever happens. I just want to get on with it. I don't want to live for ten years with this threat hanging over my head.

  5. I agree with 10:43, if it's gonna happen anyway, let it happen already. 2012, 2010 what's the difference?

  6. Anarchy is exactly what you will receive if a financial collapse occurs. The police officers, firemen, and emergency responders will return home to care of their loved ones. Services you take for granted will cease to exist.

    Observe the freedom the Somalis, Croatians, Serbs, Bosnians, Argentineans, Cambodians, Vietnamese, South Africans, and scores of other nations enjoyed after their societies collapsed.

    The anarchy will last only momentarily until the warlords assemble their forces. You will trade an unresponsive government for a tyranny that will commit unspeakable acts of savagery upon those you care about.

    There is a thin line that maintains civilization. It consists of about 3 meals and perhaps 2 days of water, after that, it becomes quite messy and brutal.

    It will not resemble a movie or video game. You will not have the capacity to resist them alone. Many will not believe the horror as it occurs, even as they stand witness to the events.

    Gather your friends and loved ones about you now.

  7. Frightening words. By now I assume you mean like now, this evening, or tomorrow? My friend, I believe everything will be the same. But give it time and things will continue to slowly dismantle, unless or until war or some sudden rift occurs in the social fabric or the machine.

    It is actually difficult to predict WHAT exactly will occur and how. So, prepare for the worst but hope for the best. There does not have to be tyranny if the people refuse to accept it. Remember if the police will walk away then maybe the soldiers in the military will too and refuse to support a military-style fascist state.

    If this story were already written there would be no use in living it out. Nothing is ever completely determined.

  8. No, it will not happen "now, this evening, or tomorrow". You know better than that. The pages of history turn slowly until reaching a critical tipping point. Mankind's history bears that truth out repeatedly. History is my reference paradigm.

    The Jews, Cambodians, South Africans, Romans, and a litany of others were unable to recognize the triggers that tore their worlds apart.

    There are certain undisputable laws that cannot be violated without dramatic conclusion. We have violated those laws.

    This story has in fact been written and cannot be denied. Just as Winter must follow Autumn, the sun sets, and we grow older. The course of all things is cyclical and never linear. No thing remains the same.

    My words were not intended to frighten. Because of the nature of my life experiences I have come to witness a great deal of human nature. It has at times, not been honorable.

    I leave you with the best of wishes.

  9. Of course I know better, as conveyed in my text. But you were more alarmist about it in the original post. Yes, I agree, society, life, the universe, it all has a cyclical element to it. It is inevitable that from about the point we have reached now there is only one way to go. We have reached a novel state of being--novel in technological precision, and novel in struggle and destructive capacity--this marka the transition to some new eventual reality, which we can not fully perceive as of yet.

    For now I say walk calmly in the presence of angels.

  10. America will not collapse overnight. There will be a sudden dollar devaluation to right debt at all levels of society, including government. So one day, it will cost you, say $3 for a gallon of gas, the next day following the devaluation, say $6. Okay. You drive less, carpool and/or take transit. Big deal.

    Sure, many people will lose their jobs; those employed in nonessentials, like restaurants and entertainment. Some families will be forced to group up in one home, so they can eat, but not everybody.

    Bottom line: a single dollar devaluation event will not cause America to shut down completely. It just means most people will have to do with less immediately. Most people will be able to adapt. They won't be happy about it, but they will adapt. Always have, always will.

    You people are way too apocalyptic for the short-term. The conditions you describe require global war or an act of God or something on that level.

    Most Weimar Republic Germans survived the hyper-inflationary times of the early twenties. What makes you believe most of America won't survive an overnight devaluation of the dollar? Remember, the rest of the world, for the most part, will be suffering the same thing. Otherwise, America will become pretty darn competitive quite fast in terms of trade.

    The sky is not falling just yet. It's simply a period of transformation. Whereas the average American pays more for shelter than food and transportation right now, the reverse will be true following devaluation.

    Inflation will follow this initial event. However, it will take TIME. People will have a period to adjust.

    Not saying this will be easy or fun. It's just not the end of the world. At least, not just yet. Look on the bright side, the roads will become less congested in rush hour. :-)

  11. Yes, I agree, a new eventual reality is absolutely being ushered in at this time. I cannot predict, nor can others predict, the month or year. However, I believe we are close at hand to the tipping point. It will be alarming to most citizens at the percepted rapidity of it's arrival and the consequences.

    It is most assuredly a time to walk calmly in the presence of angels. It will be a time that will try all men's moral fiber and courage. Gather your families about you, make no new enemies, and act with restraint and honor.

  12. People will NOT have time to adjust. Those that don't prepare now will be decimated.

    To say there is time to adjust in a swift economic implosion is foolhardy.

    The day of the implosion has already been chosen by our Oligarch banker owners. Either you are ready to ride the storm or you are not. If you are not, your fate will be to starve and die. It is a simple as that.

  13. I absolutely love this site, having contributed to its great owner. I agree with the above posters, and have been focusing my energies into stockpiling necessities (fuel, food, firearms). It is imperative for any reasonable person to be able to withstand at least one year of upcoming calamity. The first year will be shocking and very hard on the unprepared.

  14. "To make the distinction unmistakably clear: Civilization is the vital force in human history; culture is that inert mass of institutions and organizations which accumulate around and tend to drag down the advance of life; Civilization is Giordano Bruno facing death by fire; culture is the Cardinal Bellarmino, after ten years of inquisition, sending Bruno to the stake in the Campo di Fiori; Civilization is Sartre; culture Cocteau; Civilization is mutual aid and self-defense; culture is the judge, the lawbook and the forces of Law & Ordure (sic); Civilization is uprising, insurrection, revolution; culture is the war of state against state, or of machines against people, as in Hungary and Vietnam; Civilization is tolerance, detachment and humor, or passion, anger, revenge; culture is the entrance examination, the gas chamber, the doctoral dissertation and the electric chair; Civilization is the Ukrainian peasant Nestor Makhno fighting the Germans, then the Reds, then the Whites, then the Reds again; culture is Stalin and the Fatherland; Civilization is Jesus turning water into wine; culture is Christ walking on the waves; Civilization is a youth with a Molotov cocktail in his hand; culture is the Soviet tank or the L.A. cop that guns him down; Civilization is the wild river; culture, 592,000 tons of cement; Civilization flows; culture thickens and coagulates, like tired, sick, stifled blood."

    -Edward Abbey

  15. Why is it that rich conservatives hate redistribution? The middle class is disappearing and the lower classes can barely get by. Redistribution is everywhere. In fact recessions and depressions are a type of redistribution, albeit a random type.

    Conservatives scorn redistribution when it is deliberate for constructive reasons like single-payer healthcare. But when it's for phony oil wars, they are eager to jump.

    If the rich were smart, they would voluntarily get together and brainstorm their country out of this depression. Other than that, the redistribution will be unruly and involuntary.

  16. What do you think




    Hope for the Best.

    Plan for the Worst.

  17. Ea, you delete my post saying that Jesus is Lord, but you leave this 'angels are mythical' crap on your site.

    You have an anti religious bias?

    What's wrong with you?

  18. @EA...........

    Speaking of deleting posts, you go over to 'Survive Right' and apparently they'll delete your posts if you even begin to question their position by showing contrary data - not opinions to the contrary mind you - but hard data. Now I don't know about you but when some blog deletes contrary comments backed up by facts I dump them quick. You could do better than referencing that site IMO. Differing sides to any given argument should be given due consideration else one risks being alarmist for sake of alarm.

    At least here within reason you let commenters state their position without undue censorship. I commend you.

  19. "survive right"? Never heard of it.

  20. Conservatives hate redistribution because it is proven to have disastrous results, and it violates individual liberty. I don't think it's just conservaties, as you are obviously trying to make this a partisan issue. It's everyone who has something that simply decides that they have the right all on their own to decide whom they want to share with and when. Everyone knows we need a little government and a little collectivism, but only a fool thinks that either should be trusted in large amounts. The more we re-distribute, the more liberty we lose.

    It's a liberty thing. Sheesh, why do so many NOT understand this? Liberty will always be lost the more we rely on government forcing us to share everything.

  21. You will NOT create a perfect society with redistribution in ever greater amounts, as the fools in the government, media, and academia would have us all believe. You simply create that which history has shown us happens time and time again when we let these educated idiots lead us all to believe collectivism is our savior -- we get Hell on earth instead.

  22. Latest polls showed that 36% of Americans approved of Socialism. That represents those that want to receive from the government. If they want Socialism, move to Venezuela,Russia, Spain, etc. The Constitution does not state that "We the people" must give our labor and profit to someone else that doesn't labor or profit. I'm sick and tired of those that applaud "redistribution" of wealth. Our founding fathers saw that trap and that's why they formed a "Republic". The Progressive Government started the "redistribution" program in 1913 with illegally enacting the Federal Reserve Act soon followed by the Income Tax 16th amendment to the Constitution that allowed the Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states. Those two actions were the beginning of unconstitutionally redistributing American wealth. The Fed was illegal then and it's illegal now. But we just continue to allow it to prevail and the Fed just continues to destroy this great nation. Sick of it!

  23. Sorry I just refuse to allow this site to be taken over by religion or atheism, I spent an hour deleting the fights between the "fors and against" this is an ECONOMIC SITE!

  24. I agree with EA (1pm); otherwise the comments would be off the subject: economy. As for socialist Americans (ll:24AM)Please move to those countries mentioned, incl England, mainland Europe, China, etc. The closer the Elitists get to their goal, the faster they will accelerate it, D. Rockefeller said several years ago that the window of opportunity (end game agenda) is getting less each day.

  25. I agree with EA. There are 100s of blogs for the religious retards. This site is about the economy or should I say the fake economy.

  26. I agree with EA, Throw off Religious Retards and let us know about the fake economy

  27. I would elminate all commentary. The blog is interesting, but becoming whacko. Just lose the ability for anyone to comment for a month and start it up again.

  28. "Gather your families about you, make no new enemies, and act with restraint and honor."

    Good advice. And don't be afraid to help, as well as rely on your neighbor.

  29. religion is what is causing all these problems in the world, it divides us and creates havoc, better to believe in yourself and family and forget the fairytales

  30. 4:23 The Banking families that run this planet absolutely love you and your preoccupation with what you THINK divides us and creates havoc.

  31. 553 I dont use banks, you do though and will lose everything soon enough

  32. 5:53 the banking families know you worship a cartoon, you don't. Please go over to the Jimmy Swaggart forum and leave this one alone. That goes for Atheists or whoever. We all have our delusions, share yours over there.

  33. 7:01 - Your ignorance keeps rearing its ugly head. It doesn't matter if you don't use a bank. You use their fiat money. Or do you pays for things at the beer store in gold shillings and get paid in beer nuts. "It matters not their laws if we control their currency" Rothschilds. Try picking up a book and educating yourself for a change.

    9:11 - How ironic for you to post at 9:11. You become less delusional once you follow the money as they say. Once you do you realize how petty it is for people to be direct there hate and venom against one particular group while the group that pulls all the political and economic strings slowly destroys everyones standard of living and propagates constant wars for profit.

  34. Please keep the comments section. I learn a lot about what is really going on in different parts of the country (when people remember to explain where they live) and I learn what people really think.

    It pays to be prepared. I live in rural PA and I have several forms of heat and light, a freezer, extra blankets, extra supplies and food, etc. I learned how to can food and, if necessary, I could weave my own cloth from wool spun directly from a sheep's fleece (and I can dye it with natural substances too). However, should everything fall apart, you'll quickly learn that survival (food and shelter) requires all your energy. Most people will either be unable or unwilling to put in the effort.

    Also, just about everyone in rural areas in armed. So I hope we don't descend into chaos. Just a little bit of violent revolution, so Wall Street and Congress pay heed, sounds better to me.

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