
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gold Price Will Surge To $5,000 in Two Years

Gold Prices will climb to $5,000 within two years due to US dollar weakness and significant buying by players in the hedge fund industry looking to preserve the value of their funds.

That is the opinion of New Zealand market trading expert Welles Wilder, who has previously been highlighted by publications such as Forbes and Barron's for his skill in the markets, reports.

His belief was revealed by another local trader Oli Hille, who trades in New Zealand's currency markets, and is currently writing a book, which is to be titled Creating the Perfect Lifestyle.

Mr Hille told the news provider: "He implies his call is based on the US dollar becoming weaker and weaker and basically falling out of bed."

The trader learnt of Mr Wilder's opinion on Gold Prices while interviewing him for the book, which also includes an interview with New Zealand's prime minister John Key. 

More Here..


  1. ANYBODY who tries to tell you they can predict anything about an ecomomy more than 6 maybe 9
    (maybe) months out is trying to SELL YOU something.

    Especially a economy as large and complex as this one.

    I am in no way saying gold won't hit 5,000 or even 6 - I'm just saying it could just as easy
    hit 5 or 6 hundred.

    Investing is a lot like eating - moderation and diversification and you'll be fine.

  2. We are going into a depression but it will be deflationary the first few years and Gold will not skyrocket to 5,000 imo but unlike most commodities it will not go down in price but I cant see it going much over 2,000 at the very most probably will be around 1,600 or so.

  3. Yeah - you say Depression; the next one says recession the next one says nothing the next ones says yada yada yada
    you say deflation, the next one says inflation the next one says stagflation the next one says hyperinflation yada yada yada \\\\\
    we know its not good; beyond that prepare for you own set of circumstances which only you are aware of & take all this other talk with a really big grain of salt 'cause that's what it's

  4. Anon at 5:20,
    ANYBODY who tries to tell you they can predict anything about an ecomomy more than 6 maybe 9 (maybe) months out is trying to SELL YOU something.

    Go Away, Art Laffer!!!!

  5. Excellent article at FOFOA. It carefully and logically takes you through the monetary processes at work, which could lead to the ultimate destruction of the dollar. Read it once, then again.

    FOFOA calls the article 'Greece is the Word', but I prefer a term he used throughout the article... FREEGOLD

    Good luck to all.

  6. The fate of this financial system was ultimately sealed when the dollar was no longer redeemable for silver and gold.

    A second large nail in the coffin was driven approximately 20 years ago when the federal government changed lending practices for low income non-qualifying debtors. Lending institutions not following the mandates were fined into compliance. That is the foundation for the disater we now face. It has since grown into the disaster we currently grapple with.

    Those my friends, are the irrefutable facts.

    I wish the best for all of you.

  7. Gold/PMs are so much more than an investment. They break you away from the restraints of the filthy bankers. It is yours to have and to hold. Not to be kept behind some bank door that could be locked tomorrow to keep you out.

    Not like a ponzi stock investment that could crash to -0- tomorrow.

    Anyone that has figured out that the Oligarch banksters destroyed America and the future of the 98%, wake up and own PMs.

  8. The full interview with Welles Wilder can be found on this website:

  9. I figure the perfect age right now is 50.

    Something who is 50 has lived a good life and avoided fighting in the staged wars and strife. There may even be time left for a peaceful exit from this world, maybe not.

  10. 5:42 i agree you with you I dont know whats going to happen or when. It will not be pretty

  11. All you need to know about Gold

    is that the Rothschilde family became the richest family in the world by cornering the worlds Gold markets.

    Every day they set the spot price of Gold.

    The Rothchilds. If you want to be rich, watch what the rich do and do as they do.

    Hoarde gold. All the gold in the world. I want all the gold in the world to be MINE.

    I want to own ALL of the gold in the world.


    Do you know who I am?

  12. 6.19 could you be called Rothschild?

  13. The Vatican? lol

    After all, the crusades were primarily about stealing land and GOLD.

    Here the Rothschilds (who are the holders of the Vatican's trillions in wealth) have tens of trillions of gold themselves.

    What do we have here in the USA? Maybe 300 billion at Fort Knox. Unlikely though since it has not been audited since the 50s! UNAUDITED. Doesn't that sound like our pals at the Fed?

    Why unaudited? You guessed it! Because the elite creeped away with most of that gold long, long ago. We are an empty shell lined with little slips of paper with faces, pyramids, and tiny owls upon it. Our New World Order is now complete.

    MONEY and FAKE MONEY. Their entire system of control.

    We, the USA, fell for it hook line and sinker. Listen to Benjamin Freemans speech from 1961. He said the Zionists would bring the USA to her knees via two fronts. The fake scripted religion THEY gave us, where THEY are held up. Then of course our fake fiat money system which would eventually leave us barren.

  14. I'm sorry 12:55pm, but Christianity is not a fake scripted religion brought to us by Zionists. Any real christian recognizes that Zionism is wrong, as do the Orthodox jews who beleive that God banned them from inhabiting the holy land until such time that He should return.

    I know the love of Jesus, I've felt it wash over me from head to toe. I know that He lived and died for my sins, and rose again on the third day to ever lasting life.

    Nothing in this world is worth anything compared to the love of my Lord. Nothing.

    Unfortunately, you and many others are now simply the fullfillment of our Lords prophecies that in the hour of darkness, no man could work , no man could share with another the love of God, they will reject it, too many distractions, too much bogus information for them to get to


    that they should understand and be saved.

    Love is forever. All of you that bet that it isn't are going to be very sorry.

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