
Thursday, February 18, 2010

George Soros Double Talk: Then Doubles Gold Investment

US billionaire George Soros has more than doubled his investment in gold, despite calling it the "ultimate bubble" just weeks ago.
Mr Soros' investment vehicle Soros Fund Management increased its holding in SPDR Gold Trust to 6.2 million shares, worth $663m (£425m) at the end of 2009.
It had held 2.5 million shares at the end of the third quarter of 2009.
The gold price hit a record high of $1,226.56 an ounce in December, but has since fallen back to about $1,100.
Mr Soros himself has suggested that gold may not be a good investment.
At the World Economic Forum in Davos last month, he said: "The ultimate asset bubble is gold." However, he did not say whether he was investing in the precious metal.
But he also said that when he sees a bubble, "I rush out and buy".


  1. Elite Deviance is on the RISE! This reminds me of the collapse of the stock market when the experts were telling me; "Don't sell, this is just a glitch and it will recover, you will lose more money if sell, the market does this all the time." Cramer screams; "sell stupid, get out now." Well, well, well, I really don't think that anyone would ever lie to me in order to make a few bucks for themselves. LOL I have bought a few used cars... and this one reeks of Elite Deviance...

  2. Soros may be a prick Elitist, but even he knows a sure thing. He wants it all for his ilk, but tells us it's a bubble. At least he has to disclose this, but of course would nver tell anyone.

    This Zionist phuckhead would feed his own mother to the lions if it meant more wealth, and I reckon hell has a special place for his ilk.

  3. I reckon so. Amen brother.

  4. Soros is no dummy, you dont get that rich without having some foreknowledge of where the markets are going and I think we just got an affirmation by the big cats of whats to come. Hold on to your Gold.

  5. When an old crypto-Jew billionaire starts doing something out of ordinary like this it would be wise to follow. The Schwartz (his real name) has spoken!

  6. It is funny what Americans see as wealthy people at the top of the food chain. Soros, Gates, Murdock. These men are literally street bums in comparison to real wealthy people on this planet. The Rothschilds, Rockfellers, Warburgs, Morgans.

  7. This is ALL you need to know.

    Evelyn de Rothschild, on of Soro's bosses is invested as follows:

    - gold
    - oil
    - bonds

    He made mention of such in a low profile interview with a non-name, female interviewer on CNBC a few months back.

    The only thing that looks out of place are the bonds, but you have to remember that he gets free money through the carry trade and Fed to do this.

    In a era of widespread currency devaluation and Peak Oil (real of manufactured), gold and oil totally make sense.

    Now unless you have extensive, inside knowledge, stick to the basics above.

  8. Go back and read what was said, Soros said that the ultimate bubble is gold, he didnt say that the bubble is now...the media completely misunderstood his comment...he knows that it will hit plus $2000 at some point at which point it would be the ultimate bubble...

  9. Right: But he also said that when he sees a bubble, "I rush out and buy". If bubble occurs what will he do TRIPLE TALK?

  10. w loser bush chip his tooth on pretzel, then almost choke to death, too bad the pretzel did not finish the job

  11. I urge everyone to stand pat on their gold stashes. I mean only real, physical, shiny gold. Gold on paper will be just that, a picture of gold on worthless paper. May those lying elites reap what they sow, and soon.

  12. When the investment you made cannot pay you well in future, it will make you feel depressed. One of the easiest and problem free ways of investing is to invest in gold. To make yourself clear with the pros and cons of investments, you can get the assistance of a financial firm.


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