
Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Middle Class: Rattlesnake For Breakfast, Wedding Rings On Craigslist

Neck deep in the recession, many formerly middle-class families have had to find creative ways to cope with the sudden loss of their jobs and homes.
After Jeff Falk, 51, lost his family business selling auto parts, he found himself two months behind on the mortgage and unable to find work. No longer able to afford the comfortable house he had built for his family in Arkansas, Falk, his wife Jill, and their two boys, ages 3 and 8, packed all their belongings into their 40-foot camper and headed to Arizona for the winter.
Jill found a part-time job waiting tables, and Jeff found occasional work repairing old boats, but they struggled to feed and home-school their young boys. Occasionally, Falk says, he feeds his children rattlesnake that he caught near his camper.
"We didn't have any food," Falk said. "While Jill would go out at the food banks, I'd feed the kids whatever I could find. Atypical depression-era shit. There was a big western diamondback come slithering through the camp, so I barbequed him up. It tastes like lobster. I told my kids it was desert lobster."
Falk sent HuffPost a picture of the snake:

The Suicide Letter


  1. Jeff is a great dad! What a survivor. Kudos to him.

  2. Wow. The guy that flew his plane into the FBI building was an intelligent, articulate guy.

    It is sad that the banker media will make out what he did as a reason to take even more of our freedoms away.

  3. Yep. They are already playing up his comments as an "anti-government rant." BTW, if you criticize the Fed/IRS it is always a 'rant.'

    His website was pulled down by the FBI. Can't have the sheeple thinking he was anything more than a crazed lunatic. I am sure they are disappointed that he didn't he a Muslim-sounding name or wore a Turban.

  4. Unfortunately, more and more people will snap. When the young people gather in groups of 100-200 and raid grocery stores and stores that have goods they want we will then begin to see food prices go up and security at stores increase. Soon folks, soon. I give it days or weeks.

  5. he should have flown his plane into congress in session

  6. or flown his plane into Goldman Sachs, BofA, anyone of those places...

  7. 8 years of the bush crime family pushed this guy over the edge

  8. Bush/Clinton/Obama, they are all the same, CORRUPT.

  9. Too bad this guy, and all middle class Americans, don't know about this:

    (Just pull the plug on the System.)

    P.S. You're WELCOME!!

  10. 3:13,

    Link that did not appear:

  11. reagan, bush 1 bush w the loser and ovama all corrupt criminals

  12. And so the Revolution begins, one soul broken down to the point of doing something about it, everyone has been wondering when the American People will rise up, well "Stack em up" "Stack the deck" Stack will be the name of who started the new Revolution.

  13. Joeseph Stack is a hero!

  14. Vote out all incumbents this fall! Kick all of the crooks out!

  15. 3:31 please don't hold back. Feel free to express yourself 100%.

  16. Voting is for the stooge lemmings and is meaningless. All important offices have the winners pre-selected by the bankster media. If one should slip through, the electronic voting machines do their job.

    Voting is for suckers. It is only there to give you the false impression you have freedom of choice, you don't. You have owners, they own you.

  17. The voting machine is like the little plastic "Fisher Price" steering wheel kids get in the back seat of the car, so they think they are driving, it even has a little horn, kind of like the "I Voted" sticker you get when leaving.

  18. You're right 3:47, voting is for suckers and morons. I quit decades ago. As for homeless families, everyone over 16 should be doing something, even part time babysitting, housecleaning, etc. People with kids on food stamps & welfare: don't breed 'em if you can't feed 'em! Parenting is a very expensive hobby. In the 21st century only the wealthy can afford it.

  19. Looka..looka here.. The Fed is actually strating to raise rates. Of course they do it after the market closes at 4:30. Now, I am REALLY interested how the markets react tomorrow. If there isn't at LEAST a 150 point drop, then we'll know for sure this game is rigged and the stock market is on auto pilot.

  20. EVERYONE currently a bonafide resident in this country / mandatory to do 2 things or your IMMEDIATELY exported to ICELAND.

    Speak fluent English

    Vote ( every election )

    EVERY dumb sonofabitch that has some lame assed excuse for NOT voting ------------------------


  21. Vote? You honestly believe that the elections are not RIGGED? Florida's JED BUSH proved it beyond a reasonable doubt.

  22. SOME elections may be just that - I / anyone CANNOT prove/dis prove either way.

    Buy I can tell you one thing - when people are REALLY pissed off --

    We have what we had not long ago in Mass.

    Now; WHO among us calls THAT rigged.


    WE have the POWER


  23. Just like Daimon Williams started the LA riots, when he bashed Reggie Denny in the head with a cinder block, Joe Stack may be "the shot heard around the world". If we do nothing, he died in vain.

    In the context of this story, I live in a "trailer park". That makes me "poor white trailer trash" where your sister is also your mother. I still have my teeth and my sister is not my mother! We are all headed down the same nasty path, the rich bastards will simply be at the end of the line, wondering where is the Grey Goose?

    If you are not living in the street, or your car, or an RV, or a tent, you very might be doing just that sooner than you think.

    I had an NGO that was dedicated to ending extreme poverty in the world. I ended it when I finally realized that nobody with a decent lifestyle cares a rats ass about the 4 billion people on this planet that live in extreme poverty. Now we are all moving in that same direction, DO YOU CARE NOW?

    We ALL have to solve this problem, Joe Stack believed violence was the only way.

    I would be happy to pitch a tent at the base of the Lincoln Memorial and stay there, if I knew every other oppressed American would do the same.

  24. this guy only did what a lot of people would like to do..

    He should have run for office... He had my VOTE

  25. 5:07 - election fraud has not only been proven, but some very brave SOBS - programmers - have testified before Congressional committee with PROOF that they were the actual people HIRED to program the central Diabold machines to give elections 51/49%.

    Here is actual testimony -

    Comeon .... LOL ... no one can prove/dis that elections are fraudulent?? Now that is funny.

    Of course the programmers that came forward have probably been disgraced or worse.

    As for the bankster media, it will promote the politician that has sold out to corporate interests and marginalize any honest person (ie Ron Paul).

    Our political system is a scam and a joke. There is no freedom in Amerika. It is all a sad illusion.

  26. Most of the people here have a grasp on things and go against the herd mentality. We are the 2% that question things.

    Watch some MSM news reports on Joe Stack and you will clearly see that our media is nothing more than a corp/govt mouthpiece.

    The 98% are ready to condemn any sort of protest, violent or otherwise.

  27. 5:54 My daughter asked me today why the Feds don't just pull the plug on spending and stop all of this downturn. The answer is simple. The Elites and the 98% you speak of have a certain standard of living that they want protected. They are willing to attempt protecting it even at the expense of the world economy and my grandsons tax bill. They are failing and all they have managed to accomplish is slow down the fall by months and make it ultimately more severe and causing it to last substantially longer. We are currently protecting our neighbor who drives their SUV down to the post office to pick up his bag to deliver the mail and the IRS agent that live across the street from me who drives a new car. Oh yea, I forgot... she was foreclosed on and had to move. It sickens me that this has been about maintaining the mall and SUV mentality of overspending and trying to live like gods. The states are going to go under because they can't print money and the Feds will print us to obscurity and we will be like ghosts in our own land.

  28. I live in the Midwest, we have it good. Move out here with plenty of jobs for all of you! we hvae lots of food and shelter for you, mild winters and plenty of food and money with good paying jobs.......but hey it ain't kalifornia but still you kan provide stuff for the kids and mrs.

  29. goldfinger vrs the Silver surferFebruary 18, 2010 at 10:45 PM

    The game is a foot.Choose your weapon sir.Gold or Silver

  30. What a great letter and so damn true. It's a shame he had to take his life to prove a point, but will the American public listen. There really should be some kind of REvolt happening in the U.S by now, but, American Idol is on, maybe just watch that for a bit.

    Get up an show the world what the American spirit of old was like for gods sake, get rid of these rich evil banksters and straigten out congress. Revolt and take back your rights and freedom.

  31. In typical Goebels fashion they shut down his site hoping only very few would actually read his message. Smart. Then have the fake media refer to him as an ignorant lunatic (USA Today). That is how you keep the 98% content and happy.

  32. Violent revolution is what they want because they are more then ready for it. Their greatest weapon is not tanks and heat guns. Their greatest weapon are the 98% that will go along to get along.

  33. I have spoken to people who say things like "that guy was insane!". "I hope that bastard suffered when he died". They have no honest clue about how bad the system has is corrupted and faulty. It is a wonder that not more people were injured, or even killed. I think there are better ways to prove your point, but I respect his passion and bravery in standing up for what he believes.

  34. Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.

  35. He should of quit paying taxes and worked for cash.
    Wouldn't want to be a government worker, to much of a target for people who are pissed off about being crapped on.
    Things will get worst.
    Don't let the government get the best of you.
    The American people will only be up in arms when they lose everything they have.
    Refuse help from government programs, don't let them get their grips in you, that is how they control you.

  36. 10:03 Our greatest weapon is to only buy food to eat and gas to get to work. Stop spending. Everything stops it you stop spending. Spread the word. This is the ultimate protest. It will only take a month. Beginning March 1... We start.

  37. Joe Stack, the front runner of a new trend?

  38. Joe Stack committed murder. He as an individual declared war on the country. Passive resistance and dissent is the way of Americans. We must not ever kill our fellow Americans for the purpose of statement. Our weapon is our personal funds and we must use them wisely.

  39. Remove your money out of the BANKS. Stop paying your credit cards and taxes as well as your mortgages. If everyone collectively did that, then you won't have to kill anyone.

  40. 9:37 Passive resistance is the way of Americans? I dont think that is accurate. We Americans are a violent force and hardly passive. Wait until we have a J Stack every day. So he killed a few IRS goons, who cares?

  41. j stack is a hero, Im waiting for all stacks to start the motor running, then we can all join in for a banker bar be q

  42. Desperate people are going to do desperate things, but i think the best idea is just paying taxes, see how long the govt lasts then.There not going to lock up everyone .


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