Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ron Paul: Chaos in The Streets and Poverty Coming

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  1. Ron Paul is one of the last great Americans still in government and he deserves all of our support, send this link to everyone you know...

  2. I posted this on facebook but I have the feeling no one will care. At this point I think people have it coming to them if they are this uncaring about their own future.

  3. Talk about a voice crying out in the wilderness! This is a man you can respect. Now, I'm not an American, but I gotta' ask - could there be a more obvious choice for someone to truly lead your country?

  4. 4:44 You're just posting here anonymously and it's easy for you to judge. What have you done in comparison to Ron Paul that makes you better than him?

    Your judgment that he is an idiot is only your opinion, it is not a fact. The same goes for saying he doesn't deserve respect.

    Your opinion that he and all of us are nuts is also just that, an opinion. If you want to see the truth of the devastation, then talk to me in person before you make judgments. My wife and I both lost our jobs and face being homeless. How dare you come here and insult those of us who are going through such tough times and add insult to injury? You assh*le.

  5. 4:44,

    you're funny. keep posting.

  6. ***Dear Editor: Is there a way that people can only leave comments on this blog if they sign on with a legitimate Blogspot/Blogger account? I really think this would dissuade the trolls who come to this website to hurls insults at the readers of this blog. This is the ONLY blog where I see such abuse tolerated. At the most, such comments should be deleted. I have a blog of my own and I delete all abusive comments.

    Anyhow, thanks in advance, I know this may not be possible to do due to time constraints.

  7. Why are some people so angry at Ron Paul and the people who read this blog? I don't get it.

  8. 4:53 I think you can see right through the belligerent poster. Its quite funny as he desperately posts insanity. I say leave him as he is making a complete fool out of himself daily..

  9. Ron Paul received a B.Sc. degree in biology at Gettysburg College in 1957. After obtaining a M.D. degree from the Duke University School of Medicine, he was a U.S. Air Force flight surgeon during the 1960s.

    Doesn't sound like an idiot to me, in fact, most people would be damn envious to hold titles like that. Most people who go on to higher education have a higher IQ than the general population; yes, I know not everyone likes to hear this, but I'm defending Ron Paul. I also know that not all smart people are morally sound, but Ron Paul is quite a moral and good man.

  10. 4:53: there is also insults and obscenities hurled at readers at the Alex Jones web site where comments are posted. There are a handful of total morons on this and more so on Alex's website that don't stick to the issues/articles. 4:53, give me your website so I can read it please..others may do well to read it too.

  11. Ron Paul you need to take some time off, get some rest, go on holiday or somthin. You sound more and more like Nostradamus to me or should we call you the fake prophet and Obama the antichrist. Oh my god the world is going to end.

  12. 5:16 I would appreciate that you not patronize me. I currently reside in California and have been to many job interviews and am told that there are hundreds of applicants for every job I go to. What you are doing is akin to kicking a homeless person in the ass, and btw, I even give any money I have left to homeless people which is probably more than you do for anybody.

    All you do is add negativity here, not Ron Paul. He is addressing answers to these issues, unlike yourself, you're pissing on those of us who are downtrodden and making things worse.

  13. Why does 5:16 continuously come here to harass people, even harassing those who don't have jobs telling them to find a job?

    What exactly is your "beef" 5:16? It appears you are expressing your sociopathic (i.e. antisocial) tendencies towards society here. I can't think of any other reason that you come here repeatedly to throw insults at the readers and even those who are about to become homeless.

    All you are doing is expressing your antisocial tendencies towards a group of people who know that you are wrong anyway.

    Have a wonderful day (not).

  14. 5:11 my website does not relate to economics, it's totally unrelated, but I do delete abusive comments. Actually, I only post comments after I approve them.

  15. 5:11 I wish it were true that this troll is a gov. agent or one of "them", which would make it easier to understand the motive, but the sad truth is that it's probably just a mean person with psychological issues and severe character defect who comes here to release his anger and toxicity at people. Lack of empathy is a prime hallmark of this.

    I once read that people with sociopatic/psychopathic tendencies tend to like to watch people get upset. I read a story about a psychopath who would get a thrill out of messing with the mailboxes and watching the post office workers and residents run around and go crazy. One day he called in and made a false threat that he put a b*mb in one of the mailboxes or something. Apparently, such people just like to watch others suffer, that is their main motive.

  16. There is a direct relationship between blog trolling and the U.S. unemployment rate.

    How would you feel after a hard day of job hunting to log in from your Internet Cafe (shut off your Comcast at home for non-pay?) and there is Ron Paul telling you how screwed you are and there is no longer any hope for you anywhere. Plus your underwater mortgage is due, you have no groceries, and your broke.

    Pity the Trolls.

  17. 5:19 you poor thing. Tell me what solution Ron Paul has provided so far besides just predicting negativity. He is just like any other politician, they look after themselves and I suggest you do the same. If you want to give your money to the homeless that is up to you. I never give charity to homeless or anyone, am I selfish? YES I AM and proud to be. People like you will always see depression and negativity and that is why you are in the shit and I am not.

  18. Idiot or not, Paul is one of very, very few politicians that I think ACTUALLY CARES about the American people.

    Off the top of my head, the only other such person involved in D.C. politics that I can think of is Elizabeth Warren.

    Yep, that's right. They are on different sides of the aisle and have drastically different opinions...but they both at least seem to give a damn about us.

  19. @4:44 PM
    You, governement pig, get out of here.

  20. I agree with most of what Paul says but I still think we get a deflationary depression first not an inflationary one.

  21. I am getting so sick of these rude, hateful posters.

  22. To the guy in CA, best of luck and God Bless. I was there a few weeks ago on holiday and thought what a great place to live, nice climate, etc. Then I saw all the for sale/lease signs in hundreds of store fronts, and read about the employment problems, not to mention the recent rains/mudslides, and thought Iowa was not so bad after all. Hope you find something, keep on keeping on!

  23. The more tim goes by, the more the trolls look more and more foolish. I think they are funny to a point. How much do you think the govt pays them to surf the web sites of special interest?

  24. Ron Paul knows what is going on. If you think he is wrong, then go back to watching your CNBC or Fox, or reading your Wall Street Journal.

    Do I dare send this video to my sheeple friends and relatives?

    Its coming, and coming soon, better prepare, time is very very short...

  25. Please ignore the trolls, remember, when TSHF, they will have no job, no internet, no nothing...

    Please, Please just ignore them...

  26. Don't you see how the trolls change the subject? Everyone is commenting on the trolls comments.

    Please learn to TOTALLY ignore the trolls, TOTALLY ignore them, and comment on the subject.

    Time is short, and we have no time for trolls....

  27. 4:40 - Here that sound, that the Giant Sucking Sound that will take your A$$ out of here.

  28. 5:55 We are a nation run on propaganda now.

    Once people are exposed to the truth, their decision to ridicule it manifests so quickly, one could mistakenly think that people are actually robots that were programmed to do so.

    There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted false reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security.

  29. The owners of the Federal Reserve are going to stop this man, as they did Kennedy, for attempting to abolish the FED.

    Just as Lincoln was shot by the bankers of his day for refusing to borrow money from the families of Europe, this man may get a bullet in the back of his head, as did Kennedy & Lincoln.

    That is the sign of their displeasure.

  30. 5:37, we didn't lose our jobs because of our "depressive" mind set, we lost our jobs because the places we worked at were shut down or folded due to lack of funds. It's simple cause and effect.

  31. Since the Oligarch banker's fully control our corporate media, and it is the media that puts a puppet president in power, RP had -0- chance to become president.

    Yes, you are correct though that if he somehow got past that, and the fake vote counts, he would be shot or something more creative.

    They love killing 100s to actually hit the target. Like the USSR shooting down a passenger plane 'by accident', or the Titanic.

    The Oligarchs have no regard for human life outside of the circle of the elite families. We are like roaches to them.

    In the 70s the CIA had already developed a poison rifle that shoots a tiny spine of ice that penetrates the skin. It can be fired from 75' away even through clothes. Within a couple hours you die of a fatal, by cause-untraceable heart attack.

    There is a reason you see many people who preach the truth, or peace, etc suddenly have heart attacks, get cancer, have bizzarre accidents. If you cannot be contained you are killed.

    JFK had the balls to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. So he was shot for it. Forty-five minutes after JFK was murdered by the CIA, banker-buddy LBJ stopped that from going through and signed an executive order putting the Fed back in the driver's seat.

    Downhill ever since that ...

  32. I fear for Paul's safety. If he is gone, there is no one there to represent us except possibly Peter Schiff. Maybe.

    How did it come to this point? This is like a living nightmare. For those who still have jobs and so forth, it's difficult to understand. But for those being directly affected, this is like a true living nightmare.

  33. Let's not forget that LBJ worked with the Israelis in 1967 to sink THE LIBERTY. The highest decorated navy ship in the fleet and the Israelis, with LBJ's cooperation tried to sink her and blame it on Eqypt.

    The endgame was for us to nuke Cairo. We had the planes on the way. But because of the bravest naval men the US has ever seen the Israelis could not sink the ship.

    Instead the whole thing was covered up and the crew threatened to shut up or be jailed or killed.

    Research it if you want to read about something real, an actual true American hero story. A few of the survivors are still alive to tell the story.

    These are our 'friends'. The same people that bring you most of the world's terror. Disgusting.

  34. How much time do you think we have ?

  35. I wish Peter Schiff would stay on the outside of that toilet. Why join up with the banker Congress?

    When Ron Paul speaks, they bring magazines to read.

    You can effect change in a completely bought and paid for corrupt legislature. They vote for what they are told to vote for, period.

    Politicians have one purpose only and that is to give you the false impression that you have a choice. You don't. You have owners.

  36. It has nothing to do with 2012 mythology, but I'd say 2012 is about the end of the line for the USA. We won't exist as a sovereign nation by then. Just an opinion, but a well researched opinion.

    Whatever happens, whenever it happens you can bet that nothing is by accident. The Oligarch families have a plan. They always do. They know right now the day that the USA will drop off the cliff.

  37. I selfishly am glad I had a chance to live 2/3rds of my life in a good economy/lifestyle. So if I have to go out a little early so be it. Even though I am prepared much better than the average American I don't know how pleasant it would be watching America die a gruesome death of starvation and rebellion.

    I am all for the fake politics, fake economy, and fake religions carrying forward another 5-6 years. Just a little more time in the Matrix before the hoses are pulled off is fine by me.

  38. That was the best Ron Paul video I have seen yet!

    No wonder Homeland Insecurity's handbook states that if you have a Ron Paul bumper sticker on your car you just might be a terrorist. Same with anyone who supports the Constitution. That is no joke. YOU are the terrorist they are after, not some mythical Arab.

  39. Ron Paul the greatest most intelligent man. the point. From Canada

  40. Ron Paul is a gift from the Illuminati. They feel benevolent in providing a few voices to alert the sheople; then the sheople can't say they were not warned.

  41. enonymous 4:44 Recently there was a study, a group gave a test to 100 college grads, It was a test that was given to 100 5th graders in 1950. Can you guess who scored the best? If you guessed the 5th graders, you are right.(I bet you guessed the grads) How old is Ron Paul? 73 or 74? How old is ENON. 4:44? 22 or 23?

  42. Anon 7:22 I believe peter is running in the senate to get his old man out of jail(erwin). By the way Erwin is a hero of mine, taught me much back in the day(about taxes, and the constitution) Erwin had like 45 witnesses against the feds 0 (in court here in vegas) AND HE LOST!!! THEY HATE US CAUSE WERE FREE!

  43. Yep. I agree. I have a copy of an 8th grade test from 1885. No college grad today could come close to passing it. We are a country of dumbed down imbeciles.

  44. Uhm ok 9:24, whatever. Ron Paul is a gift of the Illuminati, yadda yadda. Who believes that nonsense?

  45. Tonight a canned another dozen of delicious spaghetti sauce with meat. I added it to my pantry where a wide variety of well-stocked food is found. Enjoy canning hardy beef stew, chicken soup, pinto beans, vegetable soup, fruits and jams and tonight, Spaghetti sauce. Then I come and read this and well, I am glad I'm preparing. Hard times ahead.

  46. Uhm ok 9:24, whatever. Ron Paul is a gift of the Illuminati, yadda yadda. Who believes that nonsense?

    I do; I wrote it.

  47. @934 you are right everyone else are imbeciles besides you and others on this blog because you have access to top quality information on this blog that makes you special. You probably even think that you have special super powers as well....

  48. Sit down everyone. No crash is coming. In our kids lifetime? Perhaps... But not
    ours....... Remeber that folks; As sound investors know this truth, so should we all. Yes it might be coming, but if you are 40 and up, you might not reAlly see it, only your children and their children. Peace, and everyone relax. If you live in Cali- move now!

  49. There are two questions that all the fans of Ron Paul here cannot answer:

    1)What solutions has he proposed so far to end the crisis? the only thing he has been doing so far is beating the drum of doom and gloom.

    2)What predictions has he made since the beginning of this crisis that actually came true? everything is coming, soon to happen or imminent, yet nothing

    By the way, concerning the above prediction I believe he was talking about Haiti. Also I know he was very intelligent person but as someone said he may now be 73 or74 yrs, he is losing it the old guy. is talking nonsense a symptom of Alzheimer?...he should see a doctor.

  50. Ron Paul will go down in history as the last real patriot in the corporate controlled Congress. Just when I feel ashamed to be American, Paul gives the ol' boot-kick and reminds me there are still a few rational, caring people in this country.

    Young people should look up to him, older people should try to be more like him.

    Thanks for putting up this wonderful video!

  51. 10:41 that is not the answer to the simple question I've put at 10:30..... dare give the answer?

  52. Ron Paul is trying to help. How about you answer a question for us 11:02, like how much do you get paid to be a troll?

  53. 11:38 is that your answer..trying to help and troll...How about you go back to school and learn did not understand the question. Let me put it again

    1)What solutions has he proposed so far to end the crisis?

    2)What predictions has he made since the beginning of this crisis that actually came true?

    let me know if you know any other language I will translate it for you.

  54. And ohh before i forget 11:38 the answer to your question is $0.00 per week tax free.Now how about answering the question of 11:50/10:30 or are you going back to school?

  55. Ron Paul would shut down the Federal Reserve and eliminate the Federal Income tax scam. Right there he'd eliminate 50% of this country's problems.

    After that he could cancel our entire debt. The entire Federal Reserve system is unconstitutional and unlawful and therefore it, and its debt owed is fraudulent.

    He would pull out all of our troops out of Iran and Afghanistan and our Empire wars based on lies would end. He would expose the fraud of the war on terror, which is scripted bullshit.

    Ron Paul is a voice of truth in a sea of banker owned slime.

    (troll ignored, not a response to troll, just a statement)

  56. The City of London bankers are playing a very dangerous game of brinkmanship with the American people. (It is they who have the controlling interest in the Federal Reserve System.)

    All it would take to bring them to a quick end is for one or more factions to develop within the U.S. Armed Forces that would go to bat for the average American man and woman.

    Now imagine one of said factions dropping an atomic bomb on London. Really, folks, it really is that simple.

    If you ask me, these bankers are INSANE. You never back a dangerous opponent against a wall who is way more powerful than you, particularly when he has nothing to lose.

    Never mind the demise of America. We could be witnessing the demise of the entire Anglo-Saxon world very shortly. In the aftermath, the French and Germans will pick up the pieces for good. Quel cadeau! (What a gift!)

  57. i agree with 6.20 , those f-ing trolls keep changing and highjacking the threads , just ignore themand keep to the topic at hand , if you want to see how easy ppl are distracted go look at what the trolls do on , 200 to 300 replies telling the troll to pisß off , now thats highjacking . it is what they are here for , trying to sway us away ... i say hang em

  58. I think that the majority of the folks that slander and condem Ron Paul for his views are directly related to the fact that most of them have absolutely not idea what is going on around them. These morons are so blind to the fact that the issues that face this nation and our culture is evident daily. Disasters like Katrina, tsunami's, blizzards and floods even though locally, impacts all of us. So to sit back and say that the situation in our economy will not have a negative impact, you are sitting on your head.

    If these individuals still refuse to believe this cannot happen, do you remember the gas lines in the 70's? No, for most, they feel life will go on as usual, no impact to them, well, only time will tell. Just one questions to the doubting Thomas's, what will you do when your job is gone? What will you do when your home may be foreclosed on? What will you do when you cannot afford to take care of your family's by providing food, clothing or medical care? What will you do when other folks find themselves in the same situation and the looting and killing begins to take place? You too may be one of them!!

  59. 6:38 I couldnt have said it better, Amen

  60. Useless Sheep of Armageddon (USA)February 4, 2010 at 12:08 PM

    The world is a much better place without USA

  61. Ron Paul wants the United States destroyed along with Peter Schiff. They want Israel to be the new U.S.A. During times such as these may traitors come out of the closet and try to lead confused people astray:

    B. Aho:

    .....Ron Paul reveals his true Zionist colors by maintaining that Islamic terrorists destroyed the Twin Towers on 9-11, and that the U.S. Military should be used against them. “Why are we taking precious military and intelligence resources away from tracking down those who did attack the United States–and who may again attack the United States–and using them to invade countries that have not attacked the United States? 22.” (Ron Paul Speaks, fn. 22 Ron Paul, "Questions That Won’t Be Asked About Iraq," U.S. House of Representatives, Sept. 10, 2002.)

    The fact is that Ron Paul agrees with Ayn Rand on most of the major issues. Although he claims to be pro-life, Congressman Paul would leave the abortion issue up to the state legislatures and courts to decide. “Ron Paul believes that the ninth and tenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution do not grant the federal government any authority to legalize or ban abortion. Instead, it is up to the individual states to prohibit abortion.” ( Although Ron Paul claims the U.S. needs to return to the Constitution, his Sanctity of Life Act of 2007 bypasses the Bill of Rights as well as the Declaration of Independence which guarantee the right to life.

    Although he is still a Republican, Ron Paul identifies himself as a Libertarian. Like Ayn Rand, Congressman Paul is passionate in his advocacy of a laissez faire free market economics — pure, unregulated, unbridled capitalism — which has, for a century, stealthily removed the safeguards put in place by the elected U.S. government against the predatory schemes of the Jewish banking cartel. “Ron Paul equates personal freedom with ‘economic freedom,’ meaning the ‘freedom’ of the Jewish Capitalists to steal our wealth... Know ‘Ayn Rand’ and you will know Ron Paul and what a danger he poses to our freedom.” (Christopher Jon Bjerknes) Libertarian advocates of laissez faire, free market capitalism preach the diabolical creed of the Learned Elders of Sion........

  62. I'd vote for Ron Paul simply for the way he handled himself in the Bruno movie.

  63. I was really depressed when Ron Paul dropped out of the presidential race.He seemed to be the only hope we had of restoring a somewhat Constitutional govt..Even now,he is still working to try to restore some 'good. I signed my petition..IN FAVOR of Ron Paul's Audit The Fed Bill.Hope you got one.If not,write to:CAMPAIGN FOR LIBERTY,POST OFFICE BOX 104 ,LAKE JACKSON,TX 77566 ,AND ASK TO BE PUT ON THE MAILING LIST.


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