
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Suburban Homeless: Rising Tide of Women, Families, Runaways

ROOSEVELT, N.Y. – Homelessness in rural and suburban America is straining shelters this winter as the economy founders and joblessness hovers near double digits — a "perfect storm of foreclosures, unemployment and a shortage of affordable housing," in one official's eyes.
"We are seeing many families that never before sought government help," said Greg Blass, commissioner of Social Services in Suffolk County on eastern Long Island.
"We see a spiral in food stamps, heating assistance applications; Medicaid is skyrocketing," Blass added. "It is truly reaching a stage of being alarming."
The federal government is again counting the nation's homeless and, by many accounts, the suburban numbers continue to rise, especially for families, women, children, Latinos and men seeking help for the first time. Some have to be turned away.
"Yes, there has definitely been an increased number of turnaways this year," said Jennifer Hill, executive director of the Alliance to End Homelessness in suburban Cook County, Illinois. "We're seeing increases in shelter use along the lines of 30 percent or more."
More Here..

Drowning in Debt: What the Nation's Budget Woes Mean for You
Economists Predict Cutbacks, Tax Increases That 'Aren't Even Imaginable'
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  1. That's my friend Randy! He's homeless alright.

  2. I think his wife could use some lovin though


  4. My god where did you get that photo? The poor dears look like they haven't had a hit of crack in weeks.

  5. Really folks, your humour is in bad taste.

  6. I thought about this problem myself. I cannot believe people are so stupid that they keep paying their mortgages knowing that soon they are going to run out of money and would not have a place to live in and money to buy foot for their kids. I have to admit the government brainwashed you really well. The guys could have bought a decent used trailer and gone some place where he can hunt and fish.
    Why are you people so dependant on the government? Government this, government that. They are here to screw you, not help.

  7. 12:30
    It's the gravy train baby !
    Once you get that ticket to ride for free - you never have to learn how to drive!!

    When Uncle sugar takes away the train - you live in a cradboard box 'cause you don't know nuthin' else.

    I go to the grocery store once a week and I pay ATTENTION.

    90% of the people are paying with some sort of assistance cards - I'm the only one in months I've seen use cash & the register comes open & there's a couple hundred bucks in their - meanwhile the last 2 compartments are just chock full to capacity ( food stamps & the like)

    If uncle ever goes down - 75% of the people in this country will starve in a month

  8. I lived in my car for eight months when I was unemployed. It wasn't exactly fun, but I appreciated the fact that I had some security. Beats living on the sidewalk by a long shot.

    The most cruel people when you are down and out are the police. Even if you are miles away from people and causing no one grief they will seek you out to screw with you.

  9. Circumstances are becoming tragic for sure, but were knowable, given the publically available information on exponential world population growth, Peak Oil Theory, history of fiat currencies, and the grand fallacies of technologically-based rescue remedies.

    But these people simply could not be warned. For them, the teacheable moment occurs *after* the fall - not before. In the past years, instead of listening and preparing, they wasted their resources on TeeVee, scratchers, cheap beer, NASCAR, easy motoring, plastic houses and furnishings purchased on cheap and fraudulent credit. If only they had applied their immense capacity for detailed statistics, historical analysis, and instant news to the financial markets instead of the f*cking major league football, they could have probably grown, and most certainly have protected, their meagar wealth. But now it will become evident that the world contains simply too many people, and not enough resource to support the productive activity required to sustain them.

    As Richard Heinberg asked: "Are Humans Smarter Than Yeast?"

    In the aggregate - No Richard, they are not.
    They have little to do now but linger, and wait to be dead.

  10. Richard Heinberg was eaten by cannibals.

    This message from the future brought to you by Proctor your Gamble, Incorporated.

  11. Is this the lead singer for Metallica?
    She has a bad case of camel toes,LOL

  12. A clean cut, polite 20-something guy asked me for a buck to buy a bus ticket. It might be a lie, might not. Nearly every off ramp on my local freeways have desperate people standing there, hoping for a handout.

    The kid had no idea, I've been unemployed for 2 years. I drive a 16-year old Camry.

    Some people have no savings, simply because they never had any money to save at the end of the month. Others spent every extra penny on cable TV, cell phones, gym clubs, night clubs, weekend adventures, needless car payments...

    I knew a guy, long before all this shit started. He was a teacher. He lived in one of those pop-up, tent/trailers, in an RV park. He used the public showers and saved every penny. He eventually bought a home. Now we have "home owners" who may have to consider a lifestyle like my teacher friend.

    "Tumbleweed Homes" are fully functional homes that are less than 500 square feet. There is one model that looks like a cabin and can be towed. You can build or buy one. The American lifestyle is no longer sustainable. I live in Southern California, where I hate to say, we are flooded with illegal alien Mexicans, who refuse to stop making babies. They can't afford to have then and they just keep doing it, (at tax payer expense) meanwhile the non-latins are keeping their families small.

    The Mayans said that in 2012, things as we know it would be very different. Perhaps it's a global lifestyle adjustment? A trip back in time when we respected Mother Earth?

    You can bet that the banksters will be buying foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar and then rent them back to the former owners.

    Now is the beginning of the end of the way things have always been. It's also a time of great opportunity.

  13. In 2012, Human meat will be the cheapest by far.
    Only $12/pound.

    Think of all the exotic varieties of human meat you can sample. Mexican, Latin, Negro, Jew, Protestant, Catholic, Rastafarian, Bahamain, English, Polish, French, German, Muslim, Unbaptised, Baptised, Retarded, Down syndrome, with AIDS, without AIDS, male, female, gonads, livers, hearts, kidneys, brains!

    So many little time!

    That's what 2012 was about, btw.
    It's about the rise of cannabalism on the planet.

    That's your 'change' you where promised.

  14. My family and I have been living in a fifth wheel rv for the last ten years or more. I have a business that in the last two years has dropped 60 %, very little money coming in. If it were not for living in the rv, and paying cash for everything the last ten years and having no debt at all, I would have sunk a year ago.

    Just today I am pondering whether it is worth keeping the doors open for my business. I could close my shop and work at wallyworld and make more money than I am making now.

  15. I live in a "trailer" even though it has no hitch, or tail lights.

    I took 90% of my savings and bought gold and silver. It's the only currency that matters these days. My other currency is ammo and water. The city parks are full of ducks. I'll snare one if need be and feed my family.

    What is it, 10% super rich, 10% super poor and 80% just getting by. Looks like an army to me.

  16. 4:26 that comment is just uncalled for.

  17. lol 426 may i have jew marinated raw breast with milk please? hahahh

  18. 4.26 actually yo're right. Israel harvest Haitian flesh and organs to make exotic cuisines.

  19. I saw some of this coming (not all of it; even I'm shocked at our rapid decline) and never had children. Problem solved, and lots of disposable income. I never wanted to bring little taxpayers into this system, and my choice has proven to be correct. The government made this problem, and they can go to hell.

  20. I honestly wouldn't mind being in a depression. I'd love to live in a converted bus. They seem so comfy and cozy. The car in the photo seems a little to small for me.

  21. That image is just jarring. I feel such sympathy for these people. Kids should never have to be subjected to such a lifestyle


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