
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Washington Feeds New Fear of a Debt Crisis

WASHINGTON — Senator Evan Bayh’s comments this week about a dysfunctional Congress reflected a complaint being directed at Washington with increasing frequency, and there is broad agreement among critics about Exhibit A: The unwillingness of the two parties to compromise to control a national debt that is rising to dangerous heights.
After decades of warnings that budgetary profligacy, escalating health care costs and an aging population would lead to a day of fiscal reckoning, economists and the nation’s foreign creditors say that moment is approaching faster than expected, hastened by a deep recession that cost trillions of dollars in lost tax revenues and higher spending for safety-net programs.
More Here..

Governments ADMIT That They Carry Out False Flag Terror

More Here..


  1. The following statement from FOFOA seems appropriate for this article:

    My friend, debt is the very essence of fiat. As debt defaults, fiat is destroyed. This is where all these deflationists get their direction. Not seeing that hyperinflation is the process of saving debt at all costs, even buying it outright for cash. Deflation is impossible in today's dollar terms because policy will allow the printing of cash, if necessary, to cover every last bit of debt and dumping it on your front lawn! (smile) Worthless dollars, of course, but no deflation in dollar terms! (bigger smile)"


  2. Sadly, false flag attacks like 9/11 are very effective and will continue to be used. It is even more sad that half of Americans still believe the now 9-yr old ridiculous official story which even a child can see is a lie.

    Pity all those bombed, killed, tortured people that were framed for what our Zionist handlers did.

    Anyone who has ever watched a corny detective show knows that when a crime is committed you look for motive and alibi. Unfortunately for the 1.2 million that we killed and are continuing to kill, Americans apparently never watched Cannon, Barnaby Jones, or Mannix.

  3. While the sheep watch American Idol and the Olympics we are busy killing and maiming in Afghanistan. The empire marches on. There is -0- justification for us being there except expansion of the Empire.

    Our apathy will eventually come back to bite us as it should. The wrath will be directed inward.

  4. 12:31

    "The US is still far from a debt crisis."


    $1.5 TRILLION budget deficit
    $12+ TRILLION national debt
    $100+ TRILLION outstanding liabilities

    50 million people on food stamps
    22% Unemployment (U6 + unemployed contractor workers)

    What planet are you from?

  5. We are doomed. This is a Zombie economy with no support. When the masses began to realize this, that is when we will crash and crash hard. 2011 is when it will happen.

  6. These responses above are EXACTLY what the few good Senators left are saying about the current Congress.

    The article deals with Monetary and fiscal resoponsibility and the Fiat debt thereof.

    Responses include - 9/11, Afgan war,old TV detective shows,apathy,and qualifications for the director of this site.

    What a bunch of self serving mind numbed robots
    these people cannot even concentrate on a single important topic long enough for an honest rebuttal before careening off the cliff on their own B.S. agenda. PATHETIC

  7. 12:31 Welcome Joe Biden!! It is so good to see you are visiting the site. However I disagree with you about the current condition of our economic condition. I know it is you Joe, because you are the only person dumb enough to continue to spout the nonsense "The US is still far from a debt crisis." Even the President of the United States has said we are in trouble. Wow, even the liberal news media has picked up on the facts and have begun to talk about it. Thanks for stopping by Joe Biden. You idiot!

  8. 12:31 Are you assuming that this site is owned by a U.S. citizen? Do you assume it is written by and provided from a source inside our borders? Are you psychic?

  9. Obama's Homosexual ClosetFebruary 17, 2010 at 8:39 AM

    I wanna rock you Joe Biden

    I wanna rock you Joe Biden

    I feel for you

    I think I love you

    I wanna rock you Joe Biden

    I wanna rock you Joe Biden

    I feel for you

    I think I love you

  10. 12:31 How long have you worked for the NY Times? Or, are you a government employee? Are you an attorney? I get it, you are an attorney for the NY Times who has a wife and children who all work for the government. HMMM...

  11. EA is a Cunuck, takes one to know one.

  12. Thomas Hoenig made it clear yesterday that he sees the current economic crisis possibly moving into a new phase and that he fears a request from the Feds to print more money. This will throw us into (hyper)inflation.

  13. Any requests the Fed makes about anything is window dressing. The Oligarchs do what they please, when they please.

  14. 7:17 "Oligarchies have been tyrannical throughout history, being completely reliant on public servitude to exist." Is this why you call us Sheeple? Is this a Rush Limbaugh term? Not sure.

  15. 8:51 the majority or americans have been brainwashed..and you, are in the majority. No little brown men in a cave pointing to other brown men to blow up America. Now go and watch CNN

  16. People like above allowed the military to hijack this country and cheered them on. Be a "man" and sign the suicide pact ;>}
    And in case you had no education, Muslims taught ignorant europeans to count.. ever heard of Arabic numerals?

  17. 1:31 you are in left field I swear it! Your Congressman/President/Senator has been picked and it was NOT by your vote. Its FIXED! You still can't get it through your media filled pea brain! Your stupid vote in a little box means NOTHING. If we all stop voting and NOBODY showed up at the polls you would still see a "landslide" or "narrow" vote! LOL

  18. 1:31 YOu beg the question then if you truly believe what you say ----------------------

    What the hell are you doing living in the USA ??

    Seriously - what ?

    According to you everything Political is fixed
    According to others we bomb our own people
    and blow up our own buildings
    According to others we have instigated most
    of the wars the planet has seen in the last
    150 years
    According to others we are a major part of overpopulation
    According to others we have caused a world economic collapse
    According to others we are systematically wiping out the brown people
    According to others it should be the gay community who is entitled
    According to others we have squandered the natural resources of our entire world and are now left limping around in our SUV's with what's
    left of the worlds oil reserves spewing forth carbon emmissions that now have the entire globe in a warming trend so severe that this summer the beaches will be inland to Kentucky the oceans will rise that high.
    According to others most of our founding fathers were stupid, gay drunks who got off on being Jesus lovers.
    According to others this entire site is illegal as hell because EA cannot collect data from another source and post it here.
    According to others there is no illegal immigration problem here and we should just invite everybody the world over with open arms and a good paying job, free health care and an unlimited supply of Dominos pizzas.
    Are you still here ?

    Why ? Why Oh WHY? I know the answer; question is

    Do You


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