
Sunday, March 7, 2010

American Cities: The Coming Crisis


  1. What in the hell are they specifically talking about?


  2. Nice fear mongering movie.

    I did a whois search on the website with the movie and got this:

    David Westbrook
    P.O. Box 281
    Malo, Washington 99150
    United States

    Registered through:, Inc. (
    Created on: 30-Sep-08
    Expires on: 17-Feb-11
    Last Updated on: 01-Feb-10

    Administrative Contact:
    Westbrook, David
    P.O. Box 281
    Malo, Washington 99150
    United States
    (509) 779-4900

    I then went to the website and it's a religious website where they want you to return to "god's plan" and move out of the cities....

    Mild conflict of interest?

    I'm not saying it's not a possibility that a small nuke will happen in a city but you have to look at the intent of the movie...

  3. Another problem I have with this movie and they imply that a small nuke could come into the US hidden in Marijuana from Mexico or Canada. Give me a break. It was filmed by someone who is talking mainstream bullshit. What about all the drugs that the CIA is covertly bringing into this country from Iraq?

    What a piece of crap fear mongering peace of shit piece. I feel bad that Ron Paul was interviewed in it...

  4. If you'll notice it's mostly republicans, military personnel, and FEMA being interviewed. Now I respect Bartlett, and also Paul, but those are the kind of people most easily swayed by religious sentiments. That said, I still don't know that this will be a bad film. Indeed cities will likely prove problematic in our short to mid term outlooks.

  5. I will absolutely positively for sure NOT see this fear mongering movie...We all know who the real terrorist are, after all, govt sponsored terrorism has been going on for many many years....

    Al Qeda, Al Qeda, Al Qeda, Al Qeda, Al Qeda, Al Qeda.....

    911, 911, 911, 911, 911, 911, 911, 911, 911, 911, 911...

    Terrorist, Terrorist, Terrorist, Terrorist, Terrorist....

    Scared Yet?

    I'll bet the sheeple are.

  6. 5:20,

    I'm looking forward to receiving my armor. I hope I'm worthy. May we be rise up with the Christed Army on that last day and ride with the King.

    - Divine Server, 8:13

  7. Nothing wrong with encouraging ones fellow man to prepare.

  8. F the lord, trust in only yourself and close family

  9. 4:41AM

    I totally agree. We aren't going to beat the elitist if we live in fear. If the sheeple live in fear they'll be more willing to ask the elitist for protection and give up our rights. This is propoganda.

  10. Nickle,

    BINGO! You get the gold star. I don't think the authors of this movie intend to keep the sheople, sheople, I think they intend to snap them out of it, however, it could have the opposite effect, as you mention.

    I find the sheople very trying, but, when I mention to them about what ifs such as a lack of the grocery store, etc, it gets their attention.

  11. Wow, people here are sharp. The 98% would never see that as propaganda fear mongering, but is surely is; religious sites LOVE fear mongering as does our owners. The war on terror is an utter fraud.


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