
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Another Anti-Government Shooting

In less than a minute, he'd wounded two police offers and received gunshot injuries that would later kill him.
Like Stack, Bedell was well-educated and left behind comprehensive material that outlined his longtime anger at the U.S. government. But his grievances are different from Stack's.
While the deeply 
tortured manifesto Stack wrote detailed his frustrations with the tax system, it also centered around his concerns that the current economic recession was caused by an economic elite that gets away with financial crimes -- even financial murder -- every day. "Now when the wealthy fuck up, the poor get to die for the mistakes," he wrote.

The videos, writings and audio Bedell left for investigators' and the eager media's discovery, on the other hand, show 
he believed the United States had been run by a secret cabal ever since President Kennedy's assassination in 1963. He claimed this "coup regime" was responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the wars in the Middle East. Bedell was further angered by the war on drugs -- he had run into trouble with the law on issues relating to marijuana.

As with Stack last month, the media is rushing to politicize the event, offering all kinds of interpretations for Bedell's actions.

A few 
label Bedell as a 9/11 conspiracy nut. (Truthers themselves say the baiting of one of their own is an effort by the powers-that-be to more closely justify the monitoring of 9/11 conspiracists and further obscure the truth of the 
2001 attacks.)

More Here..


  1. First it was the Underwear Bomber without a passport escorted by a govt agent, then a Pilotless radio controlled plane strikes an IRS building where emergency drills are being held and now Bedell shooting at the Pentagon a day after terrorist drills...this is becoming an MO that is way too predictable…our government is truly criminal and must be dealt with accordingly!

  2. Bill oreally, glen peck, piss mathews and the rest of the disinfo TV news actors will pound this point to the sheep, "911 truthers" are terrorist and how dare they question the government! The dumbed down idiotic tv addicted mind controlled sheep believe anything.

    My brother told me he was going to vote for Medina for Governor in TX until he heard glen peck announce she is a "truther". Like I say, the sheeple believe anything their TV's tell them.

    Most of my friends and family live in their TV fantasy land, when I am around them, we discuss the weather or maybe some sports story.

    Its going to be a long and winding road for those of us living in reality. I do not see people waking up to the truth like I keep hearing Alex Jones and others saying. I see more false flag attacks coming and further making the truthers, or those of us who live in reality, the villains.

    Just look at the disinfo/goons on this blog, they change the subject, they write stupid things and it keeps many off balance, answering their comments rather than commenting on the posted story.

    I am not optimistic about our future.

  3. 9:45,

    I want you to consider something else to help push you further into reality; the lady running for governor of Texas who is a truther - like all the rest of the politicians - FUCK THEM.

    I notice all these people who are tired of this shit think Sarah Palin is some sort of hero, she like everyone else is worthy of shit. The only way anything will ever change for the better is if their is mass anarchy and a new species of MAN, Numana that will come in and terminate the human cycle.

  4. 10:36 Another disinfo/goon comment. Ignore it please..

  5. The guy was 100% correct, but his mistake was to let the realization that he (and all of us) are slaves to the Oligarchs destroy him. Yes 9/11 was a complete lie, yes we lashed out and killed millions on pre-fabricated lies.

    But when you live in a matrix of lies where 98% of the people believe those lies, you have to see the system is so powerful, so destructive you cannot stop it.

    For sanity's sake, just withdraw from it. Don't vote, don't talk about what puppet Obama is doing this week. Don't worry about ridiculous notions like the war on terror, etc.

    Focus on truths that help you as a person. Realize that you are living in the Fourth Reich but there isn't a thing you can do about it. The Oligarchs have it all on the Matrix big screen TV running 24/7.

    Keep your sanity and focus on enjoying your life as a slave. A slave can still laugh, play, sing. Know your limitations and adapt.

    Don't be concerned with such concepts as rights. We have none. Or Freedom. We have none of those really. We have limited liberties. There is a big difference between liberties and freedoms. That is why the media and government use the word liberty always. Liberty are freedoms that are temporarily granted to you but can be withdrawn. Like when a sailor has liberty to go ashore.

    Watch the online video Matrix of Power by Jordan Maxwell. Jordan summed it up nicely in his last video that the USA is done. Humanity is done. The future, our children's future is a society of non-thinking drones/slaves led by a small group of dominant families.

  6. Bedell was 100% spot on but there was nothing to be gained in him going out and shooting two police officers. For all he knew, one of those cops could have been a free-thinking patriot; stranger things have happened.

    This is why the Oligarchs are untouchable. Frustrated people like Bedell lash out at the minions at the very bottom of the pyramid while the elite sit inside the capstone drinking champagne.

    I would say if there were anyone like Bedell that would like to make a tiny, tiny, tiny dent - put away the gun, pick up a sign, and picket the Federal Reserve. Tell everyone you know who and what it stands for; our enslavement. The owners of the FED are the Oligarchs. It is their pride and joy. So, if you want to make a difference, focus on that.

    Don't go out and proactively murder someone and think you did something heroic because you didn't. All you did was kill someone's father, someone's husband. You weren't defending your home from a jackboot. You went out and committed a direct homocide. Shame on you Bedell for that.

    You just showed that you snapped and were a weakling who couldn't handle the truth.

  7. The problem with being paranoid is that EVERYONE is a disinfo agent.

  8. 10:36 I get it nothing will ever really change. Your right as long as man is here greed will be here. That is the problem

  9. I love all you hysterical conspiracy theorists who believe the US gov't is super competent. They couldn't make a tuna fish sandwich in secret without it getting leaked, screwing it up, and making it for 10x more than estimated.

    Those who believe in all these stupid conspiracies are low-bred, lower class, self-marginalized, have criminal records, low frustration tolerance, and are self created losers in the grand scheme of things.

    They are too stupid to understand the reason they are losers is because of themselves. Since they can't accept responsibility for their own spectacular loserdom, they concoct crazy conspiracy theories. It's not "their" fault they are an effing loser, it's the government, or corporations or some big conspiracy.

    If you can't make it now, you won't make it in the depression. Face it, the only conspiracy that exists is your illusions about your own capabilities.

  10. I'm so hungry I could kill and eat a human being.


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