
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Goldman Sachs: Bloggers Ruining Our "Business"

In its latest latest 10-K (via Dealbook) Goldman Sachs (GS) writes:
“The financial crisis and the current political and public sentiment regarding financial institutions has resulted in a significant amount of adverse press coverage, as well as adverse statements or charges by regulators or elected officials.

“Press coverage and other public statements that assert some form of wrongdoing, regardless of the factual basis for the assertions being made, often results in some type of investigation by regulators, legislators and law enforcement officials, or in lawsuits."

In other words, pesky gadflies like anonymous bloggers, Rolling Stone critics, and New York Times journalists are hurting the company.
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  1. Ahhh, poor Goldman Sachs, I feel so bad for them.


  2. They should be in prison - they purposely mislead investors that those MBS's were pretty safe when they 100% knew the opposite was true and even bet against advice they gave out. That case would have been easier than Enron to prove in a court of law. I guess the top Bankers truly do control the world. Now they get zero % money from the fed as a result of collapsing the economy to execute carry trades a 6 year old child could do to line their pockets with billions more...Unbelievable...

  3. And I'm supposed to be bent out of shape over this?

    Keep the pressure on boys and girls.

    Oh on an unrelated note, I became a Wamu customer more than 10 years ago. I never had a single problem, then Chase takes over. I got a new Chase Debit card sent to me and I activated it 2 weeks ago. My account was locked down on Friday after two $500.00 withdrawals were made from privately owned ATM machines, roughly 50+ miles apart. I guess it didn't take long for my card to get cloned, right down to the PIN#.

  4. This is a must watch entitled Goldman Sucks:

  5. 10:18, I used WaMu for about ten years too, and they were okay, but I need to close up shop with Chase. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. The video:

    Explains quite well the Goldman sachs scheme...


  8. 10:10 poiunts out that the game is rigged when he states that Goldman Sacks bet against the advice they gave their 'clients'. The SEC will never do anything against Goldman Sacks or any of the big money players on wall street because they are completely beholden to them moneywise.
    Goldman Sacks points out that information is a bad thing, when that information shows how Goldman Sacks makes money from every market move possible. Goldman-Sacks is 'special', and they get to have this money and you don't.

    And that's just the way it is when you live in a country run by bankers.

  9. Another ComingDepression regular readerMarch 7, 2010 at 3:34 PM

    Speaking of great sources of information concerning Goldman-Sacks, you ought to mosey over to the one website that has single handedly run a fantastic campaign against Goldman Sacks and the SEC by consistently blowing the whistle on obvious market hanky panky,

    ZeroHedge carries more focused information concerning wall street shenanigans than the coming depression blogspot, which carries important information of general nature to it's readership.

  10. 12:34 Yes Zerohedge is a good site as a lot of the posters there have worked in the industry or are currently working in the industry and they tell what is really going on.

  11. I think GS ruined their own business. Financially and socially.

  12. F goldman sucks, I wish the govt would emplode their building, the same way they did to the 3 buildings on 911

  13. You must read the two Matt Taibbi's columns about Goldman Sachs, you can find them online. He lays out the crooks game clearly in an easy to understand way, plus he is funny as hell. You will laugh and then punch your computer screen in a fit of anger.

  14. Oooh Look, the Financial Terrorist at Goldman are crying foul because now everyone knows they are financial terrorists...

    Well all I can say to Goldman Sachs is this:

    "We Gadflies are only doing God's Work!


  15. F'*ck Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and Chase!

  16. I have not sympathy for any bank. I only have sympathy for the tellers and I hope none of them come to any harm if things get bad in this country. Goldman Sachs and others can close for all I care. I wouldn't want any of them to gain dime from an another American citizen.

  17. In the 1880s bankers were dragged out into the street and hanged for their misdeeds. This was before Americans were completely brainwashed. They KNEW who their enemy was; there was no propaganda machine (TV) in every living room spewing forth lies.

  18. Love Zero Hedge! And of course this site :-)

  19. Goldman Sacks: Doing "god's" work? Yes, if you recognize that their "god" is Lucifer, the "god" of Higher Intelligence, Understanding, Vision, Higher Self, Reason, Angel and Lord of Light, Divine Light, Pure Energy, Wealth and Earthy Pleasure. Beware! They hide behind cloaks of Capitalism, Judism, Christianity. Weigh the accusations carefully, that you do not wrongly accuse and prosecute the innocent. Stand between the Shadows and The Lights and discern carefully. Things are not as they appear. Turn off the TeeVee and let revelation lead you to the truths hidden in plain view. And so it begins.


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