
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Indonesian Mob Wants Blood After Treasury Secretary Spends A Fortune Bailing Out Banks

Tensions are high in Indonesia as it appeared that a months-long investigation into the $700 million bailout of Bank Century will end without prosecution of the country's finance minister and vice president.

But the real anger is on the streets of Jakarta. Thousands of students, labor members, and other mass organizations rioted outside the House of Representatives yesterday and today. These are the people that ended up paying for the bailout, and the same ones that are rioting in Greece and California.
Finance Minister Indrawati has already faced more outrage than her equivalents around the world, however, more than Giorgos Papaconstantinou and far more than Tim Geithner.


  1. When will the guys with shields and batons realize, they are just mind numbed pawns hurting their own the world over.

  2. Well, anonymous, I'm not sure about you but we'll get after it if it gets as bad as it is in other places. Thing about the USA is we actually do have the power and we know how to not misuse it. We don't need to riot and have a fit. Those are weapons of last resort for people that have no arms and no rights. If some of the things that happen around the world happened here, the sedentary militias would activate. There are over 100 million of us that recognize this right and have the arms to back it up. We don't need to burn effigies and hurl stones and windows while burning cars and turning over police cruisers. Those are the actions of jilted serfs, the sheople.

    No, things aren't that bad. Yet. Don't be too hasty. We have to pick our battles. We see the injustice. We're just not ready to rock and roll yet.

    Let them try and screw with the elections. I think they're going to try. If they do, TSGHTF!

  3. We packed Town Hall Meetings and said no to health care and they said "screw you, we are going to do it anyway." We as a democratic society have voiced our opinions, carried signs, chanted, while going in circles and voted. None of it works. They don't listen, they don't care. It doesn't matter if they are Dems or Rep they all lie and line the pockets of their states with fru fru state projects for their colleges to study sex habits of students and to pave the road to the state capital building. The feds simply don't listen. Beck, Hannity, O'reilly and Rush all want you to vote out the bad guys. I can tell you that it won't change anything. Neither side will start the process of massive layoffs in states and federal level to balance and try to save our country. We will not riot, we will only vote, and cry, and vote, and cry, and listen to our favorite consevative talk show guy, and vote and cry. IT AINT WORKIN FOLKS. IT IS NOT GOING TO WORK. THE DAYS OF LETTING THEM KNOW CALMLY WHAT YOU WANT IS NOT GOING TO WORK. It makes me said that the day of violence grows closer. I dread the day I start to see on the TV that it is happening all over the country. Pelosi will be shocked. If the whole country did what her gay constituents did when they threw their fit the whole country would be in flames.

  4. JFK (our last true president) said:

    "Those that make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution necessary"

    JFK was shot for having the 'audacity' to order our Treasury to directly print currency backed by silver. These very special notes say 'United States' at the top instead of 'Federal Reserve'

  5. Let them riot, who cares. Shares around the world are having massive rallies and i'm making money.
    As long as big business makes money, things are fine. We can always lock up the poor.

  6. The main reason people are rebelling in these areas and not in the USA is because the banker media here has the 98% sleepwalking through life.

  7. Your opinion, your vote, your input, mean ZERO.

    You are a slave to the Oligarchs. Stop playing their meaningless bullshit of politics and voting.

    The game is rigged. They won. They have total control. Do what you can to take care of yourself. The USA as a free country is done. Finished. You are living inside the Fourth Reich. Accept it, adapt, try to survive.

  8. If any American were to violently protest like the gentleman in the above picture he would be heat-gunned, tasered, have a boot in his face, tasered again, kicked, pepper maced, cuffed, clubbed, tasered again, spit on, shouted down, tasered again, arrested and financially ruined. If not just outright killed.

    Police do the above now to people on non-compliant traffic stops. If you are about freedom you are a terrorist. The war on terror is about fighting you, not some make belief boogieman Muslim (poor bastards - have a people ever been so thoroughly vilified and framed).

    Silly sheeple living in the Matrix aka the USA just don't get it. You are living inside a police state already, it isn't 'coming.' It has been here for a long time already.

    I applaud those who speak out about the criminals running our government, but protests accomplish nothing.

    90%+ of Americans awoke from their slumber to say NO to the banksters looting the taxpayers and the Treasury. What good did that do? Nada. That is because we live in an OLIGARCY -- the people have no say.

    We are not a Constitutional Republic or a Democracy. We are a giant corporation run by the Euro Elite families. The board of directors decide what happens. Not the puppet President, Treasurer, etc.

    Like a corporation we have no morals. Everything is based on power and profit only. Your life, your body, is simply an asset/resource of the corporation. If you ever become an outright liability you will be dealt with as expendable.

  9. I wouldn't say protests accomplish nothing. They have at least brought some attention to certain issues and the fact people are unhappy. It is better than doing nothing at all. But are they very effective overall? Seemingly not in this day and age of complacency and highly developed tools used to deal with insurgency. As things froth over more I think you will see more protests and insurgency. As that picks up speed, the upswell starts to have meaning. And not everyone can just get kicked around and abused. Standing together people might just be able to speak their minds and start to win support against the TTIC (The Thugs In Charge).

  10. The T.I.C. sounds better actually.

  11. We have no choice but to protest, and protest and protest and protest and protest. I do not see any other way. If 1 million of us protest at a time, just how many could the TTIC's taser?

    I am not optimistic about our future.

  12. Indonesians should just photocopy money to screw their government.

  13. Remember how tasers were originally represented? As a self defense non-lethal weapon for police. To be used when an officer's life was threatened. Now they are nothing more than a portable torture device. Walk this way or else.

  14. Instead of "don't tread on me"..."don't taser me, bro". That is the voice of freedom today.


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