
Monday, March 1, 2010

Blizzards to Distort Jobless Figures? What?

WASHINGTON, March 1 (Reuters) - White House economic adviser Larry Summers said on Monday winter blizzards were likely to distort U.S. February jobless figures, which are due to be released on Friday.

"The blizzards that affected much of the country during the last month are likely to distort the statistics. So it's going to be very important ... to look past whatever the next figures are to gauge the underlying trends," Summers said in an interview with CNBC, according to a transcript.

Construction activity was hit particularly hard by the storms, but many restaurants and stores also had to close, putting the brakes on hiring plans and temporarily throwing some employees out of work.

Summers, director of the White House's National Economic Council, also said the United States was closely monitoring Greece's debt problems and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was encouraged by what he had heard from European officials about the issue.

"With respect to Europe, I am obviously very concerned about what's happening in Greece and Portugal, in Spain, in Italy, on the European continent," Summers said.

"I think there have been increasing signs of recognition both in Greece and in the major countries of Europe that this is a situation that has to be managed; that combination of getting the Greek budget under better control and providing more support is necessary to stabilize this situation."

Summers brushed aside speculation that he was interested in changing jobs.

"I like what I'm doing," he said. "My view is if the president asks me to do something in which I think I can make a contribution, the right approach to it is to say yes, and that's why I'm very pleased to be here working at the National Economic Council." (Reporting by Jeff Mason andRoss Colvin; editing by Chris Wilson)


  1. What a load of PELOSI!

  2. oh ya and all this snow is caused by global warming...
    are we all stupid or what?

    lets see profiteering and pollution or population
    which one really set the world out of balance?

    hands down it's greed every time...

  3. i keep telling people the fema camps are vacation spots
    youll be begging to get in
    when the riots start
    congress and the senate sold out your jobs and laugh at us
    a blind man could see it

  4. What about California and other places with no blizzards?

  5. The huge numbers of people being laid off in February are entirely due to the blizzards.

    That's the party line, so tow it.


  6. The dog ate my homework.

  7. Lol.. riots aren't going to happen. Buy up on stock, particularly alternative energy ones. You will make a killing while others still believe the economies around the world are heading into a depression.

    You'll still be waiting for a crash while i'm making record profits. I've put on another 100 staff in China in my manufacturing, and the business is doing better than ever.

  8. It's not blizzards... It's cutting off unemployment benefits to millions that distorts jobless figures in the governments favor. Cut off benefits, and bingo, economy improves. It's a miracle of modern lying. Meanwhile families are hitting the streets while politicians are complaining because they missed their basketball games due to having obstructed what they term as useless government spending.

    The Republicans were made the bad guys but the Democrats seem to be sitting back and enjoying the show...No doubt laughing while they drink their scotch.

    Drunk with power are the tyrants...

  9. I give March 1, 2010 9:11PM (Auspicious time, ain't it?) exactly 27 days to be proven wrong.

  10. The green (pale) horse amd its rider has been set loose into the world. The one spoken of in the book of Revelation. Bringing with it earthquakes in many places, famines, and death.
    So 911 if you are are buying up alternative energy stocks (green energy)you are really buying into the very thing that will cause famines and death. The earthquakes have already began. Just wait until the world is taxed and fined to death brcause of going green. Anyways buying and selling stocks is nothing but gambling.

  11. Al Qeda is the cause of the unemployment figures being distorted.

    Al Qeda is everywhere, your next door neighbor's dog is an Al Qeda agent.

    Beware and report anything you see to your local Homeland Security Office.

    Al Qeda, Al Qeda, Al Qeda.....

  12. Al-CIA-da that is.

  13. Oh those Blizzards!
    And the Oscar for the best my dog ate my homework excuse... goes to Larry Summers!!!

    Frosty Winters or Larry Summers?


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