
Monday, March 1, 2010

Germans Find Tungsten in Gold Wafer


  1. This is something that made big news a couple/few months ago. I'd like to see something that corroborates the story. I couldn't even understand the video/text and wasn't sure of its credibility.

  2. Follow the nozes.

  3. All the gold in Fort Knox is long gone.
    There where photocopies of checks made out from the Queen of England to George Bush, Sr's personal account for hundreds of billions of dollars back then on the internet in 1996.
    One check I saw said 950 billion dollars on it. These are hard numbers to get your head around, especially in 1996 when I saw these photocopies on the internet.
    The checks where payment for the gold in fort Knox.

    This 'conspiracy theory' received sudden and unexpected credible support when all of a sudden the Bank of England reported that some of their gold bars seemed to be aging or something and had developed cracks in them.
    At the end of that news story, reported around 2006 as I recall, it noted that the Bank of England had received these bars from America.

    Yup I'm sure they did.

    The whole 'Tungsten bar' fiasco presently unfolding is the reason the Rothschild family , which has held the corner on the gold market for the past 300 years or so , and by which means they have controlled the economy of the entire world for the past 300 years, decided to 'exit the gold market' all of a sudden about 5 years ago.


    So when the SHTF, no one would blame the Rothchild's for the tungsten bar funny business.

  4. Previous two guys are right. Also check, get free account and read about recent gold transactions by the Western European Counties. Many of them sold their gold at the lowest price. I don't need to explain who bought it. The story with fake gold will hit the market when it is time. I think bldg 7 collapsed for a good reason. All the pention funds and mutual funds that hold ETF gold will be destroyed by the "news".

  5. Be wise and diversify. Buy platinum and palladium as well. Platinum is available in formats as small as 1/20 ounce. Also, these types of precious metals most likely won't be confiscated because they're used heavily in industry.

    "They" want the gold. Let them have it. There's far too much tungsten among this metal.

  6. "Video no longer available", gee, I wonder why?

    Whenever youtube censors videos, and they censor videos all the time, especially Patriot type videos, they always state "copyright claim". Ha Ha Ha, Ha, a one minute video and someone claims copyright infringement? Yea, right....

  7. There was NO copy write infringement on this youtube decided to pull this for whatever reason..

  8. Well, my dear beloved EA,

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    Youtube was built and deployed by the CIA as an information gathering and control portal.

    The entire internet is just an expanded DARPA net. Department of Defense all the way.

    One day, your blog and every other source of unauthorized information will be blocked.

    That day may be coming soon.

  9. Did anyone copy the video? Where else could I watch the vid. I cant fine it no where, and I want to watch it.


  11. buy gold coins eagels
    i agree we dont have much time
    when sooner than later
    later will be here sooner than later
    thanks for posts

  12. Where have all the gold bars gone?

    Long-time passing.

    Where have all the gold bars gone?

    Long time ago.

    Where have all the gold bars gone?

    Gone to ChiComms everyone..And....

    When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn.

  13. yeah check out what comes up when u search "tungsten alloy for gold substitution" ( )

  14. You guys crack me up! You saw the checks on the internet so it must be true, LOL. There has been more propaganda generated about the Bush's then anyone else in history. The crazy left wing nutjobs must have nothing better to do then make up lies all day.


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