
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Buy Farmland And Gold

The world’s most powerful investors have been advised to buy farmland, stock up on gold and prepare for a “dirty war” by Marc Faber, the notoriously bearish market pundit, who predicted the 1987 stock market crash.
The bleak warning of social and financial meltdown, delivered today in Tokyo at a gathering of 700 pension and sovereign wealth fund managers.
Dr Faber, who advised his audience to pull out of American stocks one week before the 1987 crash and was among a handful who predicted the more recent financial crisis, vies with the Nouriel Roubini, the economist, as a rival claimant for the nickname Dr Doom.
Speaking today, Dr Faber said that investors, who control billions of dollars of assets, should start considering the effects of more disruptive events than mere market volatility
“The next war will be a dirty war,” he told fund managers: "What are you going to do when your mobile phone gets shut down or the internet stops working or the city water supplies get poisoned?”
His investment advice, which was the first keynote speech of CLSA’s annual investment forum in Tokyo, included a suggestion that fund managers buy houses in the countryside because it was more likely that violence, biological attack and other acts of a “dirty war” would happen in cities.
More Here..


  1. Methinks Dr. Faber was a mega flipper and has a bunch of cuntryside properties he's trying to get fund managers to buy.

  2. Truth is it is happening all over the Midwest. It is being bought under the guise of hunting land. Hunters are buying land that has good hunting for insane amounts of money. It seems a little strange that there are that many people out there that can buy land in Missouri for 500,000.00 an put a nice "hunting cabin" on it just to kill a deer and a few quail each year. You are not kidding anyone. It may be used for hunting, but it is the rich mans retreat when all hell breaks loose. There will be travel trailers parked all over it for the owners friends and family. No one is so stupid they would pay half to one million dollars to kill deer and turkey. Hell they are a dime a dozen all over Missouri and you can hunt most anywhere.

  3. 8:00 Seriously, someone is always calling me to give me a freezer full of deer from last year because they just shot another one and they didn't get it all eaten.

  4. 8:00 someone is always trying to give me a freezer full of processed deer meat here in Missouri. You don't pay 500,000.00 for land to kill deer.

  5. Farmland is not a lifeboat.

  6. Definitely not. Most people have never even grown a tomato plant in their life... and would have no idea how to live off of farmland.

  7. This guy knows what he is talking about, his track record proves it.

    The bottom line? We are f*cked.

  8. Me, I will go to the country to die because I would rather not be buried in a dumpster in the alley. Maybe some family can eat me in lieu of deer meat. I wish the best for everyone, including the marauders.

  9. 9:10 Thanks for the laugh. I agree. I would rather be eaten by a farmer than raped and killed by roving bands of registered sex offenders and then be put in a dumpster to become rat shit in the city.

  10. It's high time urbanites tasted soil-and-shovel life. If they can't humble to do dirty work, we the peasants will have to let them starve.

  11. Let me say some things about if SHTF.

    The people coming to steal from you and do you harm will be people you know, not some beard biker. Or it will be some well dressed guy carrying a clipboard and a badge.

    Funny how people think marauders will all look like Hell's Angels. No, they will look like your neighbors.

    The minute you hear of anything seriously wrong, stop drinking city water. Faber is correct. If you really want to make a populace helpless that is the quickest way. The unprepared then have 4-5 days to report to Fema or die.

    Here's one I had never seen, but a big one. Get to a Home Depot and get yourself a half dozen sheets of 3/4 plywood and a ton of 3" screws. You'll want to fortify your place the best you can at some point and you can't do that without the proper materials.

    Install cheap video surveillance. The kind that starts beeping a PC if it senses motion. A cheap way to have parameter detection and the cameras can be very small and unnoticeable.

    For those that plan on living in the country down some dirt road, this info is even more critical.

    Marauders, if you have food/gardens, will see your place as a hangup and will move in, kill you, and use your wife/daughter as a screw toy.

    Little country places will be MUCH more desirable to marauders. They know what you know already and will go for the prime spots. Not the city apt with the empty refrigerator.

  12. The rich will buy farm land and then pave it over, just to prevent it from being farmed, then food prices hit the sky and the commoners die a slow death. Remember that 80% population purge they want to do.

    There's 40 acres in Nevada, cattle country I'm told. The lot is $21K, any partners out there?

  13. I have put up 3 billboards on my 11-acre farm:


  14. The meek shall inherit the earth
    for they shall eat the rich

  15. Faber is only stating the obvious - the dollar technically is worth nothing, on a fair value basis gold could easily be 95,000 dollars per ounce instead of around a hundredth of its current value, taking into account current gold availability and dollars already "printed". When the division of labour gets impaired due to shutting down of infrastructure and the debasement of money you are indeed better off not only owning "the real stuff" as you then still depend on some kind of market, but to actually, "just in case" be able to grow your own food.

  16. I have no reason to doubt Mr. Faber. He is making sense. I have stockpiled enough ammo to kill every man, woman, child, and animal within 800 yards of my fortress, so I feel somewhat secure. I also have buried gold in three caches around the property.

  17. 10:39 I hope you are not my neighbor across the street. You are a scary person.

  18. Listen, I am not rich, I have many in my family that are very well off and I personally know several wealthy people. They are not idiots. They work more hours than any of their employees and are highly intelligent. None of the people I know inherited their money. They forgot more about gardening than most people know because they have gardens or they came from the depression era garden times or their mommas and daddies made them work the garden they grew up with. I am not worried about any of the wealthy people in my family or friends.

    Some of you folks believe to much drivel from the Hollywood movies you've seen about how ignorant and helpless the rich are.

  19. 10:59 maybe you don't get it. When the dollar does a reverse spilt, 1 million dollars will be $100,000 grand, your friends are not rich anymore. All prices of food housing etc. will all stay the same. Your "rich friends" will be paupers like us all, UNLESS THEY OWN GOLD AND A FARM. Money will be obsolete.

  20. 10:39 is making a serious point with all those words.

    Trust will ultimately be the most valuable, and most difficult to ascertain, commodity. Without it, there is little chance of rebuilding America out of ashes.

    You can only survive so long on personal rations and a finite supply of ammo. Sooner or later, you have to reach out to others for the next phase.

    Therefore, building a network of like-minded individuals is paramount and key. I suspect most survivalists have yet to fulfill this most important step.

  21. 9:53 "The people coming to steal from you and do you harm will be people you know, not some beard biker. Or it will be some well dressed guy carrying a clipboard and a badge."

    I agree to an extent. If there are food shortages their will be food riots. After it slows down, I expect I will have to sleep outside by my garden with the dogs to protect it. I already have security cameras and motion lights, but I still loose stuff almost monthly now. I just bought guns so that I can defend my family when someone decides to break in. I am sure it is local teens doing all the stealing, but I also think that will increase soon. I live in a suburban neighborhood, but I know the local drug dealers cars. My neighbor across the street had to take her druggie son in (49 yrs. old) and he gets deliveries almost weekly. It doesn't make any difference where you live, there is nasty people everywhere. I hated that I had to buy a gun.

  22. You cannot judge a book by its cover. A man that stays calm and sounds calm may be the most dangerous human being you have ever met in your life or soon to be short life. If they do not break eye contact at all that is your first clue of how much trouble you may have ahead with the person in front of you.

  23. 9:53 is correct...In the end many of us will be drained dry/ripped off or even just robbed by those who didn't prep.

    Sadly enough guns and ammo plus staying in shape are your answers...But as we all know no one goes away without a fight...So in bad times...bad things might have to be done.

  24. Hey 11:04 - if that happens, isn't it all relative? If you have $100,000 left, that money will probably buy a lot more than it does now.

  25. Make sure the gold you buy isn't gold-plated tungsten.

  26. 3:03 yes, everything is very relative. there are some truisms here and also alot of B.S.

    Just because one has money does not mean they are
    elitest brand who get manicured every other tuesday at the country club.

    many have land, gardens and are extremely diversified; not only monetarily - but in knowledge of living.

    After all; being successful is a trait that is easily transfered from one life situation to the other

  27. 10:39,

    where do you live?

  28. i'm beginning to love human flesh
    barbecue again evening

  29. I am anonymous @ 10:39. I don't care if you call me scary or demented. I carefully chose my fortress. It is hidden in a cleft on a mountain side. Access is by a single dirt road. The house is undetectable until you pass over a rise in the road. At that time, you will be in my gun sight. Please don't attempt to enter my property in the event of a crisis. Thank you.

  30. Im in England and have started preparing, bought gold and storing food, water etc. The trouble here is its hard to get hold of a gun. I may have to protect my land with the trusty baseball bat

  31. To the "i hated to buy a gun" comment.

    It is the responsibility of every sane man in America to be armed to protect himself, his property, his family, his community, and OUR liberty. If man would hand over this most basic of his responsibilities to another, what else might he hand over?

  32. For anyone who cannot get a gun go on utube you can make a pellet gun just as deadly as a hand gun with a few simple modifications . Also a cross bow or a good bow or a good compound bow is as good as any gun a bow is silent very hard to tell were the shot came from learn how to use it.


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