
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The New Towns: Ghost Towns

RAVENSWOOD, W.Va. — When Henry Kaiser arrived 55 years ago, this place was no place — "a rural problem area," the government called it, so poor and isolated that the population had dropped 15% since 1940.

That all changed after Kaiser, the industrialist who'd turned out ships and planes at a record pace in World War II, built the nation's largest consolidated aluminum works here on the banks of theOhio River.
The plant paid Tim Shumaker his first living wage, and he won the right to keep it two decades ago after his union was locked out for 19 months.
Today, that victory seems hollow. Shumaker, 49, has been laid off. Part of the vast aluminum complex is closed, and the rest is for sale — its orders down, its workforce reduced, its future uncertain. Shumaker stands at the locked plant gate and, after a year without work, worries what's next for him and his community. "The way things are going," he says, "there's not going to be anything here."


  1. Plant closings have adversely affected small towns all across America for years.

  2. Desperation on CNBC today; GE, (Government), controlled CNBC had two "experts" on today. The first was touting how the implementation of a VAT Tax would be a windfall for revenue; In reality, people will stop spending and an underground VAT-less economy will thrive. The second talked on how taxing tattoos, manicures, and nails would provide tremendous revenue; In reality, the lower class of people that seek these improvements will simply stop. The PTB are really desperate when they're trying to pass this on to the masses!

  3. Tattoos are an improvement?

  4. By the end of the year many municipalities will not be providing anything like 'adequate services' to the people, who will be fighting in the street over food.

  5. If Ravenswood is a one-horse town, then where I live is a one-goat town. We also have one main employer, but it's still here.

    Anyone who pushes a flat tax or a value-added tax is probably rich. Studies show that these kinds of taxes fall heavily on the working class, since we have to spend most of our money to live. I can't afford tattoos and nails now.

    12:50 is right. Cities and states are running out of money and a tax on tattoos will not solve the problem. It's a joke.

  6. 1:21 If we have a flat tax or value added tax... You know, if buy something I pay tax on it. That is what I want. I have been for it for many years. But of course, I don't buy all the junk most people do. And I would do without more "stuff" if the IRS would all but shut down. No more H and R Block, Liberty tax, Tax attorneys and Oh did I say no more IRS. Everyone pays their fair share. I like that. Even the poor, if they get a windfall and decide to buy an HD tv with their drug money *&#@% they pay a tax on it. Well, there again I like that.

  7. If the IRS had to cut back 80% of personnel and the FEDS no longer had to print paper forms I think that would be a little savings don't you? If all of you ass hole boat owner, jet ski, 4 wheeler people had to pay a special tax on it, well I'd like that. If all you gotta have an SUV so your wife and kid will live when they plow into someone from running a red light while texting and kill a mother and child in a smaller car have to pay a special tax on the SUV well I like that too.

  8. America's ghost towns... Thank you unions and china..

  9. 2:21,Minus the jet ski I have all those things you mention, not new but I have them and worked hard for them, that makes me an asshole? I would dare bet you are either jealous you don't have any of the aforementioned or are a tree hugger. Just becuase someone owns something you don't approve of, does not make us all assholes. For the record, I take two weeks off every summer and spend it at the lake an hour from home, giving less fortunate kids and handicapped kids rides around the lake. I even spent $2500 to make my boat more handicap friendly for safety sake; it makes my day to provide some fun for these kids, and I am by no means wealthy. And by the way, we pay extra taxes where I come from for this kind of thing so go toot your friggin horn somewhere else, idiot.

  10. 3:03 Right on. This economy is really catching up with us isnt it.

  11. The real folks to thank for ghost towns forming such as Ravens... are the selfish corporate raiders and wall streeters who starting with the help of Millken destroyed many strong companies to raid their bank accounts for immediate profit, and the morons in Washington who utterly failed to induce American corporations to keep jobs on our soil -- of course the Fed. needed cheap stuff to flood in from Japan and China so the food and oil inflation that a weakening dollar has created would be palatable to the populace. This all started in the early 80's, and debt like heroin interlacing various bubbles (real estate and tech) allowed the fed to mortgage our future and greatly damage our industrial base.

  12. “Recovery” is bulldust
    States real sales tax receipts from consumers spending do not match the claimed ’confidence’ building talk that amerika is recovering and its consumers are back in the shops and housing market .
    Are these lower income people suffering the most from unemployment in a collapsing economy unionised?
    Would it make any difference?
    Do the unions and Obama only look after their own , the rich and the bribed higher paid labour aristocracy?All of whom are in favor of free trade globalism while some are flat earthers in favor of flat taxes.

    According to Mish Shedlock
    A major war is coming between the union parasite "haves", and the non-union "have-nots", the latter already forced to live in the real economy.

  13. 2:21pm : don't people pay too much taxes as it is?

    I don't get these people that think that the camels back goes on forever.

    We're already at the breaking point , bub.

    Besides, what's wrong with having a jet ski and a boat and trailer and 4x4 and a small helicopter, if you can get it?

    I think you'd probably want to take my guns away too, or see me pay a special tax on it.

    Frankly, I think someone should leave a deer costume on your porch for you during hunting season.

  14. 2:21 is a member of ELF, or some other fringe group that thinks we should all go back to the stone age.

  15. Ghost towns. Marvelous! I'm growing food on rooftops.


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