
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tent City In NY (Video)


  1. WTF?????

    A tent city during a blizzard? I don't see any story or pics?


  2. looks like fun...bring it on...

  3. the presenter is kind of cute

  4. These bums all need to get a life; move on, like my family did in the early 80's, and look for work. One had a cigarette in his hand, so he's got money to leave NYC and move south. Only rich folks can afford tobacco products. The Mexicans would be better off heading home, at least they could live off the land in warmer climates. Back when I was that age, only hobos and bums lived like that (slackers).

  5. So one guy has a cigarette and that suggests he's got money. Perhaps this area is where he grew up. Don't assume it would easy to pack up the few earthly possessions you have and move to warmer climate. This reminds me of the 1970's movie "Deliverance", they made the mistake of camping in the wrong place and they were visited by a couple of back woods, toothless brothers with nothing on their minds but murder and ass raping one of the campers.

    The Mexicans in the video should go back home, anybody want to help? I'm in So Cal. There are countless stories of people from Central America that are stuck here. Now that the country is in the crapper, they may earn 20-40 bucks a week doing day labor. They understand they will never be able to buy a plane ticket back to Central America, so they are stuck here, a burden to us and their families back home. I once posted the idea that if 40 people tossed 10 bucks into a basket, I could use my NGO's bank account to buy a ticket home for someone who really wants to leave. I got flamed all over the Internet, no one thought it would be a good thing to give up 10 bucks to help someone stuck in a bad situation.

    Future Hobos, Bums and Slackers are your neighbors, trying their best to make sense of this crisis. Things are much different now.

    So Miss Laura, what's your solution to this mess?

  6. 7:12 Many people today (parents of adult kids agree) that the younger (American) folks don't have any work ethic; the public schools are part of the problem. When I was in school, younger kids got swatted with a yard stick. Another is parents coddle/spoil and do everything for the kids, I see this around me all the time. I thought the hippy generation was bad in the 70's; but they finally grew up and got a life once they left college. They helped around the house and yard when growing up, unlike kids today. The Mexicans and C. Americans can work their way home, or hop a freight train like they used to. Slackers are bums, that's a fact.

  7. Here's something indirectly relevant: I have been outspokenly sympathetic to Latino immigrants. The staff in my apt. building are provided with salaries and shelter. They have decided that because of my sympathetic leanings they are free to let themselves into my apt., stay in it when I'm out of town, and help themselves to my possessions.
    My response? I have rights too. They are luckier than most of their compadres and should behave themselves in their new country or else go somewhere else. I'm having a burglar alarm installed.
    My sympathies relate to my own identity as the daughter and granddaughter of immigrants, but they didn't steal.
    What else is there to do?

  8. We should have compassion for our fellow men not cast judgment on them.. How terrible some of you people are making statement calling them bums you have no idea what is happening do you? The herd is getting thinned and it's just a matter of time before your name is called..


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