
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

China: Sale of Residential Land Temporarily Halted

 WANG QIAN (China Daily)
BEIJING - The Ministry of Land and Resources has ordered a temporary ban on the sale of land for housing in a renewed measure to ease soaring real estate prices.

Yun Xiaosu, vice-minister of land and resources, said local authorities should not sell land for residential purposes until this year's housing land supply plan is released in early April.

"Residential land supply will increase and low-income housing projects will top local governments' agendas," Yun said during a video-conference on Monday.

In his government work report early this month, Premier Wen Jiabao said China will build 3 million housing units for low-income families and renovate 2.8 million shanty units with a total of 63.2 billion yuan ($9.25 billion) allocated this year, a year-on-year increase of about 15 percent.

"The low-income houses and shanty units must be included in this year's land supply, while large-sized housing projects must be controlled in big cities," Yun said.
More Here..


  1. I have followed and read Dr Roberts and his books. He is an honest and very intelligent person and great Economist. Not surprising the media has censored him.

    I am saddened he has signed off. He is a Patriot and a great American (former). Another great American (former) censored (remember Ron Paul?)

    Hopefully, he will move offshore, somewhere in South America...

    I see nothing good in our future, at least for we Patriots or those of us living in reality. I find 90% of my friends and family are addicted to their TV's, they are dumb downed mind controlled sheeple who are controlled by their TV and the MSN.

    See all the stupid comments below, designed to mislead or change the subject, the disinfo goons are prevalent on this site. Ignore their stupid comments, PLEASE!

    We are so screwed...


  3. I wonder why the ban on the sale of land would not cause real estate prices to increase? It seems to me that this ban will have the opposite effect to what they are seeking.


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