
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Paul Craig Roberts: Good Bye

Paul Craig Roberts was an editor of the Wall Street Journal and an Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.  His latest book, HOW THE ECONOMY WAS LOST, has just been published by CounterPunch/AK Press. He can be reached at:

There was a time when the pen was mightier than the sword. That was a time when people believed in truth and regarded truth as an independent power and not as an auxiliary for government, class, race, ideological, personal, or financial interest.
Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it.

Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,” “anti-semite” or “conspiracy theorist.”

Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control government.

Truth is an inconvenience for prosecutors who want convictions, not the discovery of innocence or guilt.

Truth is inconvenient for ideologues.

Today many whose goal once was the discovery of truth are now paid handsomely to hide it. “Free market economists” are paid to sell offshoring to the American people. High-productivity, high value-added American jobs are denigrated as dirty, old industrial jobs. Relicts from long ago, we are best shed of them. Their place has been taken by “the New Economy,” a mythical economy that allegedly consists of high-tech white collar jobs in which Americans innovate and finance activities that occur offshore. All Americans need in order to participate in this “new economy” are finance degrees from Ivy League universities, and then they will work on Wall Street at million dollar jobs.

Economists who were once respectable took money to contribute to this myth of “the New Economy.”

And not only economists sell their souls for filthy lucre. Recently we have had reports of medical doctors who, for money, have published in peer-reviewed journals concocted “studies” that hype this or that new medicine produced by pharmaceutical companies that paid for the “studies.”
More Here..


  1. I hate to tell you this everyone, but THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE TRUTH. It does not exist on Earth, or for humans. Everyone thinks they know the truth but when you listen to them it's clear they don't know jack shit, and are just expressing an opinion.

    We won't know what the truth is until we get to heaven. Until then, humans will spin it, taint it, bias it, abort it, smokescreen it, manipulate it, hijack it, and twist it.

    Humans are the shit stain of the world. Whoever said humans were mostly good, but bad sometimes didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. Humans are evil first, and only good when it suits them.

    There's no such thing as the truth. Not in this world and not with humans.

    This guy thinks he knows the truth? I got news for you. The communists always named their newspapers, in each country, "Truth." - Adervarul - The Truth - Romania's #1 commie paper,. Pravda - Truth - Russia's, Same goes for Hungary, Poland, and even Al Gore's movie.

    You think those shit stains knew the truth? Everyone thinks they know the truth and when they say this, it's the best evidence they don't.


  2. I can not recall the time when a few words written have ever had such a profound effect on me that these have. Like a punch in the gut those words have literally knocked the wind out of me.

    We were rapidly slipping down the rabbit hole when, or shortly after, the Federal Reserve was created.. and many events since then JFK RFK MLK and more

    But as he so accurately states -- 911 was not only the day we lost thousands, HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of people -- but it also marked the very day America turned toward the darkness and is never coming back.

    Because what Paul so eloquently writes IS THE FUCKING TRUTH. RIGOROUS, INCONVENIENT, PAINFUL and STARK -- the utter and COMPLETE TRUTH.

    It pains me more than anyone might imagine that Paul is "signing off".. throwing in the towel -- that he does so is a dire event, a prediction nearly the severity of 911. Another voice of truth: Extinguished.

    I cry for me, I cry for you and most of all I sob to the depths of my soul for our once great country.

    May GOD help us

  3. “Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it.”
    But ,if f you want to know about your new secret police in the U.S. and their privileges an immunities under the law in the courts etc. you can read about it in executive order signed by the ‘liberal” “left” president Monarchy
    on Dec 16 2009 . More Interpol offices or police “embassies” are expected to open in more cities as part of the Patriot act and empire Homeland security “ war on terror” an of course the will not be obliged to show any records that might identify themselves as a criminal police force to the FBI , Americans or even Democrat party congressmen .
    9/ 11 truthers watch out!
    The left as well as the right appear to be noticeably silent about this !

  4. Patriot Said:

    In a time when Americans crave the Truth Roberts will be missed. We want the truth, demand the truth and get Corporate you really think the public wants the Trash passed as news these days? Stop fooling yourselves and realize why alternative news sources are growing!

  5. So Paul Craig Roberts is melodramatically resigning in order to protest too much lying
    in the world.

    Save the drama for your mama, cry baby.

  6. A great primer on the issue of corporate control of our lives is Naomi Klein's recent book "Shock Doctrine". Can't recommend it highly enough. Google it.

  7. 5:22 - moron - turn your brain back on. A 10-year old can see 9/11 was a staged and fabricated lie. If you grow some balls some day and spot licking at the tit of authority let us know.

  8. Soros, like Bill Gates and other 'rich men' are actually financial minions in comparison to the multi-trillion Fed Reserve owners. The Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Morgans, the Rockefellers.

    It cracked me up the other guy when they said this Mexican gentleman beat Gates out as the richest man in the world. Hilarious, and well, stupid. Gates and his buddies could be bought out for the pocket lint from the REAL wealthy people in this world. The same people that own us. The true sculptors of everything around you.

  9. 5:22 There is an element of truth to what you say. It is true that some people will react negatively toward others when they become scared or feel threatened. It is also true that our government is no longer able to conduct any operations without media coverage in some form. Today there is thousands of media/journalists/watchers in even the smallest of countries. So the Feds have had to learn to effectively use the media to assist in their operations. The feds use deceat, manipulation of facts and even truth released at the right time to accomplish their end. I have serious doubts about 911 being an inside job, but truthfully nothing would surprise me. It is nothing new for the feds to sacrifice a few to accomplish an ultimate goal.

    When Obama was running for President I told some friends who really liked him that I thought he would not make a good president. I told them that he has to be able to lie and make us believe it. I told them I did not think he would be any good at it. I have never been so wrong about anything in my entire life. He is the best liar we have ever had.

  10. 5:22 I have changed my mind. Yep, You are not too bright. Today the Toyota Corp. is attempting to throw blame to the electro magnetic fields cast off by power lines for all of their crashes. Remember the people that told you that the EMF stuff was hooey? Well, today it serves the purpose of corporate America to salvage the bottom line to scream out about the evil EMF's.

    Do you remember when smoking would not kill you. Even Dr.s were saying it wouldn't kill you. Today they say it will. Mister, people lie and always have in order to protect their bottom line and if you don't think the Fed's will to protect our economy and way of life you are a fool. They will do anything necessary to help you keep gas in your SUV, keep your credit cards working and you believing what ever shit they put on your plate. I do not say this lightly... You are foolish!

  11. World Trade Center Tower 7 (about 50 or so floors) came down by controlled demolition. That is FACT.

    Interestingly, it takes WEEKS to set up an implosion like this, yet "they" want us to believe it can be done under 12 hours! LOL

    My, you have to give it to architects and engineers who erected that tower. To have foreseen the need to implode the structure at some point and pre-load it with explosives before occupation by tenants. What moron at city planning approved this??? LOL

    Only a blind fool thinks 9-11 was not an inside job.

  12. 5:22 You want proof of 9/11 being an inside job? Look at building 7, Ask yourself how does 2 planes knock three buildings straight down? What you say you don't know? I think you should do your homework because if someone is hiding it by not telling what actually happened you can be sure there is a reason why they are secretly evading the subject. All I can say is do your research don't act like you know when you don't know. I did my homework. I know.

  13. Of course there is truth.. Just as there is falsehood there exists truth. Court rooms and laws are based on the principle of truth without truth their would be no such thing as Justice.. You see the slippery slope exists by saying there is no truth??

  14. there is no justice, only the rich get justice, the poor get shit on, always have always will

  15. There is no verifiable truth if you think the world is created by your own mind, or the mind of a God. That the world has no objective existence of its own beyond human or god thought .
    Even reason without the knowledge provided by practice of changing the world,in trying to sort out what is truth by the internal working of its own mind, including human logical rule ideas, cannot be sure of its truth.The truth including on 9/11 Truth has to be sought from facts .
    Facts are derived from practice in dealing with objective reality, by examining an objective material universe reflected in our minds as ideas,ideas that can even be used to create ideologies that can be used dream away the material scientific facts of 9/11 and to pretend it understands truth.
    But,the the objective universe -matter in motion- existed before man developed his ability to think about it and his relations with other humans with ideas and that
    universes objective infinite objective truth will exist long after mankind and his god ideas and ideologies have ceased to exist.

  16. Anonymous said...
    “there is no justice, only the rich get justice, the poor get shit on, always have always will”

    You are right in the courts there is no justice .
    The courts decide on law and matters of property right .
    The basis of the lawd are ideological justifications for property right itles ,often inherited by the rich , not justice.
    Property based morality ideologies, creating laws,, is not the same as justice for the poor.

  17. 5:04 AM: I don't blame him or anyone for "signing off"..why beat a dead horse. America is gone into the trash heap of history. Young people out there..listen, you have no future, no hope; thanks to my sorry generation who trashed the country!

  18. Americans don't want the truth. This article is right on. I was arguing with wingnuts on a CNN forum the other day about how Somalia and their so called pirates, and how they are turning to piracy because we and Britain, and others, ruined their fishing waters that fed their people. Of course, others on the forum were die hard set in believing CNN's propaganda and that all Somalians were pirates just out ravishing war ships in the ocean with their canoes. Americans and the 55 and under crowd are just plain stupid, ignorant and deserve all the coming disasters, terrorist attacks, depressions, wars that will flood their lives in the future.


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