
Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Most Evil Man In The World That Was Behind The Financial Crisis: George Soros

The New York Times is quoting a spokesman for George Soros as saying that the well-known hedge fund operator is guilty of no wrong-doing in connection with the financial upheaval currently affecting Greece and Europe as a whole. But Zubi Diamond, author of the powerful new book, Wizards of Wall Street, says the agenda of Soros and other short sellers is clear. Their purpose, he says, is "to loot America and any foreign country which invested in America. Greece was one of them. Iceland was ravaged and annihilated."
The term "short selling" in this context refers to investors, speculators and currency manipulators who bet on the decline or collapse of a stock or currency through complex financial instruments handled mostly through secret off-shore accounts. For the hedge fund short sellers to make money, prices have to go down.
Short sellers, who are appearing at a March 11 event at the libertarian Cato Institute, insist that they "provide liquidity and transparency to our capital markets" and that their operations "expose corporate fraud and mismanagement."
But Diamond strongly disagrees. He says the Managed Funds Association, the lobbying arm of the hedge fund short sellers, is crafty and deceitful. "When they tell you that short selling contributes liquidity to the market, that is a lie," he says. "Short selling destroys capital and takes away liquidity from the market. When they tell you that they are taking steps to remove manipulation from the stock market, that is a lie. They are taking steps to introduce manipulation to the stock market, and prime the stock market for manipulation and looting. When they tell you that the uptick rule is outdated, because of decimalization, that is a lie. They lie to deceive, to bring forth a big payday from short selling, hence the looting of America and America's wealthiest corporations and their shareholders, sanctioned by their Washington D.C. lapdogs."
Diamond, with 14 years of experience in the financial markets, calls his book a course in "Economic crisis 101" because of the need to inform ordinary Americans of what is happening right before their eyes. The book is easy to read, although it deals with complex financial regulations and operations, and is only 118 pages. The theme is that the economic crisis was deliberately engineered for profit and political gain and has already resulted in the "looting" of $11 trillion from the U.S. economy.


  1. when guys like Soros make bets something will fail then there is only one outcome. They secretly feed these countries with cheap money and credit make it look like things are booming. All the while they slowly increase their short positions until everything is set then they pull the rug and watch people burn... I would advise anyone (if you have any money left that is) to take it out of the wall st casino and either spend it while its still worth something or keep it in a shoe box so you can show your grand children what normal dollars used to look like (before they added all the 000s to each note)

  2. Noodles123-Though I agree their ways are evil...People have to take responsibilities for their borrowing and actions.

    Too many people borrow and borrow...Spen and spend then seem shocked when they get screwed.

    The math was there but almost all of us refused to either change our ways or tighten our belts because "It was soooo easy to borrow $"

  3. Just about everyone playing the stock market are "manipulating it" and in it for themselves to make a buck. Capitalism is like one giant casino where everyone is in it to win at the other person's peril. Evil? Yes, kind of. But not as devious as you would think. Just as every politician is essentially looking for power and career success, every corporate mogul is trying to get rich off the system, which as we all know is a pyramid scheme. Let's not be naive. Let's call a spade a spade. Regardless of George Soros this system would have collapsed anyway, and in fact needed to.

  4. Yes people need to think for themselves when it comes to borrowing and spending but a banks first duty should be to do proper due dilligence on any loan it gives... people say if you dont ask you dont get... well these people asked for million dollar mortgages and got them... meanwhile the banks were then buying credit default swaps to insure this crap so they knew they might get some interest payments for a little while before guy goes under but ontop they got their full payment on the default swap.

    The fact that US government has over the last 25 years removed all forms of regulation on these "instruments" speaks volumes

  5. People need to keep focus on the real problem and it is one of intention. The problem is that money has become more important than people. That intention where money becomes more important is the problem and basically evil.

    Each person needs to look at them self and fix this problem there first and at the same time share the truth about what others are doing wrong in order to protect everyone from them.

  6. Transact in gold and silver!

  7. Noodles123-Too many times on blogs like this I read plenty of "Oh whoa is us" and "We were tricked" comments and stories.

    Nooooo...The reason the richer countries got into trouble were basically the 7 Sins incarnate:

    1. Lust for material things

    2. Gluttony for things they didn't need

    3. Sloth not wanting to really earn them through real work instead borrow borrow borrow

    4. Greed to get what they wanted at any rate no matter what the dotted line read

    5. Envy of your neighbor for what he had/has so you must get the same or bigger and better

    6. Pride having something you didn't earn and showing it off like you deserved it

    7. Finally Wrath at having it taken away when you discovered you couldn't keep up the charade or that you were dancing on a razor's edge of economic madness

    Ha can you tell I have Catholic guilt? :P

    I say WE as a whole have this coming and WE as a whole must learn the way humans have learned through history...With Pain and a dash of suffering.

  8. Nooodles123, the mind often looks for cause and effect. What do you attribute the good times to?
    All the goodness that people had done?
    In other words, when things where going good, did you say 'God is being nice to mankind for only aborting 26 million Americans so far' or the like?
    I'm being highly cynical.
    In this world, God is mainly simple cause and effect. A man runs out in front of traffic and gets hits by a bus. 'God had him run over by a bus for being so stupid as to run out in traffic'

    Selah mon ami.

  9. Ahhhh JF you're assuming that when times were good we Americans actually did good things with all the floating money we had.

    We in fact started wars...Got in deeper debt...Build incredible amounts of things that weren't based on any reality.

    As far as the abortion comment? That is a "wedge issue" my friend...It causes people to go against each other based on religion even though they might agree on everything else.

    I'm hispanic and grew up very poor and I'm telling you...Even as a good catholic boy...You need abortion and birth control...Ever see africans starving to death but the mom has like 5 kids?...Same concept.

    Seems only white guys from the midwest/south worry about what a woman does with her body and think she shouldn't.

    YET at the same time get mad about WIC/SSI/Section 8/HeadStart/welfare/medical/Medicare/foodstamps/Juvvie/jail and educational costs for kids whose parents never kick in any property or tax money.

    Can't have it both ways brother...The weak and feeble are eating America up with their stupidity...Taking all of us down.

    If you want a herd to survive sometimes you need a culling.

  10. A great pair as Pelosi being the most evil (witch-bitch) woman; demon possessed I assume. No one grins and smiles in a normal setting like she does. Maybe she should be a circus clown for witches.

  11. barbara the evil bush cunt witch is far worse than pelosi, blacks were living in their own excrement and she said they are doing well for themselves, to me that cunt said it all there, the bush crime family is the most psycopathetic of all time

  12. Guys, do not believe this garbage. Soros is not behind this crisis. Like in every war (and please make no mistake-this is a war against us) there is a command center and there are troops that execute the decisions of the command center. Soros is just on of the executors. The masterminds always remain in the shadows. Look for the masterminds.

  13. Problem now a days is no one wants to take responsibility...Everyone is a "victim."

    I'm throwing the bullshit flag on that...People need to man up or shut up.

    By the way 12:50 why you looking at my boner?

  14. Want to stop Obama?

    Here's the ultimate answer:

  15. 12:02
    Evil, yes; but ooooh sooo smart she is.

    You see 12:02; she knows full well that blackas
    be alivin' in der own excrement bro' - cause like downtown de be seein' a da bros livin' like dat 'to an so dat be why dey have deem big type nostrils so dey can sniff outa da neiiber folk who be smelly da wuse

    So like she be a knowin' dis and den she be a sayin yea yea yea da bros ar eb likni' dis so I be a smellin like dis thru muh big nose

    yA see naw ?

  16. Soros is an evil man, Nazi war criminal and should be behind bars with Pelosi the rich hypocrite sicko, Reid the communist, and the rest of the progressive anti-freedom scum in DC.

    Soros is responsible for the attack on capitalism and the push for no borders. see his 'open society' website.

    He's the devil, second only to David Rockefeller.


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