Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Desperate States Sending Out Cops To Ticket Drivers For Everything

The recession may be claiming a new victim: the 5-10-mph "cushion" police and state troopers across the USA have routinely given motorists exceeding the speed limit.

As cities and states scramble to fill budget gaps with revenue from traffic citations, "not only are the (speeding) tolerances much lower, but the frequency of a warning instead of a ticket is way down," says James Baxter, president of the National Motorists Association, a Wisconsin-based drivers' rights group that helps its members fight speeding tickets.

"Most people, if they're stopped now, are getting a ticket even if it's only a minor violation of a few miles per hour," Baxter says. He cites anecdotal evidence of drivers being pulled over at slower speeds.
More Here..

State Of Ohio Going After 20 Year Old Tickets
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Naomi Wolf Thinks the Tea Parties Help Fight Fascism -- Is She Onto Something or in Fantasy Land?
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  1. The cops are going ballistic in my city. Thug cops. Revenue hunters.

  2. Sounds like sustainable economic development. Soon the cops will be on the take just like Argentina.

    This country is circling the bowl. We are truelly f#cked.

  3. $996 for a minor using a cell phone in CA while driving. The fines are so outrageous now.

  4. My friend got a DUI. He is very responsible and hardly ever drinks but he barely made .08 and passed every coordination test. I would say at .08 he is a better driver than 90% of the others out there. He told me by the time it is all over he'll be out $25k.

    I got a parking ticket the other day for being with 2' of a driveway, although I didn't block the drive at all. $85.00

    Welcome to the police revenue state.

  5. I went to Los Angeles International Airport not long ago. As I was walking through the parking structure to the terminal, I saw lots of cars ticked by the airport police. Most were for no front plate or expired registration or tinted windows.

    It's gonna get a lot worse...

  6. Stop complaining .
    this america afrter all.
    "support your lovable local police"
    Your frontline in the war against terrorism.

  7. Follow the law and you won't get these tickets, it's not that hard to figure out.

  8. In the 50s and 60s a cop was someone who was actually there for you. Now they are rattlesnakes, militarized thugs who are best avoided at all costs. Never call one. Never talk to one.

    Watch the video "never talk to police." Well done video by a law professor.

    The sheep actually think cops are there to protect and serve them. Far from it.

    As for the war on terror, it is a complete fraud. Started and maintained by government staged acts of state-sponsored violence. The terrorist that is the ultimate target is anyone standing up for freedom. 9/11 was a complete con job and the sheeple lapped it right up.

  9. 9:34 $10 Bucks you're a COP. Git out dare and post dem tickets and do some tazer jobs

  10. Ah Tasers. Sold in baby steps as a way for cops to defend their lives without killing a perp, ie not using deadly force.

    Now an outright torture device used on motorists and old ladies.

    It is no longer a defensive weapon, but rather a compliance device. A portable torture weapon nothing more, nothing less.

    It all happened while you were sleeping.

    Add to that the crowd control pain compliance weapons to be used on peaceful protestors. American, land of the fee, home of the slave.

  11. As well as the police to support in the war against terror there is also the military and the wars that are being expanded by the peace President the one with the nobel prise for peace won by extending the bombing into pakistan ,somalia ,yeman and threatens Iran ,north korea etc etc War is peace!
    But it is expensive and militarism bankrupted the state But life goes on and what with budget cuts and all, (but not for wars)somebody has to save America and law and order. So be patriotic
    Support the local police.
    Cough up or you will rightly feel the Taser if you are a little slow.

  12. If you don't have jobs, you get pay the tickets!!!!!!! Read this piece for the little people and the video with it made me so mad !

  13. 9:34 Following the law is easy if you know them all. How many inches from the curb when you park? How many lbs. of air pressure in my tires? How much is the minimum tread required on my tires? That crack on my windshield that just happened-is it obstructing my view-can I drive it to the repair shop or do I have to have it towed? Woops, where is that insurance information, oh yea it is on my desk at home-I forgot to put it in the glove box. I just turned left across a double yellow line-is that legal? The 12inch strip of grass in the alley behind my privacy fence can only be how high before I get a citation? Woops, did I leave my car running while I ran in the house to grab my briefcase? There area so many ways to break the law that is impossible to be perfect.

  14. Get the latest radar detector with the latest frequencies. Residential areas are also being monitored in larger subdivisions in cities where 25mph is posted. Use cruise control on county/state roads too, and interstates. Throw out any radar det. over two years old and buy new (I know from experience)!

  15. There's a Lady who knows
    all that Glitters is Gold
    and she's buyingGAH stairway
    to HeaVAN

    And when she get's there SHE knows
    if the stores ARE all closed
    with a Word she can get
    she came for




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