
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Global Economy Spins Out of Control?

Now the fudging is unraveling and the EU has a big problem on its hands. But the EU is not the only economic region that is struggling currently. The Asian block of hitherto successful economies is showing signs of cracking up as well. Here's something recently written about China:

China: the coming costs of a superbubble ... China may seem to have defied the recession and the laws of economics. It hasn't. When China's bubble bursts, the global impact will be severe, spiking US interest rates. ... The world looks at China with envy. China's economy grew 8.7 percent last year, while the world economy contracted by 2.2 percent. It seems that Chinese "Confucian capitalism" - a market economy powered by 1.3 billion people and guided by an authoritarian regime that can pull levers at will - is superior to our touchy-feely democracy and capitalism. But the grass on China's side of the fence is not as green as it appears. ... In fact, China's defiance of the global recession is not a miracle - it's a superbubble. When it deflates, it will spell big trouble for all of us. – Christian Science Monitor

China has been seen as the latest, great Western success story, a good example of what a super-state can accomplish once it adopts the paraphernalia of Western rulership – especially central banking, currency manipulation and the over-printing of fiat money. But today as the Bell has pointed out in numerous articles (and now others as well), China looks vulnerable as the after-effects of printing too much money begin to come clear.

There is obviously a property bubble in China, but the idea that bubbles exist by themselves is yet another questionable assumption made by modern economists. We would argue, in fact, that the whole economy is in a bubble, and thus that sooner or later the whole economy will at least to a degree collapse. If China's economy goes south the West would certainly feel additional pain, probably deep pain. And yet it's not just China which is troubled. Japan has been feeling the after-effects for decades now and we note that great island nation seems destined to suffer through yet another miserable "recession."
More Here..


  1. I'm just wondering

    If these here Oligarch dudes are the real bad asses they are purported to be

    And we have all these obviously extremely wise
    people that comment here on a almost daily basis
    that indeed know said Oligy's

    Well; wouldn't logic say ??

    Yeah, that's what I thought you'd come up with

  2. Creature - Merfolk Wizard

    Look at the top card of your library. You may remove that card from the game. (* is the untap symbol.)

    [i]Stripped of his sight, he was free to see only the ideal.[/]

  3. 6:52; if you wanted someone dead would you blow a plane out of the sky and kill 200 people to hit your target? Would you sink a ship with hundreds aboard to kill 2-3 targets? Would you demolish three buildings and kill 3000 people to advance your agenda? Would you kill two million Muslims in the last 12 years to advance your agenda? If the answer is NO, then don't ask if the Oligarchs are real bad asses. You should already know that answer.

  4. Well then - why cannot we return the favor

  5. 4:33 the masses will indeed return the favor someday, when enough of them wake up to see they have been ass rammed all these years, then the times will get real ulgy. You think Barry the imposter is bad, it will have to get much worse until the kettle blows

  6. People the live in glass houses
    receive broken glass as a warning from Isreal
    as Joe Biden recently did.

  7. We really do live in interesting times.

    BTW, Barry is the Antichrist.

    You can trust FEMA to protect you and flight 77 really did hit the Pentagon.

  8. You could really tell flight 77 hit the pentagon, those wingmarks on that small whole, that a jumbo jet would easily fit through, NOT


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