
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Poll: Majority Of Americans Believe Economy Could Collapse

The latest Fox News poll finds that 79 percent of voters think it’s possible the economy could collapse, including large majorities of Democrats (72 percent), Republicans (84 percent) and independents (80 percent).
Most American voters believe it’s possible the nation’s economy could collapse, and majorities don’t think elected officials in Washington have ideas for fixing it.
The latest Fox News poll finds that 79 percent of voters think it’s possible the economy could collapse, including large majorities of Democrats (72 percent), Republicans (84 percent) and independents (80 percent).
Just 18 percent think the economy is "so big and strong it could never collapse."
Moreover, 78 percent of voters believe the federal government is "larger and more costly" than it has ever been before, and by nearly three-to-one more voters think the national debt (65 percent) is a greater potential threat to the country’s future than terrorism (23 percent).
Who has a plan for dealing with the economy?
More Here..


  1. It's only a matter of time. You can't stop it, not this time. I'm surprised China has been patient this long.

  2. China has huge issues - they just try to hide most of it.

  3. America has bigger issues-they are Hiding All of it from the People. If the people ever figure it out, watch out!

  4. Fox News poll reveals 78% of viewers believe earth is 6000 years old, Glen Beck is the Messiah and Nancy Pelosi's face is way over stretched. Other polls suggest that Fox News polls are really just long poles dipped into a big bucket of ignorance with Sarah Palin riding the "dang thing".

  5. I am amazed the sheeple would actually think. Their TV's told them to think the economy would collapse?


  6. Who has a plan for dealing with this ?
    Try Ron Paul or Patrick Buchannon - oh no that's right; we can't vote for them ! No $250.00 haircuts or million dollar aides blowing them
    on a whim - no Marxist idiots pulling their strings every step of the way; No Acorn - No black babies at important signings

    None of the important stuff - so nosir; we cannot elect these patriotic American people
    to a position to which they are MORE than qualified.

    I hope 90% of the american populace fries in the next 10 years for what they have neglected.

    Stupid Sheeple - you deserve that which you are about to recieve and I for one will laugh as you burn.

    Please visit my blog. I enjoy your comments about our coming collapse. If you like my site please remember to always click on sponsors links. Thank you!

  8. "others" being the key word here

    Not brother or sister

    Not neighbor or friend

    Not Mom or Dad

    Not Grammy or Grandad

    That's where we're at

    It's others and that's exactly what I think 5:51 is taliking about. 90% are just


  9. As anti - usury foreigner sympathetic to the $1 a day third victims of imperialist finance and ‘free trade”. I love watching here on this website the day to day accounts of the collapse of the American dollar , the Empire and the bust up of internal constitutional Union of U.S. states . All torn apart by Usury presenting its bills from debt creation .The once industrial powerhouse US pawned its Productive industry for credit supply for mortgages and cheap Nikes .
    All that once appeared solid melts into air. Just as the once seemingly solid imperialist USSR a federal union of nations collapsed in internal contradictions and default on foreign debts ,the European Union and now the US Union of states are imploding under the weight of unsustainable debts to finance capital in the same way . Just as the world cheered the ’socialist” state capitalist soviet empire broke up under the weight of its debts to capital .Now the poor of the world will cheer as the U.S. and E.U. imperialists implode in the same way.
    PIG nations in Europe like Greece are just the same as bankrupt pig states like California in the U.S. Wall St. an the U.S. economy is now only running on paper hand out “profits” from treasury .
    How long will the Union of U.S. states last as the subsidies from the US treasury are diverted to prop up bankrupt states? Especially when it is all confused by blaming race.Not the system but all those unemployed Whities ,Blacks and Hispanics in California who will now demand access to affordable health care . The unproductive labour aristocracy in other states believes it will be forced by the Monarchy to pay the bill.
    Will the U.S. Union force them to cough up more tax subsidies for pig states ?
    Some Restorationist propagandists for the good ol days of empire and way of life for the the good ol boys of the mostly White labour aristocracy , all financed by credit, believe all will be fine if america just returned to actually practising the old constitution . They forget that constitutions are established by revolutions and that movements for restoring out of date constitutional ‘law and order” systems will only protect the established corruption bondholders and rot. Old Constitutions do not make revolutions. Paraphrasing a famous revolutionary “ A revolution is not a dinner party “ -nor is it a Tea party either. Neither Tea or Democrar party can wipe out the old contacted debts . Unproductive of profit America either heads in to hyperinflation to solve the debt problems and the dollar hegemony is destroyed to save the Union and the rich ,or taxes the people to death and breaks into its parts like the old USSR .Either way, I say “Goodnight to the American Union and Empire.

  10. The figures in the Fox poll are quite telling.

    The fact that Fox isn't trying to hide the truth anymore is a clear signal that the bankers are pulling all stops to topple the economy.

    No economy is in good shape if ordinary, brain-dead people think it could collapse. The gears have definitely shifted for the worse.

  11. "I hope 90% of the american populace fries in the next 10 years for what they have neglected.

    March 23, 2010 5:51 PM"

    Don't worry. You pretty much will get your wish, unfortunately.

  12. What channel is the collapse on?

  13. 551, You are a very nice man!

  14. For years I KNEW a collapse was coming but when an average of 80 percent of the American population believes it's possible, I have to reconsider. Collapse, or the Great Unraveling? As I've stated before, I think it will be an economic decline of death by a 1,000 cuts.

    And to 7:05, Ive lived in third world countries and the shitheads there deserve God's wrath just as much as Americans do. As humans, we all deserve the hell that is coming our way.

  15. Remember, Jesus saves sheep!

  16. 852, Why do humans deserve this in your opinion , dare I ask.

  17. Anyone who has bothered to think for themselves knows it isn't the sheeples fault. They have been craftfully manipulated and brainwashed.

    If it were not for the diabolical plotting of the Euro Elite families, there would be no poverty, no war, no energy crisis, no pollution, no cancer. Literally, we would be living in a utopia if it were not for the Elite's hoarding of technology and their power grabs at our expense.

    The rabbit hole is much deeper than people think. The elite design societies, nationalism, politics, religions, banking, etc to enslave us. They are damn good at it.

  18. The collapse is not on any channel,that already
    occured when the short term money markets shut down in 2008 when the foriegn credit suppliers woke up That Amerca was totally unproductive that the annual foreign credit supply equaled the so called company profits.
    That collapse starting with understanding that
    sub-prime bond and all american AAA bond dividends were all iffy. A ponzi. They forced The US government to nationalise Fanny and Freddy to bail out the banks and shareholders.
    Turning private debt into treasury owned public debt .
    The US is bankrupt.Now only temporarily held together by money printing in the trillions .
    Its taking time to unwind but,in the end,the US economy will fall faster than the free falling Twin Towers.
    The TV you watch is only confidence promoting bulldust "recovery" reality shows and American idol on every channel .

  19. 9:29 I have studied the elite for over 30 years. There is much infighting and they can't seem to finish their "end game"..the feedback I get from others, is they can't agree on details and how to do and "end run" or so called touchdown. The people are so damn ignorant that even now, most people don't know who the elite are and who their puppets are. Civil war is next, and they have their underground bunkers. Congressmen will be of no use then, neither will governors, or even Pelosi and other demon possessed puppets who promoted their agenda. I'm amazed the elite haven't completed their agenda, but it's close.

  20. Woe to the politicians when the economy collapses?

  21. CNN just ran a poll on the street about the meaning on the 4th of july amd why we celebrate this event. 85 percent of the people had no idea its because of the independence we won from the British Empire. I guess you can say that America must be some of the dumbest people on earth. As long as the dumb and dumber has a six pack of beer and his weed to smoke his brain is where the government wants it to be!


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