
Friday, March 19, 2010

Jawdropping: 28% Of Working Population of Britain, Jobless

A total of 10.6 million people either did not have a job, or have stopped looking for one, according to figures from the Office for National Statistics, which indicated that more people than ever before had abandoned the workplace – choosing instead to study, go on sick leave or just give up searching for a job.
A record 149,000 left the workforce and became "economically inactive", between November last year and January, the ONS said. These people more than offset the fall in the headline unemployment.

Unemployment fell for the third month in a row, dropping by 33,000 to hit 2.45 million. It has yet to breach the symbolic 2.5 million mark, let alone the 3 million barrier that haunted the recessions of the early 1990s and 1980s.
However, economists immediately expressed caution about the monthly figures from the Office for National Statistics.
The total number of economically inactive hit 8.16 million, the highest since the ONS started recording this measure in 1971.
The number out of a job, or econically inactive totals 10.6 million, or 28 per cent of adults of working age.
The biggest rise in economic inactivity was down to the increase in students, with nearly 100,000 deciding to study in the last three months.
More Here


  1. The derivatives that cause so much trouble were developed in England.

    I have no pity for these people. They deserve what they get.

    Maybe in time, Germany and France cant bury Britain. That would be progress.

  2. Correction to foregoing.

    "cant" in last line should read "can."

  3. 7:26, like the people even know what a derivative is? Blaming it on the people? WHAT?

  4. Blimey, how to pay for all the fish and chips, lad?

  5. 7:34, if the people gave a shit about what goes on they WOULD know what a derivative is, now go back to watching the bloated media blimp Oprah

  6. 7:35 you know what a derivative is, what have you done about it? Have you lost your mind? Like the public has control over derivatives? You mindless midget.

  7. How about this...

    North Americans against British imperialism.

    Now die already.

  8. What about "American" imperialism? No wonder so many foreigners hate America. Try reading John Perkins' "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" for some truths.

  9. To Americans and Britts! I am reading your arguments and laughing. Do you people realize that you are being run by the same group of people? Just one simple question that may spark some creative thoughts. Anyone can guess why Britain did not switch to Euro? I am just curious….hm? Perhaps you can find some answers here: BTW, it the document I believe mentions endless wars without any side winning the war. Does that ring a bell? Or may be read the section with “Loans and credit”. Any ideas why the Rothschilds gave up their position with Gold Fixing Scam? When the hell are you people going to begin to use your brains.

  10. This is true. The world's banks are all subservient to the same group of fiends.

  11. 8:01 suffers from dementia and schizophrenia, don't worry though, the pale horse is days away, just don't let the derivatives kill you

  12. India will rule Britain and the US in 20 years

  13. Hahaha there are mo countries. Can you people not see past that? There is only control and the illuminati. The families are the countries, the people theist batteries


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