
Friday, March 19, 2010

Yuan To Become Reserve Currency

March 19 (Bloomberg) -- China’s yuan is destined to become a global reserve currency rivaling the dollar and the euro, as the nation’s economic power increases the currency’s allure, said Jim O’Neill, chief economist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

The Chinese government will “eventually” allow the yuan, or renminbi, to trade freely on foreign-exchange markets, dropping the system under which it controls its value, O’Neill wrote in an essay that formed part of a report published today for Chatham House, a London-based foreign affairs research organization.

“As China moves in this direction, other large emerging economies will presumably gradually move in the same direction and the end result will be something approximating to today’s Western monetary system,” London-based O’Neill wrote. “Under such a system, the renminbi, dollar and euro would all form the linchpin of the world’s currency markets.”

China is likely to overtake Japan as the world’s second- largest economy this year, said O’Neill, who coined the term BRICs to describe Brazil, Russia, India and China in 2001. In the next decade, along with other large emerging economies, the size of China’s economy will approach that of the U.S., he wrote.
More Here..


  1. Bull biscuits.

    Germany and France (Central Europe), together, export over $1.6 trillion per annum.


    Try a little over $1.2 trillion.

    Also, Germany and France export quality.



    Ya--NO!! I put my money on a revised German-controlled Euro or Mark as the World's new reserve currency.

  2. And no mention of this on the govt controlled propaganda MSN. According to Fox or CNBC, we are in a recovery. HA HA HA

    The dumbed down idiotic mind controlled TV addicted sheeple would have absolutely no idea what this article is talking about anyway. The sheeple baa baa "MARCH MADNESS" or Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran, Nuke those Al CIAda terrorist!

    Never mind the dollar is loosing its "Reserve Status" and the Red Chinese Yuan is taking over.


  3. This could happen, but if/when it does it's a long ways off.

    No ticky no laundry bossman

  4. Not gonna happen. China is only being propped up by US Treasury debt. If the US dollar collapses, China collapses as well because the country's only being financed by debt.


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