
Thursday, March 25, 2010

A London Trader Walks the CFTC Through a Silver Manipulation in Advance

Additional Statement by Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Washington, D.C., March 25, 2010

On March 23, 2010, GATA Director Adrian Douglas was contacted by a whistleblower by the name of Andrew Maguire. Maguire is a metals trader in London. He has been told first-hand by traders working for JPMorganChase that JPMorganChase manipulates the precious metals markets, and they have bragged to how they make money doing so.

In November 2009 Maguire contacted the CFTC enforcement division to report this criminal activity. He described in detail the way JPMorgan Chase signals to the market its intention to take down the precious metals. Traders recognize these signals and make money shorting the metals alongside JPM. Maguire explained how there are routine market manipulations at the time of option expiry, non-farm payroll data releases, and COMEX contract rollover, as well as ad-hoc events.

On February 3 Maguire gave two days' warning by e-mail to Eliud Ramirez, a senior investigator for the CFTC's Enforcement Division, that the precious metals would be attacked upon the release of the non-farm payroll data on February 5. On February 5, as market events played out exactly as predicted, further e-mails were sent to Ramirez while the manipulation was in progress.

It would not be possible to predict such a market move unless the market was manipulated.

... Dispatch continues below ...
More Here..

"We Are At A Tipping Point" And The Only Thing That May Save The Euro Is A Collapse Of The US
More Here.


  1. The question is will anything come of it? Without consequences the for wrong doing people will lose faith in the markets

  2. Wait until your average American realizes that the DOW, S&P, and NASDAQ are manipulated also!

  3. JP Morgan. The poster child roaring 20s scumbag elite. Founder of the Fed. Builder of the Titanic which just happen to have his fellow-elite contemporaries all invited aboard. They were strict opponents to the formation of the Federal Reserve and JP Morgan's involvement is scripting the justification for us to get into WWI (the sinking of the Lusitania.

    You see, JP liked to sink ships to get ahead in life.

    His heirs like to demolish buildings.

  4. Not forgetting that on Morgan's death, it was discovered that he didn't own most of the bank bearing his name. Just another Rothschild front.

  5. Could you imagine if REAL history was taught in schools? To have a history degree is to have a degree in propaganda. The elite pen the history books. Rockefeller Foundation for the good of man my ass.

  6. The Elite own it all. Even control what the History Channel and Popular Mechanics have to say. That really pisses me off because I used to like the History Channel. Then I figured if they lied through their teeth on critical issues, why trust them?

  7. Surprise, Surprise, JP Morgan Chase manipulating the silver market.

    Will the MSN cover this story? Answer: NO

    Even if this story was the number 1 headline on Faux news, the dumbed down idiotic mind controlled TV addicted sheeple would have no clue.

    March Madness, OMG!

  8. 10:46 Brainless twit w/ dollars. Thinks there are no valid reason to own PMs. So sad.

  9. I sent the story to my Buddy Glenn Beck. We will see if he is listening today.

  10. Listen, You have to assume at this point that absolutely every market is being manipulated at this point. Whether it is PM or Stocks, the Dollar etc. When the Chinese get through with us after April 15 hyperinflation will be on us within a couple of months.

  11. Setting gloom and doom dates is unproductive. April 15th will pass and except for the sheeple lining up to pay their Rothschild robbery tax, it will be just another day.

    As far as the dollar, get as far away from it as possible. Buy anything you can, whether PMs or whatever, while those little slips of worthless paper are still perceived to be worth something.

  12. 7:28 Beck is a shill. If he was worth a shit he would be directly exposing the war on terror and 9/11 pretense fraud. Instead he is allowed to speak only within the box.

    Unlike a Max Kaiser or Gerald Celente, Beck speaks of horrible mistakes being made, bad misjudgments, etc. They are not mistakes (like the Fed's actions), they are calculated robberies and fraud.

    Glenn Beck, Bill Mayer, and Jon Stewart are there to entertain and make the casual truther feel they are really learning some important cutting edge facts. That is not the case. They are being craftfully manipulated. The bankers cut his check.

    When a Beck type talks about how the war on terror is a complete fraud, that we are a clandestine Empire lashing out and killing for profit, that we kill, torture, and suppress our own citizens - then I'll tune in.

    Don't go to the guy expecting real truth. The only place you'll find that is the net (places like this blog), and even then you'll have to dig through all the BS.


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