
Friday, March 26, 2010

Seattle Commercial Real Estate Collapsing

The owner of the Northwest's tallest building, the 76-story Columbia Center, missed a mortgage payment this month, providing fresh evidence of the troubles facing downtown Seattle office landlords.

Boston-based Beacon Capital Partners failed to make a scheduled payment of $1.65 million on a $380 million loan it took out when it bought the tower three years ago, according to a recent report by Wells Fargo Bank, which administers the debt.

The loan faces "imminent default due to cash flow issues,"says a note in the report.

A spokesman for Beacon, the Seattle area's largest office landlord, declined comment.
More here..


  1. As the US economy is still in a recession, it is not surprising too see news like these. It appears that Columbia Center only enjoys an occupancy rate of 60% where 600,000 square feet is listed as "available". They need to quickly come up with an effective marketing strategy to lease out their available floor space for some fast revenue.

  2. 5:05-Brilliant..Recession? hmm, you might want to notice the NAME of this blog.

    The commercial Real Estate bubble is popping now. Watch pension funds, that are heavily invested in the commercial real estate market, start collapsing.

    Then watch your TV news NOT report it and tell you how great the recovery is going. Ha Ha Ha

    Dumb Fucking idiot American Sheeple will believe anything their TV's tell them.

    underwear bomber? boob bombs? LOL...sheeple believe anything..

  3. Down here in So. California, A newly IMAX theater across the street from Disneyland went BK in less than one year.

    Just remember, Barry will take good care of you and flight 77 really did hit the Pentagon.

  4. That's ok...5:05 actually believes the Healthcare bill will cover everyone and is free as well! I've got a $5 dollar house for you in Detroit too!

  5. States are so desperate for revenue right now it may take $15 to buy a pack of smokes soon.

    Poor states. No printing press dollars for them.

  6. @505 the name of this blog is the coming depression witch implies that we are still in a recession. Personally I think it should be updated. I do believe that the media; even fox news is blowing smoke up our asses. They must think we are ALL stupid.

  7. D&D; deluded and deceived is a better description than Stupid and Ignorant.

    Americans don't have a chance to fire up their dendrites for any useful purpose. You cannot overcome 24/7 brainwashing and propaganda in the vast majority of cases.

    Somehow, the 2% can do it. Walk down the street and do the math. Perhaps one out of fifty people can carve away the lies and deception and see that they are literally living in a society based on lies and manipulations.

    Our owners scripted out what the 98% believe is actually reality.

    Things that are poison like government and religion are convincingly presented as nurturing and good for you. Think this way, but don't think that way.

    The sheeple are programmed drones going through their 9-5 lives with the US flag in the window, going to the voting booth, chatting up which American Idol is best.

    The 2%. If we could only move away somewhere disassociated from this Matrix of lies. To stand on a street corner and not look out over a sea of automatons. To not live by propaganda, but reality. Oh to dream.

    Instead the 2% are going to be dragged down with the robber barons and manipulators along with the 98%. The best you can do is prepared the best you can for your continued survival. USSA, circa 1990 x100 here we come.

  8. Sheeple believe anything their tv's tell them.

    We are coming out of the recession, unemployment is going down, your next door neighbor's dog is an al CIAda agent and women across the world are getting breast implants which are actually bombs to blow up airliners (apparently al CIAda agents are obsessed with blowing up planes).

    Now go back to watching March Madness.

  9. Yes and may I pause and take a moment to thank the 98% for making all this possible. We have to die while the sheep robots go along to get along. TV worshipping, boot licking pricks.

  10. 30s Germans used to set the standard for collective apathy and ignorance but Americans now have them beat by a long shot.

  11. Knock. Knock. Wake up Neo ....

  12. You gotta love how the comments on these blogs turns into name calling, insults in general, and lots more bitter bile from the angry.

  13. 925 Perhaps you should try to get your money back from the anger management classes and double up on your meds.

  14. Anyone that doesn't believe that we live in the most corrupt nation on the planet is grossly deluding themselves and deserves what they get. The only difference between the U.S. and every other shit-hole dictatorship around is that we legalize, and therefore legitimize, our corruption. "Don't forget to vote, kiddies. It's our most precious asset. What a bunch of pedestrian crap! Also, we are in a full-fledged depression…if you don’t believe that then look up the definition of a depression. You’ll find that it mirrors what the U.S is going through….unless you believe what our political masters have to say.


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