Sunday, March 21, 2010

THE Most Important Chart of the CENTURY

You be the judge, is this chart the scariest of all time?
This is a very simple chart. It takes the change in GDP and divides it by the change in Debt. What it shows is how much productivity is gained by infusing $1 of debt into our debt backed money system.

Back in the early 1960s a dollar of new 
debt added almost a dollar to the nation’s output of goods and services. As more debt enters the system the productivity gained by new debt diminishes. This produced a path that was following a diminishing line targeting ZERO in the year 2015. This meant that we could expect that each new dollar of debt added in the year 2015 would add NOTHING to our productivity.

Then a funny thing happened along the way. Macroeconomic DEBT SATURATION occurred causing a phase transition with our debt relationship. This is because total income can no longer support total debt. In the third quarter of 2009 each dollar of debt added produced NEGATIVE 15 cents of productivity, and at the end of 2009, each dollar of new debt now SUBTRACTS 45 cents from GDP!


  1. What this means is we've transitioned into hyperinflation.

    Every dollar you print not only halves the value of the existing dollar, but makes it worth a little less besides. As this picks up, it'll arrive at the Zimbabwe event, where the paper costs more than the money is worth.

  2. First African "hyphen" President, now an African economy.

    Such progress.

  3. Notice how until about 1980 the line was steady on the horizontal. What changed after 1980 you ask? Mass immigration of the 3rd world into our country.

    What do they cost us? About 338 billion dollars annually:

    What about our standard of living and crime statistics from this same group:


  4. Hmmmmm... perhaps a bounty on illegals to reduce that $338B. 1oz of gold for each one removed from the USA.

  5. "Im afraid when the depression hits you you wont have the help you could have given to the third world ...China will trample all over you."
    You mean the help we have given to the 3rd world. China was given most of our manufacturing jobs the past 20 years.

    More help we have given to the 3rd world world was to bring 100 million to our own shores in the past 40 years.

    Where is the gratitude from the 3rd world with our medicines and food contributions which has allowed their population to grow exponentially? The USA gives more to aid than the rest of the world combined.

    Yes, I think we have done our share to contribute to the 3rd world. As proof by the fact that we have transformed the USA into the 3rd world.

  6. 1110 Dumbya started it for 8 long years, he gave us the zimbabwe economy, obama has been there for one year, 8 years of doing and then little war criminal w dumps your african economy on him, you are a hypocrit

  7. It started just about the time Al Goore invented the internet when it started to point down ward. So this upside chart or better the hockey stick for global cooling!
    Time to "Tax and Trade"

  8. anonymous said: "obama has been there for one year, 8 years of doing and then little war criminal w dumps your african economy on him, you are a hypocrit"
    I assume your comment is directed to me. Who said anything about Bush or Obama? Our country is run by the Illuminati, while Bush and Obama are pawns.

    Both the Democrats and the Republicans are of the same beast who are working diligently to destroy our sovereign nation.

    This has been done by "creating a crisis" through mass immigration of the 3rd world to create poverty,crime,and civil unrest brought on by clashing cultures, religions,languages, ideologies and behaviors.

    The "change" implemented will be loss of all freedoms in the name of diversity and multiculturalism.

    The final phase will be total economic collapse until mass civil unrest begins so our government can "help us" by declaring Martial Law for our protection.

    Look around the world and see what has taken place. ALL of the "Western" nations have been forced to take on 3rd world people, not the other way around.

    The World Government can only be implemented when ALL the sovereign Western Nations have collapsed into anarchy, which will play out over the next couple years.

  9. 1:46, I know charts and facts are not your strength so sorry Monkey Boy. Obongo's handlers have given him the green light and he's spending like a crackhead at the factory with an Amex Black Card.

    Bush is gone so get over it Monkey Boy. Satan has changed horses, Barry Obongo is now the front man of Evil.

  10. I am hardly alone when I say the quicker we get
    to total collapse the better.

    Alot of hard working; intelligent Americans that have saved ( not only monetarily) are prepared.

    We need to totally rid ourselves of the 2:18's
    1:40's and 12:20's in this country and there's only one way to really irradicate a rat population; you must take away their food source permanatly.

    Total income ! What a joke; these parasitic sonsabitches been bleeding us dry now for 5 generations - time to take away all "entitlements"

    Barry will pass health care today - as far as I'm cocerned that's just pushing up the hour that
    the above chart eludes to.

    We're TOTALLY broke and there is too few left in which to row the boat.

    I read on another subject here - " I feel like the Apache being pushed farther and farther back into the canyons"

    That's the working man and woman of this country right now with no bigger axe to grind but to be honest; work hard; educate their children and die in peace - hard to do when you go to the pantry; open the door and out come the RATS

  11. 245 is the one to get rid of, leetches that take from the system and give nothing back are the problem, like 240 another welfare leetch loser, these are the rats that ruined this country by being apathetic and just plain losers

  12. Junior; time for your A d d drug now ; run along so's mommy can administer a quickie for ya.

    It's Leeches

    And yes; your one of them; same as rats - we'll have your food supply ( and drugs )


  13. Well, that's why they renamed Barry Soweto to Barrack Hussein Obama.

    Because Barry is a jewish name, and soweto is one of them Javanese/Balanese names while

    Barrach Hussein Ovama sounds heavily HEBE

    'Lightning Falls'

    n shit.

    Crazy ass people running this planet.

  14. There is something brewing in middle america and it isnt going to be pretty

  15. 3:02 Very intelligent debate you are presenting here - What grade are you in? If you are above the 5th grade level you are a prime example of our failed education system. Cut out all the profane words and slanders! Try to conduct a debate, not a swearing diatribe!

  16. I would say Hubbert's Curve is the chart of the century, or the Olduvai slope, Exponential growth, population, etc.

  17. It looks like this is turning into another version of Craig's List, Rants and Raves. The R&R board is reserved for people who know nothing, but to insult and hate anyone with an opposing POV, that's Point Of View, for you less educated ones.

    One thing is for sure, this country will collapse and no one (not "noone" as so many grade school drop outs write) will help us or give a damn.

  18. Hey 5:19, your condescending tone is insulting to individuals of intelligence and those who like to debate or discuss issues without insults and pettiness, such as your mentioning the spelling of "no one". You should reconsider your approach as well.

  19. Everybody is allowed to have a point of view and express it. It may not be correct; that is when well intentioned individuals should step up and correct it NICELY.

    Rudeness is never a right. And do not confuse this with righteous anger. You can be angry, yet not sin.

    Rudeness is never cool.

  20. Here is a true story. A professor was discussing government with his class. The class agreed that Socialism was the ONLY way, so the teacher said "well, we will do an experiment this quarter where ALL of you will either pass or fail based on Socialism."

    After the grades came back after the first test, all the grades were averaged and the class received a "B." The students complained that some didn't study, otherwise they would all have received an "A." Then came the next test, where the class average came to a "C." The students complained even more since those who use to study didn't, because others were getting credit for their hard work. The last test came in with an average of an "X," since no one saw the advantage of studying hard so others could get the reward.

    The conclusion was that great rewards come to those who work hard and receive their reward, whereas Communism stymies hard work because there is NO reward.

    Since our country has been invaded by parasites who take more in benefits than they contribute into the system, there is only one outcome for our country ... total economic and social collapse.

    Conclusion: Since their are only three basic necessities in life: Food, Shelter and Health-care, what would happen if all 3 were given to everyone as a constitutional "right"? You got it, there would be a whole lot of people not working, such as today's parasites who already get all 3 necessities, yet have NEVER paid a dime into the system.

    This explains why the chart in the article has a downward spiral into oblivion !

  21. Noodles-Real BAD times are a coming...I fear them...But part of me welcomes them...God Damn we live in interesting times!

    Man...The storms / rebellions / wars / earthquakes / famines / diseases/ music / art we'll see will be amazing...An incredible combination of WWI WWII Great Depression Vietnam Civil War Civil Rights Struggle mixed with the Spanish Flu and the DDT scare all mixed in a bowl...This shit will give the bible thumpers a nocturnal emission.

  22. I'm gonna thump my bible
    I'm gonna thump it real hard
    it's hard like a rock
    a rock of ages
    It can crack the toughest nuts
    like a hammer and an anvil
    my bible.

    I'm a thump it harder than my wifes ass!


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