
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Vacant Schools to Be Turned Into Homeless Shelters

KANSAS CITY, MO - Homeless students make up nearly 12 percent of the Kansas City Missouri School District's enrollment. It's a growing problem in Kansas City, that continues to get worse. Now, there's an idea on the table to turn some of those schools the district plans to close into shelters.

As Kansas City's school board prepares to announce which school buildings will close, a discussion is opening over what to do with these buildings.

"We have about bout 2000 out of 17,000 kids are homeless in Kansas City Missouri schools, said Rose Marie Bell, a school board candidate. "Why can't we redevelop these buildings for our children so they can have a safe and secure place to live so they can learn, they can go to school."

There's no denying the figures. In the latest conference of mayors hunger and homelessness survey, in just one year, between 2008 and 2009, homelessness amongst families in Kansas City rose by 22 percent.
Dennis Chapman of City Union Mission said the economy has forced more families to seek help than ever before.
"Unless we do some other great strides to turn it around, I don't know that there's going to be an instant fix," Chapman said. "We're not looking for an instant fix. It is a problem."
Shelter space in Kansas City is hard to come by. Many are forced to spend the night outside, including school-aged children.
"I think it will even go up higher because of all the foreclosures and people losing jobs and things," Bell said.

She acknowledges the idea of converting schools into shelters will likely cost money. But, she said rather than tearing the buildings down or leaving them to fall into disrepair, creating a home for homeless students is the right thing to do.
More Here..


  1. I live in KC suburb. Homeless means that the children who state an address are staying in homes that their parents do not have names on the lease or mortgage papers. This is becoming very typical around here. It will increase. I live in a very large older home and fully intend to rent rooms to single people when my current tenants move out. I expect to create places to sleep for a number of people for payment.

  2. this trend will stiffle the ptb,and help humanity care for one another ,this is the future

  3. 8:44 Not to be picky or anything, but how will you rent to people if they are homeless and broke?

  4. Raise your hands if you hope 9:49 troll dies in a pool of piss and vinegar.

  5. Useless Sheep of Armageddon (USA)March 4, 2010 at 2:39 PM

    sheep school shelter wahahahaha

  6. Raises hand and asks innocently "Can there also be feces with that piss and vineger?"

  7. Some intelligent person, prob a liberal, can define what a home is and what education is. I attended a community college that had enough stuff that could have been used to co-house homeless people. Cook food, learn carpentry skills, raise food.

  8. What homework? I forgot it at school. I mean, I forgot it at home, I'm so confused.

  9. Homeless people will tear up any building they live in just like the buildings (shelters) the New Orleans refugees trashed during Katrina. So, unless they're supervised like homeless shelters, and vacate the buildings at 6AM and return at 9PM it's less likely shelters will be trashed. Any one causing problems, substance abuse, etc. that person needs to be thrown out permanently.

  10. Laura,

    You're OK pontificating how other people shall live. I'm just wondering how far away you are
    from being in this situation, and if you're
    not, then it's mostly by luck and circumstance that you're in a better position.
    Remember that.

  11. Right on 9:49, and as for 10:52 piss off, you are so far off here it's funny. These places will be renovated and trashed within 1 month. We have been giving $$$ to Haiti for decades, where the fuck has that gone? Katrina?!@@#@! they all lived like a bunch of pigs and trashed whatever was given back.

    I can see it already.......there will be kids getting gang banged if this happens and they won't dare do anything out of fear of retribution.

    I will gladly give to charity when I know it's used what it's designed for, but not to prolong the agony of those that refuse to try and get on thier feet

  12. 12:36 Im with you. Anyways charity starts at home

  13. Earthquakes in US cities will really amp up the homeless, starvation situation exactly when the Oligarches want.

    Are recent quakes intertwined?

    There have been three notable earthquakes in the past week. What's Earth so mad about?

    Google HAARP. Google inventor Nicolai Tesla.

  14. Are there no prisons? And the workhouses...are they not in operation?

  15. No matter what way you think about this issue, it's only going to get worse. Worse, meaning those that have jobs and pay taxes regularily will still foot the bill for the homless, one way or the other.

    With hundreds of thousands of new homeless coming on the scene, don't think you can "despise" or "hate" the issue and make it go away. it's not going to go away.

    Sooner or latter, most communities will have to warehouse the homeless in some way. There is no "good" answer. Perhaps old military bases, or unused public property? I'm of the opinion that I would rather have the homeless warehoused, than running around sleeping on the street, ruining local business traffic, and generally causing different problems.

    Deal with it now or later, ignoring the problem won't make it go away.

  16. 1:38 You are truly "Scrooge."

  17. I think it would work if properly supervised and managed. They can separate the boys and girls. It could be more of a dormitory style facility. There are still schools in the US where students live on campus. it is called college. These Schools could be college prep schools with dorms. It would work because most parents would want a great place for their kids to thrive.

  18. Thats another problem. People with good jobs think everything is ok. Wait till 90% of their income goes to taxes. They will figure it out than.

  19. 1:09 I have studied HAARP thoroughly via the internet and purchasing books and having them shipped in from other libraries and am convinced that I know little about what we are doing. I know what we can do with this and space based equipment as well as our submarines. I just don't know if we are doing anything with these high technologies. My gut feeling is that HAARP and Satellite technologies are being used to some extent to altar weather and ??? If we caused the earthquakes in Haiti to take over the country for some positioning and Chile for some oil positioning it is difficult to imagine this kind of thievery. It has been said that the 3rd world countries won't even notice a worldwide economic crisis. Why would we crush two small countries in our backyard? Shadow gov. or Barak?

  20. Laura, thank you for some reason and intellect injection into the conversation. KC is notorious for just talking about doing stuff. Many schools will be closed, but the homeless shelters built into the schools will probably not be done. We have no money. We just talk and that is cheap.

  21. Appears grand opening of FEMA camps is just around the corner.

    But why the razor sharp barb wire, guard towers and electrified fences? Is that what's needed to keep the places from being trashed? :)

  22. 2:23 Babies equal money. When a woman has a baby and is not married and is still in high school and momma won't let her stay... She can get her very own section 8 apartment. What a cool system. When an African American lady has 2, 3, 4 or 6 kids she can run the husband. If he doesn't do what he is told she begins to antagonize him and verbally assault him and hold of the lovin. When he gets pissed and raises his hand to her, she owns him from that day forward. She gets a restraining order slapped on him and he has to turn over his money to her. It is impossible for him to get his own apartment so he lives with his momma or sister for a while... finally his family convinces them to get back together. He moves back in with the wife and he had better do exactly what he is told and treat her like a god cause when he doesn't she will start antagonizing him to the point of insanity, he smacks her and he goes to jail again. This time it is longer. The cycle keeps going until he kills her, himself or someone else or he just goes completely into crime and heads underground. What a great matriarchal system they have. It also keeps the Ole checks and food stamps coming in.

    I'm a white guy who has watched this repeatedly and I have even heard young black women make jokes about how they handle their men. No wonder the poor black guys wanna marry white women. Can't blame them!

  23. ^^^
    well not all born immediately after. People that learn and are not mentally insane might be born in 1000/2000/5000 years from now, untill you psychopaths have in your evil, sick moron way of thinking reached a mathematically compatible level to allow the non insane to be born.

    So keep charging ahead, you only provoke damagage and misery to yourselves.

    Once again enjoy being owned by the creator via inverse genitals lifetime after lifetime you fucking ANIMALS.

  24. Will Allen won a MacArthur Fellowship with his inner city gardens projects. He showed that neighborhoods will high vandalism see less vandalism when the residents, teens, and children have a garden to plant, tend, sell and cook the produce.

  25. 4:01 Cool! We need more of those. I visited several gardens like that in our area last year and they were very successful. Albeit on a small basis.

  26. Quite a few of these posts should have been deleted by the blog owner.

  27. 339 wooohooo youre fking right. many fking couples fk and dont give a fk about offsprings born by accident. im all in for mass cull of fking couples who bear sheep.

  28. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Nice try psychopath. Your egoism and arrogance prevents you from seeing the truth. All angles are training angles you fucking psychopath. You're not exempt from being labeled an insane psychoapth simply because you don't impale people with sharp objects (which you do, its called, resources/time used to make weapons and armies).

    Nice "alien" comments. It's evident youv'e been watching a lot of hollywood movies that demonize "aliens" when in fact it earth that is evil and "aliens" quarantine this psychopath infested place.

    Nice "bud and spore method" comment. Totally msising the point. The point you fucking moron is that all drama is unnecccessary and hypocratical after you've learend to worship inverse gentials.

    And I'm not ugly you fucking psychopath. Your body is a reflection of your mind. The more perfect are your thoughts, reason, feelings, logic, etc, the more perfect is your body/face. Since you've got a psychopath mentality, I'm fairliy sure it is you that is the ugly hobo newb.

    1 of the rules of the universe is that you do not grow your population beyond reasonable limits, for you should understand that the entire planet is 1 family and hence the need to have your own kids (this is applies to everyone) is an illusion.

    Irresponsible moron, you will learn the easy way through rationality, logic, or the creator/planet wil teach you the hard way through famine, droughts, storms, floods, earthquakes, infertility, etc.

    I'm not telling you this because I'd like to make room for my own kids, I wouldn't have kids if you payed me.

    You're arrogance, ego, sheer idiocy prevents you from grasping the truth. By defintion, by calculations, by math, by physics, (unless you are prophet) you are by defintion born among similar minded psycho newbs so you can mutually fuck each other up. If you feel that you shouln't use logic or reason to proceed through reality and that irresponsible careless charging ahead is the motto, then you will be born among similar minded psycho-newbs to mutually fuck each other up. Enjoy.

  29. Noodles123-11:48 I believe the same thing as you and in fact got a vasectomy to "Put my $ where my mouth is."

    However, by the way you say things you sound like a raving idiot making our point less credible...You maybe technically right but you sound so gloatful and angry that I actually have pity for you.

    I suggest your passions are making you something that no one wants to be around with...Shut up and fix yourself...THEN try making a point.

  30. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    ROFL Hi there emo idiot. The urgency of the situation neccessisates a different approach. Maybe this didn't dawn on you, but we shouldn't be in this situation in the first place silly newb??? You call yourself mature, adult?

    Please stick to the facts psycho newb. All you're telling me is that the words were too harsh for you and that your feelings were hurt. Good. That's the point.

    One can only sound like an idiot by spouting lies/untruths not because they insulted your idiotic behaviour.

    There's no "passion" here. I'm calmly telling you why you are moron in a scorching way because everyone must hear it. "The way you say things" - there's where you went wrong. Try "The content of what was said was ______" (hint: false because....) emo psycho newb. I'm' not here to massage your feelings delusional psychopath. Get a grip.

    If you think I'm angry, you're delusional. I'm a blissful person. You've got your pity direction confused. rofl.

  31. Yeah you're blissful arguing and cursing at strangers about emos/being animals and inverse genitilia?...Ok buddy...Slowly take the pills with the water.

    As for being an emo I'm a prison cop at the most violent pen in my state...Been shot/stabbed on the streets.

    I'm almost sure you're a silly little angry white guy...Divorced or never married...Isolated and ignored by your family as the family weirdo.

    So yeah I do pity you white man.



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