
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

American Reliance on Government at All-Time High

The so-called "Great Recession" has left Americans depending on the government dole like never before.

Without record levels of welfare, unemployment and other government benefits as well as tax cuts last year, the income of U.S. households would have plunged by an astonishing $723 billion — more than four times the record $167 billion drop reported last month by the Commerce Department.

Moreover, for the first time since the Great Depression, Americans took more aid from the government than they paid in taxes.

The figures show the devastating results of the massive job losses last year and indicate that the economic recovery that began last summer is tenuous and has a long way to go before many Americans resume life as normal, analysts said.

Economic growth typically depends on consumer spending, which is fed by wages, rents, interest and other forms of income. But the tentative revival of consumer spending in the second half of last year appears to have been fed largely by an extraordinary flood of government spending, as growth in other kinds of income has disappeared.
More Here..


  1. YOU NEED TO CONSIDERMarch 3, 2010 at 11:48 PM

    Moreover, for the first time since the Great Depression, Americans took more aid from the government than they paid in taxes.

  2. Does this mean that consumers will be buying less... despite being encouraged to go out and spend, spend, spend?

  3. "The figures show the devastating results of the massive job losses last year and indicate that the economic recovery that began last summer is tenuous and has a long way to go before many Americans resume life as normal, analysts said."

    Some of the people who write these articles have some sort of confused mindset; they are trying to inform people about the economic problems but then go on to agree there was a recovery...

    Okay, what recovery got started last summer? What a bonehead, such a lack of farsight, such confusion.

  4. Everybody Photocopy MoneyMarch 4, 2010 at 2:32 AM

    why rely on government?
    just photocopy money
    use any digital copier
    fcuk government

  5. Brainwashed Liberal White WomanMarch 4, 2010 at 3:14 AM

    Don't worry, recovery is on the way! Obama already said so!

    Thank god we still have credit cards, Hehe! Isn't the government so wonderful and kind, taking care of all those poor people in need? This proves we are just one step closer to utopia. Next, we just need whites to hand over all their property to the third world and start living for mother earth. Once we have laws that mandate white women reproducing with only non-whites then the world's problems will be gone! Down with the White Middle Class! Viva Marxism and Judeo-Bolshevism.

    Whoops, looks like I'm missing reality television and Desperate Housewives. Can't wait to go shopping tomorrow too! A girl can never have too many hand-bags! Hehehe. Toodles! Praise Mother Gaia!

  6. This only goes to prove that the real unemployment rate is far higher than the 10.3% official figure.

  7. 12:14 it's not just women who can be frivolous, what about the men who drink beer all day and watch sports? As a woman, I find your comment insulting.

  8. 12:33 It's more like 25% or even higher. Depression level unemployment.

  9. 9:59, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that people are spending less. Except for the mega-rich, everyone is spending less.

    I looked at my checkbook a few days ago and compared it to another one from several years ago. Already I can see that I am only spending money mainly on necessities now.

  10. Bush and his dimwit US Labor Secretary, Elaine Chao, missed their monthly jobs creation target for 8 years, as US jobs were shipped offshore. If Chao lived in China, her own country, she would have been hauled in front of a firing squad as an incompetent bureaucrat (see PBS Nightly News and the minister of the tainted milk assassination). In the US, she was the longest serving member of Bush's Cabinet.

  11. No jobs means:

    - less payroll taxes paid
    - less sales tax collected
    - less income tax deducted

    Smart buncha people in D.C. you betcha.

  12. Hahaha I read 12:14's comments and if you read between the lines there's some loner hate in there...The part of the white women having babies with minorities either sounds like a prob he had and his haterd of women is practically dripping off the computer screen.

    Sounds like he was left by his ex broke and divorced and she's banging some black/hispanic guys...Which is every white guy's nightmare BUT sadly enough becoming quite common.

    How do I know? I am Hispanic and there is NO shortage of divorced white women who hate their exs who want to "Try something new."

    Hey 12:14 did I hit it out of the park?

  13. Why must I constantly remind you guys to focus on the real situation? You're going to be broke soon.
    Please make plans or do what you can to deal with the coming situation, which very likely will be an innability to obtain necessary foodstuffs.

    Begin planning now how to deal with a real severe depression across all the country, extreme poverty, homelessness, starvation, crime.

    Do it now and stay on the subject!

  14. 12:38 you're right...But damn it's kinda fun to pick on the bitter "Woman Hater Guy" though.

    Fine fine...Seeds/gold/silver/guns/food/water and survival guides it is...Maybe an inflatable doll for the hater guy though? You know a comfort item.

  15. I have no dog in this fight, but if you are really hispanic why would you say "sadly enough". How could you feel that it is sad that white woman sleep with hispanics if you are hispanic?

  16. India is taking just about all of the white collar jobs. Then they also sent millions of H1B visaholders here to take up the remaining jobs that were left here in the states.They should all be killed!

  17. Don't blame India, India is doing what is best for India. The problem is America is doing what is best for India.

  18. The payrolls have all gone to the wall street.

  19. Why do I feel like I am on the titanic and it is starting to rise up on one end out of the water??? I got this feeling everything is going down pretty soon..

  20. 5:31 You are lumping all americans into one group... It was not all americans that caused this.. It was those in key positions that did this.. You sound very ignorant.. Learn some compassion..


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