
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Since 2001, The U.S. Has Lost 42,400 Factories, 90,000 More Set to Close

Something has gone radically wrong with the American economy. A once-robust system of "traditional engineering" -- the invention, design, and manufacture of products -- has been replaced by financial engineering. Without a vibrant manufacturing sector, Wall Street created money it did not have and Americans spent money they did not have.

Americans stopped making the products they continued to buy: clothing, computers, consumer electronics, flat-screen TVs, household items, and millions of automobiles.

America's economic elite has long argued that the country does not need an industrial base. The economies in states such as California and Michigan that have lost their industrial base, however, belie that claim. Without an industrial base, an increase in consumer spending, which pulled the country out of past recessions, will not put Americans back to work. Without an industrial base, the nation's trade deficit will continue to grow. Without an industrial base, there will be no economic ladder for a generation of immigrants, stranded in low-paying service-sector jobs. Without an industrial base, the United States will be increasingly dependent on foreign manufacturers even for its key military technology.

For American manufacturers, the bad years didn't begin with the banking crisis of 2008. Indeed, the U.S. manufacturing sector never emerged from the 2001 recession, which coincided with China's entry into the World Trade Organization. Since 2001, the country has lost 42,400 factories, including 36 percent of factories that employ more than 1,000 workers (which declined from 1,479 to 947), and 38 percent of factories that employ between 500 and 999 employees (from 3,198 to 1,972). An additional 90,000 manufacturing companies are now at risk of going out of business.
More Here..


  1. I graduated from High School in 1977. I got my first job as a machinist within days of graduation. I ran a 5 axis CNC drill press. The company was working around the clock, fulfilling our DOD contracts. Every job I had till 1985 was related to defense work.

    These days, almost nothing is made in the USA, except a few things like shampoo, soap and toothpaste.

    One thing I can be proud of is my 100% Made in the USA, AR-15.

    I wonder if Harley Davidson's are "Pure American" anymore.

  2. When SHTF everyone should knock on the door of their US Congressman and Senators and say "HI".

    The USA is dead..........the rich bankers will jump into their jets and fly off to the next land of opportunity while we kill each other for rottening garbage!

  3. I read the entire article, our country as exists right now is doomed to implode upon itself and all financial instruments to become worthless as they have their value in the old broken system that is currently a rotting stinking corpse that is anomated by the financial elite. Soon the maggots will consume the stinking flesh and it will collaspe to be reborn something else, what that economy will be is the big question.

  4. There is no "next land of opportunity" in which to exploit the sheeple. Only in America could and has that happened.

    You see; while every fucking special interest group from save the worm sperm to save a planet - kill a logger was busy for the last 30 years inflicting irrepuatable damage to not only the
    working middle class; but also to the aforementioned factories; other countries were busy as little bees - just getting it done.

    They didn't have and don't now stupid fucking unions that tell them 50% of the workforce has to be black and 25% has to be women and 10% has to be gay.

    They didn't have some self serving dickbag in Congress voting in kickbacks for some competing firm because his wife sat on the board.

    They didn't have enviromental restraints so absurd as to drive a thriving furniture mfg.
    belt first to it's knee's and then to the guillitine.

    I have been to china - many times & I would LOVE to see these special interest groups in operation over there --- you wake up dead.

    And the reason you wake up dead is because these other countries recongnise what creates real long term wealth ---- making stuff.

    We on the other hand will take it to the bitter end; mindlessly bickering over socialized health care and gay marriage and cow flatulence and ozone layers

    And ALL the other fucking shit ----

    That matters not; because at the end of the day people just like the article states everybody was exporting EVERYTHING to ROME ---- what was ROME exporting ?? HORSESHIT !!!!!

  5. Harley Davidson is about as "pure American" as Chevrolet.

    Half of the parts are made in Canada
    the other half are made in Mexico
    Tires are made in Brazil, Tiawan and China

    I enjoyed reading the arcticle from 5:50 - they must've been in the southern furniture market at some point.

    I worked 17 years at Hammary Furniture and piece by piece we were sold down the river by our own
    State and government. The wages per man hour got so high that half the plant was Mexican who didn't even speak english and the operating costs went thru the roof in the 90's when we were forced to completely re-wire and sprinkler retro 3 entire 125,000 sq. ft. factories.

    Next came emmisions laws - both of our boilers and next of the spray/finish booths and lines & by the time those were done; we were essetially done as well.

    Meanwhile the imports were gaining in quality and nobody seemed to mind that their oak end table was made in Tiawan.

    Wonder if they do now?

  6. the only jobs are state run jobs
    we need tariffs and unions
    and congress better get some balls
    you know i never get really mad at congress yes i hate them for selling out america and the senate and the last 4 presidents
    but i realize in history in the end like nixon or johnson they will be hated
    and will some day be destroyed by there own
    instead of fighting and living the good fight for whats right
    they pissed it away thinking in history the wont be shown for the maggots they were
    they will be remmeberd
    trade the needs of the many for the needs of the few excess
    the wrath of kahn
    they have lost there place in history
    and the next generation is our only hope
    god help us liberty
    i agree withh all the posts above mine
    you speak from experiance its true
    every word i know im living it
    i respect you for your bluntnes
    thanks for posting and for the person posting this webpage

  7. >Something has gone radically wrong with the American economy<. I hate when articles start in this fashion. In the first place it means that things happened on their own, without anybody participating. Secondly, it is not “something” that went wrong, it is “everything” that went wrong. So the article should really start like. “Our economy is destroyed by a group of people. Who and how did it?” You see, one can get the right answer only if the question is right. So, for curious minds here is the answer: It pretty much describes 99.9% of what happened to this country.

  8. So the question is, what does this country look like 5, 10, 15 years after the collaspe. The land remains, buildings, roads, these things will exist for at least 50 years even without maintenance. Not everyone will die, so who has any non-sarcastic comments or insight. Even the militia men cant survive an enemy occupation. Americans are not Afgans.

  9. 7:25 I think you will have some pockets of that like Detroit now but the living situation will be like the Great Depression but with our modern technology but may people will be hurting real bad. Soup kitchens, bread lines and massive unemployment is the future of the USA.

  10. 7:25--I think we'll end up somewhere
    between Mad Max and Mexico--

  11. Any idea of how long before SHTF? Can we dodge the bullet for a few more years or is this the year?


  12. Dear March 3rd, 2010 8:34pm:

    You ask a very important question.

    Personally, for millions of Americans, the SHTF this year as they are forcibly removed from their places of residence and try to survive 'out there'. As the numbers of displaced grow by leaps and bounds a larger and larger percentage will not find safe harbour among friends or family. These people will turn into 'the problem'. This problem will grow by leaps and bounds.

    I'm not sure all the steps that will happen along the way, and I'm not sure how long it will take, but eventually our government will default on debt obligations. On that day, Social Security, Food Stamps, Unemployment relief and any other way the people are sustained by the government will go away.

    Then it will become a total free for all to survive.

    I know you think I'm wrong. You say, no the government will choose the path of hyperinflation, and our economy will slowly dissolve the way Zimbabwe's did.
    The reason it will go the default route is it's been tested before in communist russia when their economy 'collapsed' when the Berlin wall went down, so they already know how to do that.

    They've gone ahead and provisioned about 1000 FEMA camps for the purpose.

  13. 5:50 you are so right in everything you say. Finally a article that hits it on the head.This is what has happened to America.This has been coming for 30 years im just surprized it took this long. Good luck everyone

  14. 5:50 I don't really like affirmative action because it's unfair, but pray tell, what's wrong with hiring women? As a woman, I would rather that my husband works, but in this day and age, the women need to work as well. You seem like one of those sexist and homophobic types; excuse me if I sound rude, but please don't attack women. We are standing right beside you through this ordeal going on right now and we need to support one another, not fight.

  15. Sadly, China proves that Communism is the answer. The wars in Vietnam and Korea were a complete waste of resources for the Americans. Their soldiers died for nothing. Communism simply works. If you have any doubts, then read this:
    China will rule the world after the Americans go bankrupt. Sad. But true.

  16. We will all have to consider a different lifestyle. I live in California. Interstate 10 runs from Indio to the AZ border. This is about a 100 mile stretch of absolute desert. Look as far as you can in any direction and you'll see desert, no cities, no nothing. Half way is Desert Center, a run down pit stop and air strip with a population of more snakes than people. When the SHTF, I may head out that way and disappear. Dig a trench 6 feet deep, lay down 100 feet of 6" dia PVC pipe and bury it with an elbow up to the surface on each end. Attach a solar powered fan to the end that is inside your shelter and the fan will pull the air through the pipe, by the time it gets from one end to the other, this air temp will be in the low 60's, AKA natural air conditioning.

  17. The transformation of the manufacturing sector in the country is absolutely no suprise to me. When I left high school in 1969, I went to work for the dupont Co. in Virginia, we were a textile manufacturer of Orlon, Nylon, Acetate, permasep and BCF Nylon (stainmaster carpet). employing 3700 employees.

    My dad worked there for 40 yrs, my brother worked there for 38 yrs and I worked there for 29 yrs. Economically, on a personal note, my familie(s) did very well. The town and surrounding areas did well because of the tax base it provided. However, I remember all to well when the upper mgt. began plunging down our throats this BS about it is in our best interest for the company to move some of the low dollar volume products to the third world. Boy, were we sucked into this, sheeple.

    By the time 1989 came around the only products we produced were nylon and lycra. Today, the nylon plant is closed down, moved to Singapore and lycra is barely running. Employees, 457.

    If all of you who wants to see our future, go to the library and check out the boo, written by Patrick Buchannan, "State of Emergency".

    This book clearly raises flags on how the lack of immigration laws will affect the USA, and damn if it hasn't come true.

    Back to our area, the town which once boasted more than 17 large manufacturing facilities that ranged from textiles, furniture, electronics, brass making, printers and medical components have gone. The major tax base we can boast about is a flippin Wal-Mart and other retail piggybacks.

    Our town has no gone to promoting tourism, I equate that to beggin for a hand out.

    As I look back, all of the SOB's that pushed this garbage down our throats, I hope they suffer and feel as screwed as we as all Americans are.

  18. Noodles123-Hmmmmm as I've stated many times...Americans will NOT rebel...A few will and be smashed and the rest will lower their heads and mumble patriotic jingles.

    The minorities will rise and get slammed this time...Then in the aftermath actually be worse off...Like LA most food stores never really went back and prices rose darmatically for those who didn't drive.

    We aren't politically aware enough to see the writing on the wall...We aren't American at heart enough to vote our concience and vote with our dollars.

    Starve the banks...Starve the credit cards...Starve the brokers...Otherwise we'll be slaves of debt.

    Close your eyes and try to think how many times you've tried to bring up the subject of just prepping? NOt all militia prepping but having some water/food/1st aid kit/flash light?

    Older people will say "Yes."

    People 18-40 will look at you like you have a 3rd eye...MY America will come back again but it will be maybe 20 years down the road once people have suffered and they understand what they had.

    Just like the most honest hard working people were all depression era people...To know things is to experience hunger.

  19. My parents went thru the depression . They taught me not to be slave to the lender. But i did anyways along with the rest of my generation. Hopefully we have learned not to borrow and taeach our childern the same

  20. 5:50 responding to 4:35
    I was not attacking women in my comments or anyone else - I was attacking the unions.
    If I wanted to attack you; trust me you'd of known it.

    When a union dictates whom will or won't be hired because of quotas - EVERYONE suffers.
    So; you end up with a person whom is very qualified standing in a bread line while some "minority" gets the job.


  21. does anyone have access to the list of all closed factories in the USA in the past decade and a list of all the ones that are at risk of closing? please information to many thanks


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