Friday, March 5, 2010

White-Collar Workers are Among Thousands Flooding Amusement Parks with Applications

Theme parks are being flooded with applications from job seekers, as unemployed mortgage agents, sales clerks and construction workers who can't find work elsewhere seek temporary positions that often pay little more than minimum wage.

A job fair at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia last weekend drew 1,600 people -- in the rain. Universal Studios Hollywood took in more than 1,100 job applications on just one day last month.

Disneyland in Anaheim and Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park have received so many job applications that they put off plans to hold jobs fairs this year.
In the past, summer jobs at theme parks were often the path for teenagers and college students to get their first paycheck, doing such tasks as playing Goofy, Snow White and other costumed characters at Disneyland or running roller coasters at Magic Mountain.

But with the unemployment rate in California at 12.4%, the parks are now getting applications from people with years of work experience.
More Here..


  1. The job of Goofy was taken by GWB, then came along Joe Biden who played Cindarella's mom. It seems the American public can't catch a break. At any rate, I have to wonder whether these amusement parks are going to do that well for much longer. We can't keep living in Disney Land forever.

  2. Something needs to break with jobs.Over eleven million were wiped out and these people have to go somewhere:

  3. I predict the parks will do quite well for the short term at least, as with all those that need jobs they can pay min. wage if they want to, cutting overhead bigtime.....that is until the rest of us wake up and realize that we can't afford to see Goofy anymore

  4. I live near Disneyland. The average wage for the majority of "Cast Members" AKA employees, is less than $10.00 per hour.

    Recently when I drive by the park, it appears to be very busy. I'll see the main gate closed and guest parking is diverted away to other parking lots. I have an idea that many of the visitors know this may be the last time they will ever visit Disneyland. They'll max out the credit cards for the visit in a effort to give the kids one enjoyable day before the end.

    I have been an Annual Pass holder for several years, just can't do it any more.

  5. The only advantage an applicant may have over others, is to be tri-lingual or better. People from all over the world are still visiting Disneyland.

  6. Yup you can never hire enough clowns.

  7. I see the unemployment figures show another drop in the unemployed.The dollar still hasent crashed.The economy must be recovering.We have been wearing our tin hats long enough,its time we all climbed out of our bunkers.We have been had the crash is not going to happen.

  8. Hmm. Interesting because back in my old job at the office I always thought some of the people there looked like they should work in a Circus...

    Supervisor looked like a hairy faced girl. The Director looked like a zombie with that warewolf look. One lady always had the lights dimmed in her office and I could swear that she looked like she was a real ugly vampire. People think vampires are beautiful and hollywood sheik but the real ones are bone ugly and scary.. I remember avoiding her office if at all possible lest I fall victim to being displayed in a milk carton..


  9. 8:03, I concur with you. I have given up trying to tell others to prepare; they think I have been sent from Mars. I am now convinced we will come out of this much better than everyone here thinks we will. I live in an area in the Midwest where things are going pretty much they way they have been for years and people don't see it's really bad elswhere, but it it really that bad? I am sick of all the gloom and doom, and am going to stop stocking up on stuff since the way it looks life is just going to go on as normal. I am happy that it's not really going to get that bad, just feel stupid since I was suckered into buying some silver and extra supplies, but I can at least eat all that stuff, as for the paltry silver holdings I have I think I will just stick in the safety deposit box at the bank and let the kids have it someday, it will hold some of it's value I hope.


  10. YES, it really is that bad in some locales. I reside in Nevada. The economies in Las Vegas and Reno have literally collapsed. This state leads the union in foreclosed home mortgages and is second for unemployment.

    I live in a small rural community in the same state that mines gold and silver. This community is surviving.

    Do not be deceived because all is well in your area. You are fortunate. If a fire rages through your city but your neighborhood is not touched does that imply all is well? Will there not be implications for you just because your house did not burn?


  11. 9:33 It sounds like it was a passing fad for you. Well, believe it or not the sky is not going to fall, but the economy on the other hand...

    Well, let's just say that you ought give things more consideration and stop following the ups and downs too closely. That means don't go hiding in your bunker just yet and dont believe everything you read.

  12. to succeed in today's job market you must get an education.....BBWWWAAAAHHH.or so they said.
    how many poor smucks spent 200+ Geeeez for that piece of parchment that won't even land them a job at Goofy Land?
    Reember that old Federal Lies tale "we don't need no stinkin' manufacturing jobs ,we will all do the hi-tech paper shuffle while then low skilled workers of Asia will do mindless labor"
    Well aint we the pampered fools.
    And we did it to ourselves.

  13. 933 put the silver in the box, and Please put all of the Dollars in there, Leave them there as long as possible and keep adding to it, the more you have there the better, and tell your imbecile kids the same thing, save in the bank, save in the bank, just keep telling everyone you know that, Please do that


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