By Jeffrey T. Kuhner
President Obama is splintering America. The passage of Obamacare was a historic victory for liberal governance. Yet, its true cost may be that it triggers the eventual breakup of the country.
Mr. Obama has achieved what his liberal predecessors - Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, Bill Clinton - could only dream of: nationalized health care. Obamacare signifies the government take-over of one-sixth of the U.S. economy. It has dealt a mortal blow to traditional America. We are now a European-style socialist welfare state. The inevitable permanent tax hikes, massive public bureaucracy and liberal ruling elites will stifle competition and initiative.
Socialism is the road to economic ruin and fiscal bankruptcy. It subverts democracy, threatening the very future of our constitutional republic. Socialist states degenerate into some form of autocracy or technocratic neo-feudalism, whereby the productive class is taxed and exploited to sustain a growing dependent class. Factions are pitted against each other; groups vie for handouts at the expense of their fellow citizens. The bonds of economic union and national solidarity slowly dissolve.
"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not," warned Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson was right: Redistributionist welfare policies are undermining our democracy. The resentments in America are growing. Tea Partiers believe that their government no longer represents their interests or values. The heartland is becoming dangerously alienated from the political class, whom it feels has betrayed them.
Obamacare may be the last straw. It strips away fundamental economic liberties, empowering the federal government to de facto nationalize everyone's body by controlling our health. Americans are compelled - upon pain of penalty and eventual imprisonment - to purchase insurance.
More Here..
Health Bill A TRANSFER OF POWER, Kills The Constitution
More Here..
I do not agree with his statement stating the US is made up of half liberals and half conservatives. This shows he is advocating the fake left right paradigm. The US is really made up of those of us who live in "reality" (many of us are Patriots) and the rest, the dumb downed idiotic mind controlled TV addicted sheeple. Yes the sheeple may be divided, however, they will continue to play the fake left right paradigm, by electing more Republicans or vice versa such as the election of Barry and the demopublicans, nothing has changed, things are much worse under Barry & the demopublicans. More war, more government, more taxes, more tyranny etc.
ReplyDeleteIf the republicans get in next election, they will play the same games. More war on fake enemies to feed the bankers, defense industries, medical industries etc. Just fill in the blank.
The media is currently attempting to make the patriots the enemy. The real patriots are currently being demonized and are made to look like the enemy, this is what is going on now, 911 truthers are violent, gun owners are the enemy, war protesters are traitors etc. If you study Germany, Italy or Russia, the exact same tactics were used, demonize and make the patriots the enemy. Make it look unpatriotic or you are a traitor if one criticizes the wars or the military.
What may actually wake up the sheeple, will be the upcoming bankruptcy of the US & dollar devaluation. We shall see.
Based on my personal experience with my sheeple friends and family, I see no hope in waking them up to reality. They all live in a TV fantasy world of fake terrorism, Tyrannical Police state and appalling TV shows that promote this agenda.
This article merely reinforces the sheeples view of the fake left right paradigm. What can you expect from the Washington Times?
I have no hope, hope I am wrong. Don't think I am.
We are totally screwed
Although I believe the health care legislation recently passed is THE WORST LEGISLATION EVER PASSED, I'm more interested in clarity and truth. The link post under "Health Bill A TRANSFER OF POWER, Kills The Constitution" is some what misleading, the summary by Michael Connelly Refers to HB 3200 which did not pass. The bill passed was HB 3590 which was then amended by HB 4872 and in my opinion they are both just as bad as HB 3200.
ReplyDeleteWow - great article & great comments from 8:53
ReplyDeleteI cannot wait to hear from the dumbass W basher who is forever on here telling us it was all previous administrations fault -
This article is printed and on my desk - it is the truth - and we are screwed.
The U.S. is turning into ONE Big Socialist State. The middle class is now bailing out the Big Banks and any big business that is deemed to big to fail. Next it will be individual States coming to Washington for a bailout and so it will go on and on. Where is the Federal Reserve getting the money? Is there ever going to be a Fed audit? If the Fed was audited there would be an immediate financial collapse like never before because the world of finance right now is just ONE BIG PONZI SCHEME.
ReplyDelete8:53 you're right, besides voting is a scam; a useless game of the elite. We quit voting over 2 decades ago. others I know have too. All hope is now gone, unless patriots wake up, then civil war will happen! The resistance movement may or may not be large enough to take the country back. Time will tell.
ReplyDelete929 is a moron, he still believes in the right left paradigm, he is waiting for someone to bash bush, when it it all parties that are involved in this, Now world ponzi scheme!
ReplyDeleteIn the end it comes down to TAX EATER vs. TAX PAYER. Right now the lazy fu*ks have their team making the calls.
ReplyDeleteOh, where to start. A good deal of the health bill is identical to proposals put forth by REPUBLICANS! The only reason Repubs voted against the bill is their aim is to destroy Obama and the Democrats--they do not care about us. The bill is NOT a Socialist/government takeover of health care. It is a health insurance reform bill. It makes insurance companies treat their customers with compassion and justice--you know, like not throwing sick people out of the hospital, refusing them life-saving methods and drugs, and taking away your cancer treatments because you forgot to mention you had acne twenty years ago (a true story).
ReplyDeleteWhile I share many of your concerns, you folks need to actually research information instead of believing whatever you hear on Fox news.
11:37 is the moron; quick to REACT and to judge merely because he is too stupid to comprehend on his own accord.
ReplyDelete9:29 AGREED with original poster about fake left/right shit
He/She also states "ALL PREVIOUS ADMIN." not just
"W" although the other idiot that cannot read more than 2 words without forming the incorrect
opinion always uses bush #2 as killing the blacks etc. and how his wife was also a murdering
skank and Cheney killed more people than mao, stalin and Ghengis combined Yada Yada Yada.
It is morons like this that have us where we are today; very quick to react in a very derogatory
manner at the drop of a hat. To further the point
and therefore further the correctness of the article; back in the day of T.J. such an attack on the character of another was routinely met with a challange of a duel.
Pity we do not have such arbitration available today; it would indeed be an honor to rid ourselves of such drivel.
sharonsj - and your telling us that the dems love us ? Sister; you best re-read the article.
ReplyDeletethese people ( our elected officals ) could give a shit about you or me. Maybe 5 really care what goes on - the rest are merely puppets; caught up in their own B.S. re election agenda.
What scares most people most about this "reform" is the same thing that scares / scared the people
with the new deal/social security ( broke and now outlays larger than reciepts and about to get alot worse soon ) fannie and fredie ( totally insolvent and now have unlinited access to the treasury) medicare/medicaid which are together broke and a 75 TRILLION dollar LIABILITY.
Sister; I don't know about you but when a government cannot run a "business" with known revenues; known expenditures and a disproven business model posts a 4 billion dollar loss ( think US Postal service)
Sister - it's time to get real in your thinking; because this way will get your butt singed but good one O these days ( soon )
Republicans would have you believe they are the solution when they are half the problem, the democrats are the other half of the problem. Bush/Obama they are the same... The tea partiers are a joke, the wolf in sheep's clothing. Trying to steer devotion back to the republicans. A waste of time. People are catching on to the game. Both parties are the problem to bring down the populous.
ReplyDeleteRemember the repub's made life difficult.. 9/11, illegal influx, bank dilema, Now Demos, enrich insurance companies, more bank dilema's.. Sit and watch unemployment go up. Don't argue with me on prejudices look at the facts.. They are bringing us all down. For their evil transfer of power. UN.. I believe it is secretly taking over behind the scenes.. Using the Bildeburgers group to hold secret preparation meetings.. Thus far their work is succeeding.. Us is losing it's constitution people are losing their rights due to fake terror threats.. It could not be better planned..
12:32 yeah man ! Tell him brother ! I damn straight agree. Way too often people of dubious character and motive use the cover of ambiguity
ReplyDeleteto debase and defame those that actually know what the hell they are saying.
And ! Where is that little bush basher ! Who is just sure that W was worse than Stalin !
Funny - the truth is researched; put into print and all these filth regurgatators just vanish into the woodwork
I love it.
I live in Orange County California.
ReplyDeleteVery soon one of our city parks will be closed off and set up for a 3-day, Cinco de Mayo celebration. The 5th of May has NOTHING to do with American culture. Later, the city of Westminster and Garden Grove will be nothing more than a huge celebration of Tet, the Vietnamese New Year. Everywhere you look, you'll see the yellow flags of the former S. Viet Nam. Don't forget Cesar Chavez parades, celebrating the fight for the Mexican Farm workers. Meanwhile, another year of canceled 4th of July fireworks shows, due to budgetary constraints...
I am a Patriot. I guess it comes with old age. I have seen this country devolve into a nightmare:
- When I was a kid in the 1960's, EVERYTHING was made in the USA. Anything that was stamped, "Made in Japan" was known to be crap and not worth having. Even Levi's were made in San Francisco, in the actual factory Levi set up. Levi made his fortune selling a strong pair of jeans to gold miners.
- In 1969, my teacher would drag a Black and White TV into the room so we could watch an Apollo launch or splash down. A cell phone has more computing power than what NASA had in the 60's, but that didn't stop us from chipping golf balls on the surface of the Moon.
These days, the country is bankrupted. Young people have NOTHING to look forward to, no future, only pain and frustration.
The Civil War was not about slavery. Slavery was secondary. The Civil Was all about preserving the Union. The next Civil War will be all about preserving the Union. It won't be about the men of the north fighting the men of the south, it will be about American Citizens fighting the corrupt, unconstitutional, tyrannical, traitorous, Federal Government. Many states are talking about breaking away. States rights and sovereignty mean nothing to the Federal Government. It's no surprise that the lawsuits have already started to kill Obamacare. WE NEVER WANTED THIS BARRY! You and Congress don't want it, YOU EXEMPTED YOURSELVES FROM IT!
Barry, please go away!
BofA to start reducing mortgage principal
ReplyDeleteWed Mar 24, 6:29 pm ET
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Bank of America Corp. is giving some of its most troubled mortgage borrowers relief from the threat of foreclosure.
The bank, the largest mortgage servicer in the country, said Wednesday it will forgive up to 30 percent of some customers' total mortgage balances. The homeowners must have missed at least two months of mortgage payments and owe at least 20 percent more than their home is currently worth.
The plan is the newest provision of an agreement the Charlotte, N.C.-based bank reached 18 months ago with state attorneys general to settle charges over high-risk loans made by Countrywide Financial Corp.
Have Faith. Things may well get darker in our country. November will tell the tale. We are most certainly moving in the wrong direction and as our Founding Fathers knew the Republic is lost to the slippery slope of Socialism when there are more people on the dole then paying in. We are at that point. We crossed the threshold, but there are still a good number that remember and respect the our founding principles that were not active in the body politic. They are now. Have Faith and get active. We will find out in November if our situation in irreversible. The last three elections (two gov, one senate) gave plenty of reason to keep the Faith.
ReplyDelete2:59: As I said before, voting is a scam (controlled elections by the elite)and useless as it produces nothing. Read the 10:50AM post. All hope is gone, no future, nothing to look forward to as jobs are gone. We no longer produce anything.
ReplyDeletekiddies, me thinks too many of you are still watching march madness or american idol. WE, the US, is gone. There will be no revolution. If there was, how would you know about it? Certainly the MSN media will not cover it. And how are you going to organize? Again, the govt and the MSN media ain't gonna help you any.
ReplyDeleteThe sheeple are so dumbed down, they will think the patriots are the enemy, bunch of crazies who believe in the constitution.
Don't you get it? Nothing good is going to happen, we can't compete with or fight the MSN media, and we most certainly can not fight the thugs who will come to our houses, swat team us, taser us and probably kill us, or take us to a nice FEMA camp to be water boarded and euthanized. Sure, there will be a few Patriots who will fight back, however, with no organization, no plans, no nothing, it appears to be hopeless.
Just look at what happened last Sept at the G-20 protests in Pittsburgh, police were there in force, using liberal amounts of tear gas and sonic weapons to disperse legally and peacefully gathered crowds. Several very disturbing arrests were made -- disturbing because those being arrested were not doing anything illegal. In one case, a man was simply whisked away by men in military uniforms, who then drove off.
Can we fight against that? With no organization, no nothing.Don't think so.
We are so screwed.
And forget about elections, even if they were not fixed (and they are), if the republicrats get the majority, what will the do? Look at what the did under Bush.
ReplyDeleteRemember, there are two groups of people, those of us who are awake or Patriots who believe in the Constitution, and the dumbed down idiotic mind controlled tv addicted sheeple.
I see no hope. I await the end.
Will America break up? No. It must not and can not - at least not around geographic boundaries. America has a contagion, a disease - we can call it Banksteritis - which must be vomited, perhaps violently, from the body. The process will be uncomfortable, unsightly. But it is indeed the consequence of delaying the necessary recognition of the failure of losers. Once purged of the parasites, America will be restored to health and vigor. The only question is: Will America's defenses, so weakened by fighting imagined external enemies, recognize this internal disease, the enemy within?
ReplyDeleteTo all those here who have not/will not vote I ask:
ReplyDeleteWhat happens when you are everybody and nobody votes for anybody ( county level up )
What then ?
I am sorry - I do not see your position as a viable alternative. I mean that's akin to selling your soul, moving to Russia and then bitching because Putin just burned your cassack down.
I mean, you cannot merely state we're screwed; it's 100% corrupt; all politicos are on the take etc. etc. and then not offer the reader an alternative.
That's just not right in my book. If I totally condem anything; I'll tell you why and then I'll tell you a superior alternative.
I hear neither on this blog. We must have solutions to peoples worries/concerns; not just
fearmongering because it's the easy thing to do.
All hope is NOT gone. Obama would just love for you to believe that. All hope is gone, nothing we can do but sit back and let socialism rage like a tidal wave washing from coast to coast. NO! Obama has just slapped America in the face and dropped the gauntlet at it's feet. Come November virtually every incumbent must be be removed. That's a message not even the MSM can BS away. Please vote, even if you feel it may not do any good. Before resorting to any real ugly stuff, the strongest possible peaceful message must first be sent. Prove that America has awakened and has had enough.
ReplyDelete4:25 AGREE
ReplyDelete3:57 AGREE again and the people who do not vote in this country should be kicked the hell out !
Until We the People collectively stand our ground ( and please, please PLEASE don't give me this Sheeple dung ! If their so dumb; why cannot we get them on our side !!?) and DEMAND things like term limits, constitutionality on everything
We are indeed at a crossroads - we can talk, talk talk or go out and get it done.
Your vote does count ! It is the ONLY thing that separates us from the likes of Hugo Chavez and Vladimr Putin - if these people who do not vote have a viable alternative I am all ears.
I doubt seriously however that any of them are smarter than the framers of the Constitution ( although listening to some of them here you'd swear they know it all).
I invite everyone here to reread the Consitution
As another here has stated the Civil war was about preserving the Union.
I don't know about some but my family goes back to the early 1800's in this country - we've shed alot of tears and alot of blood for what we have;
freedom of a republic don't come easy and it sure as heck ain't free.
And before all you teary eyed " we killed all the brown people for nothing get on my case" put this one in your pip[e and smoke it.
Feb,14 2010 rueters ett reports; " According to this new UN report, a lack of clean water kills 1.8 MILLION children under 5 years of age each and every year. This equates to more people dying from polluted water than from all wars and other global violence combined.
When was the last time ANYBODY reading this had to worry about something as mundane as WATER !
And we are so audacious as to not vote ?
5:10 - wrong-more to the point, we need to be free of people like you. Nothing wrong in being homeschooled and/or believers in Christ. Seems to me you could use some of both.
ReplyDeleteHey 3:29
ReplyDeleteYou sound like a quitter and not a fighter. I'm a white male and I admire Frederik Douglas oh so much. He was PROPERTY! He was bought and sold and had every reason to hate the white man. I've said before, MLK deserves his "day", but Fredrick Douglas deserves his "month" and instead, he's nothing more than a short chapter in American history. Douglas had nothing to lose, but his life, when he escaped from his owner.
Today, we have nothing to lose, that can't be replaced, except our lives and our country. We owe our future generations the same level of freedom we have had til just a few short years ago. We can bend over and kiss our asses goodbye, or we can fight. I'll be the first to say our challenge is great. We are an army. We as Americans are armed beyond belief. We collectively own billions of rounds of ammo. The problem as I see it, the founding fathers gave us (the people) the right to end a destructive government (what we are experiencing today), but they didn't give us a "Dummy's Guide to Ending a Tyrannical Federal Government". I have no idea how to deal with this and I would say most patriots are also clueless as to what to do. This is priority 1.
Voting will accomplish nothing. This country has exported nothing but spilled blood for decades and now it's going to come back upon the people of this country because they did nothing about it.
ReplyDeleteHope is good but if you think any sort of patriot movement is going to work, think again. The battle for the USA is already over and the elites won.
The only thing that you can do now is to prepare for when the hammer does drop. Run with like-minded people and try to slowly separate yourselves from those who cannot see.
I know it sounds bad but there's nothing anyone can do. The battle for America has been going on for decades while the majority sat around and did nothing.
And yes, the majority will blame the patriots for everything. It's the nature of the beast. It's best to shut your mouth and do what you can to make sure you and your loved ones will be safe when that other shoe drops.
Apparently, sharonsj is unfamiliar with many inclusions in this 'universal healthcare bill', such as government groups deciding that hip surgery for a 70 year old just ain't worth it, as they are old now and no longer of use to THE FAVERLUND!!
ReplyDeleteSEIG HEIL!
sharonsj is one of the many people still struggling with the full knowledge of what Obama will become for America.
I fear that many blacks will fail to see Obama as a threat until they're being herded into Fema camps along with whites, reds, greens, blues and anyone else the administration deems 'a threat to national security'.
5:28 I agree, we have lost the country. We must prepare ourselves/family. 4:58pm is totally ignorant..The elite/Banking cartel control both parties! They are bought and paid for. Anyone that ran who's a true patriot and stood a chance would be knocked off. Civil war is soon...nothing can be fixed by politicians!! Anyone who thinks so, is not tuned in at all.
ReplyDeleteName of the game is self preservation. There is a 30% fee on foreign capital outflows so forget about sending your Federal Reserve Notes overseas for safety.
ReplyDeleteThe elections will be cancelled or the results falsified. On top of that a false flag event is imminent and will be used to usher in the final blows to the Constitution.
It cant happen in America right? Best hunker down because reality is about to slap a lot of people in the face.
If voting is the answer, why does the US military continue to murder innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan and God only knows where else.
ReplyDeleteNOTHING HAS CHANGED, BARRY WORKS FOR THE SAME BANKERS GEORGE H DID. The mass media is TOTALLY controlled and if there is a revolution, we will never know about it.
I want to be optimistic, I really do...
As previously mentioned, there are the "people living in reality" and the sheeple.
ReplyDeleteThose of us living in reality are already known by the US NSA or whatever criminal agency is monitoring us,i.e. this blog.
There will be no revolution, we are totally screwed, its just a matter of time, everyone in this blog, well, except the disinfo goons, will be picked up and sent away, or killed.
I wish there was even a chance of us wining, or even fighting back. There's NOT.
We are totally screwed...
Healthcare is not splitting the country apart. This is a convenient excuse for conservatives to bash liberals. a) the country is already splintering apart and b) the healthcare bill is just a bait and switch. By the time 2014 and beyond rolls around there will be no "socialized medicine" to give to people. Dont you get it? The government is ALREADY bankrupt. Meanwhile every year we are spending a trillion dollars on defense, which makes healthcare pale in comparison. Someone wake these zombies up.
ReplyDeleteI've always wondered if we're being monitered...If the people on top either elites or government have their "lists of undesirables" because if it is then damn!
ReplyDeleteOh well soon if shit goes sideways no way they'll be able to hold anything but major cities and what military guys will leave their families to looters and robbers when orders come to go elsewhere?
What about people who do love America...Soldairs who refuse? Or police taht refuse?
Seriously how weird can it get...And what's the psychological breaking point of Americans?
So much at stake...So much up in the air.
No wonder we are in such deep trouble.
ReplyDeleteEveryone posting here is labeled a bobbleheaded moron. With all of us morons, we have what we deserve. Is there anyone who is not a moron?
Ask each above poster that question.
If you are prepared for what is coming you are not a moron. If you are sitting around watching MSM news and praying to god YOU ARE A MORON! Understand the difference?
ReplyDeleteWhen you die, you die, Period end of story, so if you are wrong, you are dead either way, does not matter, better to smarten up and live in reality than that of fallacy!
ReplyDeleteI NEVER leave home without a means to defend myself. This country is gonna collapse and when it does, I plan to get home alive.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's:
- A rifle
- A shotgun
- A neck knife
- My dog with knife edge teeth
- A big ass knife in my boot.
- A deadly walking stick
I have decide to win every time anyone wants to have a "stare down" contest. The wannabe gangsters always lose. I look at them like I'm a cross between, Mad Max, Dirty Harry and Travis (Taxi Driver). I'm a fucking old man and I'm pissed off. My fuse is short.
Remember the Subway Vigilante? That bastard got it right.
The plan of the capitalists to ideologically divide Americans and save their system is working
ReplyDeletevery well .As we can see on the comments on this website. They know the system is bankrupt already from unpayable debts. Bankrupt,as in insolvent,as in finished.
There is no profits from productive workers to be made in US industry .Therefore the too big to fail companies in industry and the banks must get handout profits from government to survive.
Pre-crisis, the current account deficit paying for US over -consumption was paid for by
borrowed money .The borrowed money from overseas was equal to all company dividends.
Now the credit is drying up there is no free income or profit source in America. That is a DEAD economy. Get over it .You spell that D_E_A_D as in the morgue.
There is not enough industry left in the US for the US to work its way out of the mess by paying off the foreign debts by profits from exports by competing in the free trade system .Without third world rates of pay for Americans .War industries only consume wealth created elsewhere.
The government is printing infinity of money for handouts and bailouts so they will disappear up their own deficit “armhole“. That’s guaranteed .Unless they default on their bond payments.
The plan is get the “smart” people to fight for their individual survival and stuff the individual sheeple the brainless enemy and “socialists’ this lets the system of the hook. And all in the fine tradition of American individualism and the evil take the hindmost! Sharpen your knives to fight one another.
Hopefully for the rich they will get the “smart”
people to fight to restore the old constitution so the game will restart again with the same old regulations liberties immunities and the same rich in control. Yet now, after all these years with social security already loaded with debts and missing money in the trillions and a bankrupt Ponzi pension system The tweeddle dee /dum politicos make a show of introducing “healthcare” in the form of an enforced tax going to private insurance companies. . Supposedly the insurance companies are less corrupt than the banksters (think AIG).
When the tipping point is reached with debt and the problems of funding healthcare and pension entitlements it will be blamed not on the handouts to the banksters and the rich .Oh no!
But on the lazy sheeple and whatever party you personally dislike, in turns ,who bought down the best of all possible systems with “socialists” running up unpayable debts.
I believe in an afterlife. But we ought to live for today, in the here and now. Don't have faith in the doctrines of others who pretend to be the voice of invisible gods. I have remote viewed the future and 2,000 years from now the United States is a beautiful lush forest with lots of birds! The world carries on with our without us.
ReplyDeleteWow ! That's beautiful man !
ReplyDeleteHere - have another drag on mine !
Yeah - nice; like tranquil man --- Groovy even
Like,, you got the right vibe dewd...LOL! OMG
ReplyDeleteInternational WMD equipped militarist and now failed and bankrupted by Militarism rogue state? How goes the Union?
ReplyDeleteWhat with harbouring for many years the traditional Mafia terrorists organising the drug trade internationally, protected by elements of the government and military, (since WW2 the Sicilian/Corsican connection -
Wherever the military goes the drug trade follows)
Now with the other mafia Bankster counterfeiters tribe Golem Sach in control of government by “Lobbying” or corrupting its politicians and at its Federal bank looting treasury for the rich and international flogging off dud $ and "AAA" bond paper in trade and debts as “aid” in return for real goods , its everlasting permanent wars for oil and to keep the cheap labor third world under the thumb of debts ,the superpower is now exporting the cost of its economic crisis. It has a lot to answer for to the rest of the world. By harbouring all these drug, militarist and Financial gangsters.
Perhaps it can get its own house in civilised order and stop harbouring international mafia and bankster criminals and war-mongering Presidents waving around and terrorising other countries with WMD.
But ,learning from history ,in the past, solving the problem of an expansionist, rogue ,racist and criminal state with an ideologically brainwashed self centred population , with a contempt for parliament and a love for patriotic “homeland security” Monarchical Gestapo policing methods and a paranoid hatred of dissent and its national minorities, since the burning of the Reichstag (the 9/11 of its day ).
This was a population prepared to fight on to the end to preserve its gangster system even at the cost of its own continuing defeat and destruction at the end of WW2 .It required physical military occupation and disarming by more democratic states, the victims of the Nazis militarism ,and the hanging by the neck of its head gangsters to sort it out for humanity.
I agree .. but the only problem with this .. Jefferson never said ""The democracy will cease to exist ...."
ReplyDeleteMany problems in life become with one who is depressions, brain effected in depressions and not able to work properly.
ReplyDeleteDealing with Breakup Depression