There are no constraints left to halt America's slide into a totalitarian capitalism. Electoral politics are a sham. The media have been debased and defanged by corporate owners. The working class has been impoverished and is now being plunged into profound despair. The legal system has been corrupted to serve corporate interests. Popular institutions, from labor unions to political parties, have been destroyed or emasculated by corporate power. And any form of protest, no matter how tepid, is blocked by an internal security apparatus that is starting to rival that of the East German secret police. The mounting anger and hatred, coursing through the bloodstream of the body politic, make violence and counter-violence inevitable. Brace yourself. The American empire is over. And the descent is going to be horrifying.
Those singled out as internal enemies will include people of color, immigrants, gays, intellectuals, feminists, Jews, Muslims, union leaders and those defined as "liberals." They will be condemned as anti-American and blamed for our decline. The economic collapse, which remains mysterious and enigmatic to most Americans, will be pinned by demagogues and hatemongers on these hapless scapegoats. And the random acts of violence, which are already leaping up around the fringes of American society, will justify harsh measures of internal control that will snuff out the final vestiges of our democracy.
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While I agree that corporations and government have melded into a single self serving entity, the author seems to look the right as the cause of all evil, conveniently overlooking the union/Progressive connection on the left.
ReplyDeleteMost of the violence, at least to this point, is coming from the traditional leftist groups. This isn't to say that the right isn't capable of the same thing. The problem is that the author is viewing current events through an ancient pair of glasses. This isn't about left and right any more; it's about both of them against us.
Those of us that see what's coming are stripping away old political prejudices and viewing the world a different way. No more parties; just truth. Both parties are our enemies, looking to their own power at the expense of our liberty.
It seems that many of the predictions about the loss of freedom that the left has made over the course of the last 40 years are coming true. What they can't seem to accept is that it's happening under their watch. Get over it. Forget parties and fight for freedom and the Constitution. Fight for the original American political ideal. It is the last, best hope.
9:06 The American left is so far right it is not left of anything. Give it a break.
ReplyDelete9:47 enough with the misogynisic comments. You confuse femininity with weakness, just like most misogynists and rapists do. In fact, you have no idea just how strong most women can be. You ever have menstrual cramps or give birth to a child? I bet you go through one day without Midol and you'll be bawling on the floor like a baby.
ReplyDeleteGrow up. Women did not cause your personal issues/problems. YOU did.
We are already reaching a state of Idiocracy. And even those vaguely critical of this sad reality deride the protesters, subversives and rebels who have long fought against it. Mainly they are the sort who either think if they just got the right politicians in office or if big government left them alone everything would be fine. Other parties create fictitious bogeymen to explain what otherwise they would not understand as a system inherently opposed to freedom and by necessity--regardless of constitution or not--an apparatus to deliver wealth and compliance from the masses.
ReplyDeleteIf we had real men in this country, this incl. preachers, teachers, politicians and leaders, this country wouldn't be headed into the abyss. Preachers are only after money; (they're very few real ones left)and bow to the 501c3 agendas controlled by the NCC/WCC. Teachers are afraid of getting fired for teaching true history, politicians are on the it goes. Older people are burned out from trying to inform others with no results (me, etc). If there is any hope, I don't see it, but maybe it's there somewhere.
ReplyDeleteNo Left Wing, fringe group is responsible for America's economic decline.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is simple. You cannot de-industrialise and open up your wage structure to Third World standards and maintain your position in the World and standard of living.
Globalism is a TOTAL disaster for America.
Had America stuck to a policy of "if we make it, we don't import it," the American Empire could've lasted forever.
America has plenty of talent and energy. The Peak Oilers are full of crap.
America is just too full of emasculated girly man,they have no cojones.
ReplyDeleteI just now read (world net daily article) that a bill to abolish NAFTA is in the works. Most of our good industry is gone forever. We'll see what happens. Yes, there are a few real men left like Ron Paul, Alex Jones, T. Marrs, C. Baldwin, Greg Evensen, etc; but too few to much matter today. The masses are to busy playing golf, casino games, TV watching useless crap to impact anything.
ReplyDeleteI think Laura said it all sadly there are no real men left in this country.The process of feminizing the American male began 30 years ago.I wonder if women are happy with the end result.Sad butch trouser wearing females,and crossdressing males.Even Obama has femine gestures.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading all the hatemongering, I guess everyone in here wants or has a desire for all hell to break loose. I hope not, I lived in a country where this happened, trust me total anarchy is an unbelievable nightmare. You see a neighbor killed in front of you is not anything we want. Let’s calm down first and see what needs to happen to get back on track, so we won’t be in dire striates. First get rid of NAFTA and then rein in companies that have sent jobs overseas that are still here in the US of A, remember most companies have been overtaken and have ownership in China and Europe.
ReplyDeleteLet business be who they can be, and don’t tax the crap out of them. We may have hope, we need to assess and see what we can salvage for our future. Then take Wall Street and find who is behind all this crap and take them to task. My two cents, GOD BLESS.
1.50.I think you may be on to something.American males have no balls for a real fight anymore.They will probably be too busy sitting down on the toilet having a piss.
ReplyDeleteI will pay attention to Obama's feminine gestures and tell others to watch him on TV to spot them. Is the feminine gestures/apathy of most men from the hormones in soy and meats? Maybe that's why women go thru meno 6 to 10 years later then their mothers, because of these hormones in the foods.
ReplyDeleteDisarmed the liberal class?!! What a load of BS....WOW!
ReplyDeleteYup your right Bush was definately a girly man,he wouldnt even serve in the army.Probably too busy dooing his hair.
ReplyDeleteHi Laura, yes watch Obamas gestures,especially the arm and wrist gestures. Then look at his big hefty wife.Just who is the man and who is the woman.Its easy to tell who wears the pants in that family,and it aint Obama.
ReplyDeleteThis is the very essence of the Rothschild Formula in action on American soil:
ReplyDeleteto fund opposing sides, bring them to conflict, then take possession of the
collateral from the bankrupt players. The Americans MUST NOT FIGHT EACH OTHER but
instead must recognize the cancer within and cure it with the rule of law - not the
rule of kings and lords. The Federal Reserve has corrupted and debased the
American store of value over the last 90 some years by decoupling the Dollar
from a tangible and valuable asset (gold/silver) and replaced it with a
debt-based fiat currency. The Americans must reestablish their soverenty over
these foreign banksters, reactivate their Constitution, and establish an
honest, stable currency based on mineral resources (gold/silver/oil), restore
their industrial base and build up their sense of independant entrepreneurship.
The Christian theory of "forgiveness and love of the enemy" might help them
decouple from decades of failed foreign invasions and genocide. If the world loses the
United States principles and ideals, then the world will surely have lost
its most precious gemstone in the long necklace of man's history. What proceeds
from the fall of the United States is too terrible to imagine.
The WASP male was born to fight !
ReplyDeleteAnd he was born to win !
In the end - win again; he will !
When I joint the KKK they toldt me I could fire a gun and burn down black churches whenever I felt lke it. Never knew I woul dneed a brain to seccede in this here real world. At least I can get bye on my charm.
ReplyDeleteWhat do all these people that advocate buying gold plan to actually do with it?If the shit hits the fan like some lunatics have been predicting(forever),do they plan to go to Walmart and buy groceries with it?Get real.
ReplyDeleteThe whole economic mess is no one's fault but our own.If the majority of the population spends more than they actually make, the end result is a given.You will be in debt.Which is what the banks want.
No one should be given a mortgage that is more than twice their annual salary.What ever happened to the simple concept of saving money until you have enough to buy something?
Will anyone actually die if they have to watch a regular Tv for a few more months before they buy a flat screen?
Just because the bank gives out credit card applications, doesn't mean you have to apply for one.Remember the not so distance old days, when the only guy that drove a Cadillac, was the guy that actually paid for it in full?
Why work hard to obtain a better life when all you have to do is charge it?
Anyone that can honestly say that they didn't see all this coming must be a total moron.
I haven't read one single comment on here where someone hasn't taken even a little personal responsiblity for their own financial mess.Not one.
Blame Iran, Bush, Obama or Captain Krunch if you want to.The mass consuming public made these banks and corporations what they are.Without us, they wouldn't even exist.
Let try something different-learn from our mistakes and stop the dire predictions and blame games.
Besides, who wants to live in the middle of nowhere eating canned food for a few years afraid to close your eyes?Not I!