
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

11 Examples Of How Insanely Corrupt The U.S. Financial System Has Become

If you ask most Americans, they will agree that the financial system is corrupt. It is generally assumed that just like most politicians, most big bankers are corrupt by nature. But the truth is that the vast majority of Americans have no idea just how corrupt the U.S. financial system has become. The reality is that the American Dream is literally being stolen from millions of Americans right out from under their noses and they don't even realize it. The corruption on Wall Street has become so deep and so vast that it is hard to even find the words to describe it. The level of greed being displayed by many Wall Street firms would make Gordon Gecko blush. It seems that the major financial players will try just about anything these days - as long as they think they can get away with it. But in the process they are contributing to the destruction of the greatest economic machine that the planet has ever seen.

The following are 11 examples of just how insanely corrupt the U.S. financial system has become....

#1) An industry insider "whistle blower" has come forward with "smoking gun" evidence that major financial institutions have been openly and blatantly manipulating the price of gold and silver. But so far those who are supposed to be regulating these firms have been sitting back and doing nothing about it.
More Here..


  1. More here link is bad, it is missing the H in HTTP

  2. When I see our corrupt puppets yammering about nukes I hope they are prepping to stage a hell of a false flag to justify killing millions of Iranians.

    I am sure at some point they will stage something horrific. 9/11 wasn't the last.

  3. Yes, the sudden urgency to secure nukes seems just a bit suspicious. Something may be in the works, but exactly what and when, who knows. You don't really think emperor Obama will allow himself to be voted out do you? Perhaps stage something in 2012 as a convenient reason to impose martial law and avoid an election.

  4. Sorry, due to lack of funding I forgot the "H". It has been repaired

  5. EA you are getting rich here, so stop whining. I wish I had your $$$$BIG_MONEY$$$$ job.

    I am ready to donate very soon myself. Finally got a part time job.

  6. 6:01 thats funny! You will make more money on your part time job in one day then I will putting in a week of digging up articles..

  7. I'll donate as soon as I get back in the country.

    Keep up the good work EA.

  8. You don't really think emperor Obama will allow himself to be voted out do you?

  9. Slightly off-topic:

    Foreclosure rates surge, biggest jump in 5 years
    LOS ANGELES (AP) -- A record number of U.S. homes were lost to foreclosure in the first three months of this year, a sign banks are starting to wade through the backlog of troubled home loans at a faster pace, according to a new report.
    In all, more than 900,000 households, or one in every 138 homes, received a foreclosure-related notice, RealtyTrac said. The firm based in Irvine, Calif., tracks notices for defaults, scheduled home auctions and home repossessions.

  10. Even those with a legal right to be official Americans on Food Stamps and unemployment benefits in the First World US, those paid not to work ,are still in the top 10% of the world incomes sector.
    Americans, as a whole, even its working people are still class beneficiaries of imperialist militarism, even those who work .are an unexploited labour aristocracy that deliver up no real profit to capital.

    Pre -crisis the national accounts show foreign credit supply ,loans and purchases of US housing and treasury bonds etc.,was equal to the after tax dividend “profits“ reported by US companies.
    A Ponzi economy.
    The mounting cost of militarist deficit spending for wars pushed the US over the edge and bankrupted America . America could not keep up its interest payments for foreign capital investments. And the emperor was seen to be wearing no clothes.
    How long a bankrupted ,insolvent, America that has nationalised most of the AAA mortgage bonds and bailed out its financial sector. That that is fast losing its foreign credit supply and the dollar hegemony system, can continue to subsidies these unemployment benefits to an unproductive for capital labour aristocracy class ,driving up the national debt by printing money for food stamps is yet to be seen .
    A debt ridden population even backed by food stamp spending cannot drive up consumption or company profits to the levels previously supported by the foreign credit supply.
    This printing of money at such huge levels can only result in hyperinflation or an American government default on its debts.

  11. Anon at 9:48
    even those who work .are an unexploited labour aristocracy that deliver up no real profit to capital

    I couldn't agree more. I believe I am obscenely overpaid. There is simply no way that I, or the people I work with, are producing anything worth our salaries. And converting that excess fiat to gold and silver is like stealing twice.

  12. I know that I paid for such services via taxes, but when I was down and out living in my car I never went to a shelter or got stamps, cheese or whatever. Once I went almost six days without food.

    Not saying I am too good for charity, I was really on the brink, but I just don't understand the mentality. How people will run to mommy government the minute they stub their toe.

  13. As for the new 'who would you vote for' poll, even though Ron Paul is the last standing honest man, I picked neither.

    The entire political process is a bad joke. Controlled entirely by the puppet masters that own the media and everything else.

    So, voting for Paul would be like pissing in the wind. Even if it he technically won most of the vote, the Oligarchs last line of defense - the electronic voting machines - would give any opponent 51%.

    Sorry folks, it is all a fraud and you are NOT living in a free country, you are indeed living in an Oligarchy. Better defined as a Clandestine Empire.

    As George Carlin said, Politicians are just there to give you the feeling that you have freedoms, you don't, you have owners, they own you.

  14. Obama is in the top three in terms of strictly controlled puppets. The top three in the last 60 years are/were:

    1. GWB
    2. Obama
    3. LBJ

  15. I was out of work for a year and a half. I had to stoop down to a collection agency job making calls to collect debts. The owner of the company informed me there are so many credit card defaults they cant keep track of the ones to buy up from card companies that are able to be collected. The buisness he said has more than doubled and tripled over the last 2 years. I talk to hundreds of people every day. Same sad story: lost job cant find work getting evicted from there home. I see it every day. The bosses of this company laugh and say too bad if they were suckers to fall for those low interest cards it is there own fault they did not rwead the fine print. I want to punch the bastard in the face when they laugh about it. I see nothing funny or amusing about this. I say dont pay your credit cards down default you wont beleive how easy it is to get out of them.

  16. Economic Analyst said.....

    "Sorry, due to lack of funding I forgot the "H". It has been repaired"

    EA, I for one plan to send you at least $1,000,000 to help out. Unfortunately you'll have to wait until we have hyperinflation.


    Ben Dover III

  17. To all: Remain focused on the issue and do not be distracted by inflamatory rantings of provocateurs. Ignore the noice, for it is generated intentionally merely to sap your energies.

  18. So easily ignored by now, I don't even know what you are talking about! :)

  19. I couldn't agree more. I believe I am obscenely overpaid. There is simply no way that I, or the people I work with, are producing anything worth our salaries. And converting that excess fiat to gold and silver is like stealing twice.


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