
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Economy Is Growing: With Record Foreclosures

RealtyTrac reports the next catalyst that will surely take the Dow to 12,000 by 9:31 am tomorrow. "Foreclosure filings were reported on 367,056 properties in March, an increase of nearly 19 percent from the previous month, an increase of nearly 8 percent from March 2009 and the highest monthly total since RealtyTrac began issuing its report in January 2005." And people were wondering where consumers get all their money from. Of course, those foreclosed upon have likely figured out ways to continue squatting in their house so they dont have to pay mortgage and rent. Nothing beats living for free in America, especially in a 2,000 sq. foot average home. We can't wait to hear Jamie Dimon's rebuttal on how this data massively misrepresents the optimism that JP Morgan is seeing everywhere, and how the JP Morgan unicorn ranch is about to issue a royal smackdown on those speculative traitors over at RealtyTrac who, unlike JPM, dare to speak the truth.
“Foreclosure activity in the first quarter of 2010 followed a very similar pattern to what we saw in the first quarter of 2009: a shallow trough in January and February followed by a substantial spike in March,” said James J. Saccacio, chief executive officer of RealtyTrac. “One difference, however, is that the increases were more tilted toward the final stage of foreclosure, with REOs increasing 9 percent on a quarterly basis in the first quarter of 2010 compared to a 13 percent quarterly decrease in REOs in the first quarter of 2009.

This subtle shift in the numbers pushed REOs to the highest quarterly total we’ve ever seen in our report and may be further evidence that lenders are starting to make a dent in the backlog of distressed inventory that has built up over the last year as foreclosure prevention programs and processing delays slowed down the normal foreclosure timeline.”
More Here..


514,742 in the week ending April 10
414,657 in the week ending April 3
404,869 in the week ending March 27
405,557 in the week ending March 20
432,166 in the week ending March 13
460,287 in the week ending March 6………
471,720 in the week ending Feb. 27………
452,468 in the week ending Feb. 20……… 
Stats Here..


  1. Who's on Dancing with the stars tonight?


  2. One of the largest Heat and Air Conditioning companies in this area went under the first of April. This company had been highly successful since 1990, they started with two guys and two trucks. In the 2000's they rode the housing bubble all the way up to 2008 with a panic to keep up with the sales and jobs they had, and in many cases had to turn down a lot of calls. Like so many US home buyers, they began to think there was unlimited money to expand. They went on to build a big (really big) shop, a new office building, and got up to about twenty trucks and trailers. They had about 45 to 50 employees.
    I depended on them to supply new Heat and Air units for my apartment complexes, and to service the units. Needing them on Monday, I phoned to find out their number(s) have been suspended. I phoned the owner at home, no answer. I drove to the office and shop to find it totally shut down and closed and locked up and all of their vehicles ricked up in the parking lot, locked tight and parked bumper to bumper. Well, it seems they are bankrupt and in receivership at this time.
    This was a company who did great and honest work for a reasonable price, and was extremely dependable and successful (during the so called "created" boom). It took from Sep 08 (if you like that date as a marker) until this year, for them to sink. Whereby their monthly income fell too far below their monthly expenses for them to remain in business. In a sense, they are "foreclosed". I wonder where the 45 or 50 people who worked there will go? What will happen to the twenty trucks and trailers? The buildings? An auction by the lenders? I wonder how the owners felt when the banks finally said "No more loans, you can't pay what you owe us now".
    My point: Here is just a no-name example of what has happened all across the USA. Be it a business or a home owner in foreclosure.
    Really getting scary, huh?

  3. Yes you are right - this sorry news should pump the phony stock market to new highs. Why stop the manipulation now?

  4. I wouldn't own stocks, but they are better than having money in a bank, ie, CDs, cash savings, checking.

    It will be easier for TPTB to wipe out your savings than stocks. Savings, Cash = debt. Stocks = equity in something real, albeit that amount may be minute.

    The best place to be monetary-wise is Gold/Silver, but stocks are better than digits in a bank.

  5. The numbers you give are even higher than what National Public Radio reported this week. They said there were about 200,000 foreclosures a month, which would add up to about 2.5 million houses foreclosed on in one year. Your numbers would be about 6 million. I think 5 million were foreclosed on previously, but it's hard to know real numbers since the banks are hiding as much as they can. That means the unemployment/underemployment numbers are also much worse than reported.

  6. OT

    Soros claiming that Gold is the ultimate bubble and then doubling his position in Gold over the last two months - priceless!! LOL

    These assholes have no shame.

    Unfortunately, if you want to know what to do, follow these scumbags. Not what they are saying, but what they are DOING. They know exactly what to do.

    The IMF tried to scare people out of gold by announcing (their intention) to sell tonnes of gold. It only made a 1% dent. LOL!

    As said before, the Oligarchs don't want even the 2% here to own physical gold, so they are pulling out all the stops to scare you back into the flock of sheep grasping fiat currency.

    Just more reasons to buy SILVER and GOLD.

    The silver bullet to these blood suckers.

  7. Where can I view the unadjusted numbers from the source?

  8. Could you please post the source for this????

  9. I hope it sorta lasts for awhile more...Seriously the minute the gig is up everything crashes...We all KNOW it's bullshit #'s and fake stock prices but at this point it's just a matter of trying to get as much as we can before it all comes to a halt.

    I was talking to a friend about just buying a semitruck cabin of liquor and cigarettes as barter tools...How fucking sureal is that?

    He kept pushing coffee...So we agreed on coffee/rice/beans/cigs/22's and liqour...Hahaha man it is the end of times people.

  10. Wow! A 1/2 million jobs being lost per week. The name of this blog should be "WE ARE IN A DEPRESSION" instead of "THE COMING DEPRESSION". I feel so bad for all of the families w/o work. I thank God everyday for the job I have. I pray for my countrymen and the president that he might take off his blinders and do the things that reward producers and not punish them.

  11. My thoughts have been on a long way down before the crash.

    However, with the way info and misinfo is going, we may still have so more time.

    However, my view of when the TSHTF has changed, esp. since we are in LALA land!

    I think when this kettle finally blows, it will go all at once.

    My point is we are at the event horizon and beyond. When some young 20-something hotshot hits the wrong sell button at the wrong (right) time, all Hell is going to break loose in the markets.

    The questions that need to be asked at this point are:

    1. When will this happen? We don't know
    2. Do you have gold/silver in physical possession?
    3. Do you have any debt? Better not, everyone is going to collect every last penny from everyone else.
    4. Do you have food and water stocked up?

    Believe me, this crash may still not happen for 5 years (we'll be lucky to make it, I know), but the moment it begins, it will be a force that the world has never seen.

    Everything everone has worked for will unwind like nothing anyone has ever seen.

    As for trying to make money off it, fugghedddaboutit! All be the tiniest fraction of the wealthiest people will have anything left and good luck collecting from a zombified eCONomic system.

    To sum up, my view is that when the moment hits, it will go up faster than anything we have ever seen.

    ARE YOU READY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Buy silver, gold & other metals and keep in your possession. And seeds and storable food. There will be nothing else when TSHF, as the debt notes will be worthless.

    The crash is coming. BETTER PREPARE NOW!

  13. @2:21 If the President really cared about America, he would immediately cancel the H1B program and deport the existing H1B holders already in this country.

    But we already know nothing will be done about H1Bs since their lobbying groups have already bought out all of the politicians.

  14. The last herring/sardine cannery in the USA is closing tomorrow.
    Due to unreassonable harvest quotas and ever increasing expenses Stinson Seafood is done forever.
    We can now purchase our sardines that are gleefully imported to us from our friends in Thialand and Chile; neither which have any such quotas to deal with & their idea of regulation is " if your boat floats, go catch fish"

    We are so screwed & I am literally sick as I write this.

  15. The Indians say that when the great cleansing of the white man from the land comes, the people will be so hungry that not a bird will be left alive anywhere in America. The people will eat the birds and the snakes and the frogs and the pine trees and then each other.

    The white man is doomed.

    The Indians have all gone back to their reservations for they know the time is at hand.

    The great cleansing is upon America, and upon the whole earth.

  16. “The last herring/sardine cannery in the USA is closing tomorrow.
    Due to unreassonable harvest quotas and ever increasing expenses Stinson Seafood is done forever.”

    It’s a long time since I read it. but JamesA Michener’s fictional historical narrative on “Alaska”where he
    claims the canning industry for salmon was established by imported gangs of Chinese cheap labour .
    Who were mostly deported later , so americans, the new owner of alaska could have the jobs.

    How was the sardine and herring canneries industry established?


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