
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bailout Money Fraudulently Given Away: Now Its Time To Heavily Tax The Public

The United States should consider raising taxes to help bring deficits under control and may need to consider a European-style value-added tax, White House adviser Paul Volcker said on Tuesday.

Volcker, answering a question from the audience at a New York Historical Society event, said the value-added tax "was not as toxic an idea" as it has been in the past and also said a carbon or other energy-related tax may become necessary.

Though he acknowledged that both were still unpopular ideas, he said getting entitlement costs and the U.S. budget deficit under control may require such moves. "If at the end of the day we need to raise taxes, we should raise taxes," he said.
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  1. eventually no one will buy anything, too much tax

  2. 40% of the stimulus $ has been spent. Instead of spending the remaining 60%, why not just use it to pay off debt?

  3. Better hide the silverware people!
    Big Brother is coming for that too.
    After all we really won't have a need for that sort of thing in Barry's new world.
    Who's gonna have the money to buy food?

  4. ive been waiting to run for office
    soon america will be ready
    when president i will arrest all former living presidents for treason
    congress and the senate will have to prove they fought this treason with
    any not being able to prove it will see hard labour
    the bankers will be arretsed and put in fema camps
    america will cease all foregien wars and entanglements
    people like warren buffet bill gates will be prosecuted for treason
    america you will one day be ready
    because they have only started and we will beg for justice

  5. Sure Tax them to the hilt, they're not paying enough of their fair share. There should be a toilet tax, a breathing tax, and an eating tax. I think we should also consider a walking tax, a talking tax, and a campfire story tax.

    The tax and spend liberals are predictable to the last tax. Thank you sir can they have another..

    Nothing to see here folks..

  6. Plain fact is that there has been no recovery, just leveraging our futures to save idiots on wall street and stimulus dollars that produced nothing of value other than short term payrolls. Now fed and Obama are between rock and hard place...can't place more debt, and can't cut spending or short we are really quite done (although most of the World economies are similiary screwed other that Brazil and India who allow the poor to stay poor without gov. handouts). China is an anomaly...pure capitalists in clothes of communists with a population of impoverished. If I had more guts would sell all my munis for gold...only have about 15% of assets in gold in my safe hands...

  7. The guy above talks like the last messiah promised to end the wars and change everyhing with the power of a vote.
    Ah ,Volcker there is another real all american hero in the Greenspan Goldman Sach mold .
    A true statesman that towers above narrow party interests.
    Able to work in the interest of capital with any party Dems or Repugnants.
    Regan to Obama.
    He understands the bottom line of economic crisis .
    A true knife wielding surgeon of the science of economic austerity.
    More wealth must be transferred to the rich and their losses socialised and their profitability restored.
    Free money to the rich and the bailouts must continue be made to save the system at any cost to the people.
    The bailout must proceed as a permanent fixture of the corporate state.
    What matter a few more taxes on the peons.
    The system must survive.
    Keep those interest rates low ,do whatever printing is required , the taxpayers can be screwed later for the cost .
    Such bravery! What a guy! Yes we can!
    long live the financial coup!
    Long live Free Money,the carry trade in dollars and the American taxpayer!

  8. Novus



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