
Thursday, April 8, 2010

We Are All On The Verge Of Bankruptcy

Your purchasing power is less and less with every passing day, changes coming to currencies, no end to corruption in government, Wall Street, and banking, US states on the verge of bankruptcy, economic and financial zombies on the old continent, globalization has brought us to the brink of collapse, Interest rate volatility to come soon, US debt far over GDP, property abandoned.
Almost every day in almost any currency your purchasing power in terms of gold is less and less. Thus, these currencies in which you save the fruits of your labor are cheating you out of your savings.
The US dollar is particularly vulnerable because of its staggering debt even though it is the world reserve currency. In fact the debt is so onerous that we believe the quality rating of the dollar could be lowered by the end of the year. Many other currencies face the same dilemma and in the final analysis only gold will be worth what it is today or in the future.
Unless the US government expropriates Americans’ retirement plans they won’t be able to fund their sovereign debt. This situation is exacerbated by continued fiscal deficits of some $1.8 trillion. The administration and the Democratic Party are bound and determined to destroy America financially. Between government, Wall Street and banking America is being destroyed. This did not just happen that way; it was planned that way. When people discover what has been done to them there will probably be a revolution.
Government spends excessively, as free trade and globalization keeps America under a staggering load of unemployment in what has become a corporatist fascist nation controlled by Wall Street and banking and run by Marxists, who for years have operated in the shadows as bureaucrats.
Many American states are on the edge of bankruptcy. Their only hope is massive layoffs and reduced services adding to the already massive unemployment that plagues our nation. The situation is close presently to resembling the 1930s and that is after trillions of dollars created out of thin air permeated the economy. Worse yet, nothing has been done deliberately to solve the problems. One might think the antics of government; banking and Wall Street were deliberate-unfortunately they are. It won’t be long before everything will be nationalized and corporatist fascism will be in full flower.

More Here..


  1. Nothing is being done to solve these problems because barry is too busy shoving universaL health care down our throats and dity bopping
    all over the globe preaching how bad the citizenry of the USA is and how we've built too
    many nukes and should now disarm and show the world we love them - you to Iran. Meanwhile the real unemployment number is approaching 20%
    and 3/4 of our states are broke - doesn't bother him - Air force One flies for free.

  2. Fascism , as with Mussolini or Hitler provides the ideological framework for the corporate state it always has its “Left” wing anti- communist Social democrat “ socialists” and liberal justifiers for class collaboration with a “concern” for the “workers” .
    Really The privileged labour aristocracy and their tame unions.
    A payoff bribe such as a promised provision of delivering healthcare or keeping up pension benefits for the unionised orkers , ‘Socialism” in return for the”left” agreeing to close their eyes to the other side of the programme of imperialism such as war expansion or bailouts to the rich .
    To pretend that the supporters of Corporate state fascism ,‘socialism” and bribes for the middle class within the politicians ranks (for example Pelosi or Obama ) or in the states bureaucracy ranks are secret Marxist agents infiltrating the system and its bureaucracy is nonsense .
    They are simply the careerist left wing of fascism organising the corporate state for capitalism ."Scapegoats" employed for
    leading the sheeple to the slaughter
    And have nothing in common with Marxists.

  3. Believing his free toast giveaway would save his business the restaurant owner ordered a new 12 slice toaster to speed things up.
    When the toaster arrived the owner excitedly loaded in a dozen slices of bread but was interrupted when he got called away to unload a delivery at the back door.
    Then suddenly he remembered the toast and ran to the kitchen but he was too late... the toast had popped and a cloud of thick smoke filled the air.
    "Now what are you gonna do" a waitress muttered
    "Not to worry" the owner replied as he reached for the phone and called the White House.
    "hello Barry... you're pictures are ready"

  4. If you think that the Democrats and Obama are to blame for this and the Republicans and Bush are innocent of anything less than 50% of the cause, you are dumber than toast.

    When are you people going to get a clue? BOTH parties have screwed us! The financial elite own and control BOTH parties. It's a cockfight for your entertainment so you don't go after the real baddies who set it up! Get a clue and wake up.

  5. As far as I can tell, the Republican party has not served stated republican interests, which would be Republic-centric, in other words, trade protectionism in the interest of the republic.

    Obviously, it was in the best interests of both the Democratic and Republican parties to make choices that would protect the Democratic-Republic of America from destruction.

    Seems they've failed, and truthfully, they did it together. They can raise a cross party toast of congratulations to themselves that they've succesfully joined forces to bankrupt America.

  6. I can't get the link to work so I can't read the entire posting. However, the line about being "run by Marxists" is ridiculous. If this country was Socialist, then the average American would be better off in many ways, including having free national health care. If you're going to rant against the elites, at least name them correctly.

    Both parties are scum and we need to throw out many incumbents. But it would help if more people actually read books by investigative journalists instead of believing whatever Rush tells you.

  7. Along with 99% of DC we need to get rid of about 75$ of the television network anchors and those that halve all these bull shit programs

  8. While we are throwing the politicians, and reporters out think on this. Start lifting your voices to free those who are held in these 'secret underground bases' across this nation and the nations of the world. Suffering atrocities and torture all with the knowledge of the government. I know it is true as I was once one of them. There are children, women and men taken and held there. Think on it as you sit across the table looking into the faces of your children tonight. We are not nor have we ever been the only ones and those speaking from the pulpits are deceived the most. Our Creator spoke of it why don't they? Never ever let them take our right to bear arms away, when they do we will have no defense against man or beast.


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