Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Con Just Keeps Going

Tier 5 Unemployment Benefits Extension 2010 – A Desired Lifeline for Long Term Unemployed.  The Tier 5 benefits extension has yet to be passed, as a political game of back and forth in Washington has ensued.  Not only are citizens concerned about the future of their families during this tough time, but many are at the end of their ropes.
The Tier 5 benefits extension wouldn’t be such a big deal if Washington wasn’t spending so much money on other programs.  For instance, we just had a trillion dollar overhaul in the health care system and that money could have been used to help the bread and butter of American lives.
The Republicans won’t sign off on a bill unless it’s funded. Democrats point fingers at Republicans for holding the bill up.  Republicans reply back that if the Democrats hadn’t spent so much money already on other programs then they wouldn’t have a problem with passing a bill.
To make matters worse, the Continuing Benefits Act of 2010 was signed by President Obama, and it claims to extend benefits for 2 months. Many were excited until the fine print was read – the extension is only for those who still have benefits remaining under tiers 1-4.  It does nothing for those who have exhausted benefits.
So now we have hard working Americans that once helped pay into the system losing their homes, dignities, and families. These aren’t people who don’t want to work. These aren’t people who lived off the system all their lives.  These are honest people who lived modestly and within their means.  These are people who have made wise decisions and paid their taxes. 


  1. And Greece is even worse than first thought.


  2. What makes any of you think that jobs will come back for the people losing their jobs now?
    What makes anybody think there will be some kind of economic recovery from this greater depression?

    I'm all ears.

  3. You have to love Goldman Sachs. Boasting their 3.3 billion profit right in the middle of the 'scandal.'

  4. The Oligarch bankers that run our government have gotten a lot more bold in recent years. Unfortunately, that means they will have no pause in selling another false flag like 9/11. It won't make a difference how slopping it is this time around.

    They simply know they have all the power now and the sheeple will never awaken. Those that do awaken will do nothing. They will go along to get along.

  5. Lost my job due to a large amount of layoffs at my former employer 10 months ago, sent out 618 resumes but no luck yet. Will be homeless in 4-5 months unless I find a job by then.

    This is the new reality for many hard working Americans.

  6. What Jesus Freak said...

    What will a few more months do? It will simply make the USA more broke. The USA is desperate. We need to lift the taxes and repeal all the restrictive laws, let us return to freedom. Oh? Wow! Thats whats happening. The Restore America Plan has been stripped. We are not a constitutional republic once again. It will take a few months to take effect and for the abuse and rape to stop. Those of you at the end of your rope: TIE A KNOT! We'll haul you up as soon as we can get a grip!!!

    I know it looks hopeless, but, its not. The Powers That Were want to you think its hopeless so you'll rely on them and their systems to survive. Please, just hang on.


  7. 2:43 you sound like the last guy out in a stock scam. Its not going down, it will come back, its only temporary, wait until tomorrow, the insiders will be buying, you'll see, big news coming, look at last years charts..and the rest of the mumbo jumbo garbage..

  8. maybe these folks will start looking for real answer and real leaders that will offer them. DC handouts should only be used in concert with a true recovery plan. All of them should know the end of the line is coming. Very soon.

  9. People expectations for their lives are unrealistic. If you have been out of work for more than a few months you had better expand your search, nationally. don'r wait downsize and sell stuff off. I have lived in the same house 10+ years, 2 people in every bedroom, drive 9 year old cars and vacation by car. I don't have a lot of sympathy. We all have to live with our decisions. Some people got ahead of themselves, they should adjust.

  10. We have downsized as much as we can. Sold everything. We have moved 500 mile to relocate.
    Watching it all dwindle so some fat cat on Wall Street can have another sports car. It's too bad for them there are no highways in HELL !!!!!

  11. 7:03 "It's too bad for them there are no highways in HELL !!!!!"

    AC.DC would not exactly concur.

  12. If it makes the weak believe that there is some afterlife payback for the bankers so be it, but there is not. They get the high life now; with no price to pay later. They are above the law; they are your masters and owners.

    The first step is to realize that you are an economic slave. A hard step for most. Tell the average person that they work 1.5 days a week for a slave master and get a blank stare.

    They believe wholehearted that the IRS and Fed are legit.

  13. 11:54 actually AC/DCs song is "Highway TO Hell" not highway IN Hell.

    They can't bring their toys with them when they DIE DIE DIE !!!!!!!!

  14. Bon Scott sang Highway to Hell, AC/DC's first big hit then he died in an industrial sheet folding machine accident. They replaced him with Tom Jones, and then AC/DC had a huge hit with the follow up Hells Bells:

    I'm rolling thunder, pouring rain
    I'm coming on like a hurricane
    My lightning's flashing across the sky
    You're only young but you're gonna die
    I won't take no prisoners won't spare no lives
    Nobody's putting up a fight
    I got my bell I'm gonna take you to hell
    I'm gonna get ya, satan get ya

    Hells bells
    Hells bells, you got me ringing
    Hells bells, my temperature's high
    Hells bells

    I'll give you black sensations up and down your spine
    If you're into evil, you're a friend of mine
    See the white light flashing as I split the night
    Cos if good's on the left then I'm sticking to the right
    I won't take no prisoners won't spare no lives
    Nobody's puttin' up a fight
    I got my bell I'm gonna take you to hell
    I'm gonna get ya satan get ya

    Hells bells
    Hells bells, you got me ringing
    Hells bells, my temperature's high
    Hells bells

    Hells bells, satan's coming to you
    Hells bells, he's ringing them now
    Those hells bells, the temperature's high
    Hells bells, across the sky
    Hells bells, they're taking you down
    Hells bells, they're dragging you down
    Hells bells, gonna split the night
    Hells bells, there's no way to fight
    Hells bells!


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